Chapter 23

I had no coat to put over my skin tight red dress. The one I had my first kiss in.

Me and Romeo walked out of the building. Paparazzi were everywhere!

They were flooding us with questions, and taking billions of pictures.

"Are you two dating?"

"Have you two kissed yet?"

"Are you planning on making it public?"

They were the nosiest questions ever. They thought we were actually a couple.

I didn't even realize that Romeo had his hand on my lower back as he was walking a little bit behind me through the crowd.

"It's cold." I said to him as he started to walk right next to me.

We were almost to our car.

"Take my coat." He said as he took his dress coat off and put it over my arms.

"Thanks." I said as I continued to walk to the car.

We finally made it through the huge crowd. We got in the car, and our driver drove away.

We made it to Victoria's store and she ran out to us.

"Oh darling you look great!" She said to me as she got into the car.

"Thank you." Romeo said.

"I was actually talking to Phoebe... But you also look very handsome, Romeo!" Victoria said, smiling at him.

My face got red... It was weird.

It was an awkward ride back to the Beckham's house, but I just looked out the window and got on my phone.

When we finally got back, I walked up to my room.

I forgot that I still had Romeo's coat on. I took it off and walked to his door.

I knocked, and waited.

He finally opened the door.

"I forgot to give this back to you." I said as I held out the jacket.

"Oh thanks." He said grabbing it.

"No problem." I said, feeling very awkward.

I turned around to walk away.

"Hey Phoebe..." I heard Romeo say from behind me.

"Was that your first kiss?" He asked me.

"What? No!" I lied.

"Oh, well believe it or not, it was mine." He said, looking at the ground.

"No way!" I said, giggling.

"Make fun of me, all you want." He said.

"It was my first kiss too." I blurted out.

He looked up from the ground.

He smiled.

Then he walked closer to me.

"Here's your second kiss." He said as he kissed me.

About 5 seconds later we where interrupted by the sound of the elevator dinging.

We pulled apart.

Cruz walked out and looked at us.

"So yeah, that's why Sophia is no longer aloud to use the oven... Or dishwasher." I said, trying to make up something, just so Cruz wouldn't think something was up.

Romeo used a fake laugh. Then smirked. I waved goodbye as I walked in my room.

Oh my god. I actually kissed Romeo Beckham. Twice. Should I tell Sophia? Or keep it a secret?
