Chapter 3

We went out to eat, then we went back to my aunts house.

"Aunt Kay I got a modeling gig with Victoria Beckham!" I yelled as I got into the house.

"That's great honey." She said. She was still in her pajamas and she looked so tired, and depressed.

"Aunt Kay, are you okay?" I asked, I was worried.

"Yes honey. I'm fine." She said as she walked back to her bedroom.

"I love you!" I responded.

"Love you too baby." She said giving me a weak smile, and weak hug.

Me and Sophia walked upstairs and put on our pajamas. Then I walked into Sophia's room.

"Hey Soph..." I said. I think she could tell I was upset.

"What is it Phoebs?" She asked.

"Aunt Kay... Is she okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Well she said she is." Sophia said looking up from her phone.

"But is she... Really okay?" I asked her.

"I don't know Phoebs..." She said grabbing my hand. " but I'm sure she probably is, now go to sleep." She said as she let go of my hand.

I turned around and looked at her.

"I love you, S." I said smiling at her.

"I love you too, P." she said smiling, "everything will be okay, I promise!"

"I know it will!" I said as I walked out.

I went to my room and snuggled into my warm, queen sized bed. Then I shut the light off, and drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night I was awaken by a gun shot in my aunts house.

I ran into Sophia's room.

"I HEARD A GUN SHOT!" I yelled running into her arms.

"Shh shh I'm here I promise!" She said as she locked the door and shoved a door under the door nob.

"What about aunt Kay?" I asked as she held me.

"She will be okay, she is an adult." She said.

We called 911, and told them we heard a gun shot. I was crying, I hoped my aunt was okay.

The cops came and they said me and Sophia were safe to come out.

They said that the gun shot was from my aunt. They say she shot herself in the head from depression.

I cried so hard as they rushed us to the hospital. My tears were uncontrollable. Me and Sophia could have stopped her. Me and Sophia should have stopped her.

"We are idiots!" I snapped.

"Don't say that, it's not our fault!" Sophia said, she was crying really hard, too.

"Your parents are on their way." The doctor said.

"It's okay, Phoebe. It really is. It's hard right how, but we will get through it. Together." She said while she grabbed my hand.

"Did she kill herself... Because of us?" I asked, I was sure that it was.

"Don't over think Phoebe, it was because of depression." She said looking in the eyes.

I looked back at her.

"You got moms eyes." She said smiling at me.

"Thanks." I said as I put my head on her shoulder.
