Chapter 26

It was 6:50. I had 10 minutes of freedom. Before I knew it, I would probably be locked up in a prison jail cell.

And knowing my luck I would be stuck sharing a cell with someone scary that would beat me up.

"Are we sure, that we should do this?" I asked. Standing in the dark alley.

We were waiting for Romeo.

It was already dark in London, so nobody would see us.

"I'm sure. Okay, I have to." Brittany said.

"Why exactly are you doing this again? You never told me!" I asked. I was really scared.

"Because. My mom sent me with $400 dollars for training camp. And need new shoes by tomorrow morning and this morning when I came to get the money, it was locked." Brittany said, looking around.

"Nobody can see us, and why did you leave all your money in your locker? That's stupid!" I said, surprised at my cousins reason. "I thought you needed to like sneak into someone's office."

We all started laughing.

"Okay where is this kid it's 6:59." She said, looking at her bright phone screen.

We were standing in front of the academy.

Then a cop car came flying up.

"Oh my god." I said as I looked at the two girls.

"What do we do?" Talia asked.

We all looked at each other.

"RUN!" Brittany yelled.

We were about to run when the cop yelled at us.

"DONT MOVE!" The cop yelled.
