Chapter 8

I had spent the rest of the day watching Netflix and getting on social media.

I hadn't heard anything else from Romeo, but I think he was embarrassed.

My laptop started to ring, I was getting a Skype call.

"Hey Sophia!" I said as I waved to the camera to my sister.

"Hey Phoebe! How's London?" She asked.

"Great!" I said, with a smirk.

"Are you dating Romeo yet?" She asked, with a huge smile on her face.

"Sophia! Could you keep your voice down his bedroom is right next door!" I said whispering to the camera.

"Ooh!" Sophia said.

I laughed.

Then Victoria called us down for dinner.

"Have to go, talk to you later?" I said as I was about to end the Skype call.

"Sure! Love you!" Sophia said as she waved goodbye.

"Love you too, and tell mom and dad I love them!" I said as I ended the call.

I ran downstairs and bumped into Romeo.

"Oh sorry!" I said as I walked around him.

"No big deal Phoebs!" He said as he looked at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Why did he call me 'Phoebs'?

"We're friends right? So I can call you Phoebs?" He said as he looked at me.

"Um, yeah of course. I mean since we are friends!" I said.

He laughed.

"Cool!" He said as he smiled and walked away.

I so blew that. Whatever it was, I blew it.

I walked into the kitchen and got some food. I was actually kind of hungry, so I was happy that dinner was done.

"Not so fast, Brooklyn." I heard Victoria say. "We want to talk to all of you!" She said, with a smile on her face.

I sat down at the table next to Cruz and Harper, across from Romeo.

"So tomorrow is the Teen Choice Awards, i would appreciate it if all of you came with me." David said, smiling.

"What about mum?" Cruz asked, looking at his mom.

"She is taking Harper to ballet. Then going to work." David said.

"Are you coming, Phoebe?" Romeo asked.

"Um, I don't know." I said looking up from my plate.

"You should come. It's a lot of fun!" Brooklyn said, looking at me.

I smiled at him.

"I really want you there with me!" David said, smiling.

I would think about it. I really have never been to an award show, so it would be my first time going to one. I guess I should go. I had to think about it.

"I guess maybe." I said smiling.

They all cheered.

We all ate our food, making small talk and stuff. When we were finished I went back up to my room and showered.

There was another knock on my door, but it was Victoria.

"Tomorrow we can go shopping for a dress!" She said smiling.

"Sounds good!" I said as I smiled back.

She shut the door and I braided my hair. Then I decided to text Sophia.

"Going to TCA's, jealous?" And I sent it.

About 2 minutes after i sent it she Skyped me.

She was yelling in happiness.

"No way! OMG! Phoebe you are so lucky!" She said, well practically screamed to me.

"I know!" I said.

We talked about what it would be like, and laughed, and shared our little long-distance sister moments.

It was 12:30 when I finished talking to her and I was really tired. I decided to go, and quickly drifted off to sleep.
