Chapter 19

Two people screamed.

"Of course the two girls in the house scream." Romeo said joking.

"Um, I didn't scream..." I said, confused.

"Then who the hell was the other girl screaming?" Brooklyn asked.

"What if Valerie came back?" I laughed.

"Okay so who was the other person who screamed like a girl?" Romeo asked.

"Me." Cruz said really quietly.

We all laughed so hard. He had screamed in such a high pitch voice!

"We are still in the dark." Harper said.

"Me, Romeo, and Cruz will go get the flash lights." Brooklyn said as he stood up.

It was so dark, like i couldn't see.

Lightning struck, and Harper started to cry. I moved over to the couch she was on.

I hugged her.

"It's okay!" I said as I kissed her on the head.

I felt so bad. The poor little girl was crying and it was sad. I really don't know exactly what to do.

I was hoping the boys would hurry up, because I knew they would know what to do.

After about 5 minutes the boys came up with 5 flashlights. They handed one to me and one to Harper so we all had a flash light.

"Thanks." I said as grabbed mine out of Romeo's hand and clicked it so it would turn on.

It was so bright, since I had been sitting in the dark for 10 minutes.

"So what do we do now?" Cruz asked.

"What do we eat for dinner?" Harper sniffled.

"I don't know." Brooklyn said. "We can't go anywhere, because of the storm, and we can't exactly cook anything since we don't have power so..."

They all looked at me.

They looked at me like I was suppose to know what to do. But honestly, I don't know how to cook... Well maybe some things... But I had no idea what to do.

My phone lit up because I got a text from Sophia.

Everyone looked at me.

"Sorry." I said as I opened the text message.

The text said, "what's up in London?"

I typed back "we just lost power at the Beckham's." And sent it.

Everyone looked at me.

"Who are you texting Phoebe? Your Boyfriend?" Cruz joked.

"No. My sister." I laughed.

"Okay this is so boring." Romeo said as he got on his phone.

"I'm heading up to my room." I announced as I stood up.

"We lost power, it will be really dark." Romeo said as if I didn't know it would be dark.

"I'm 15, and I have a flashlight." I said smirking, even though they probably couldn't see my smirk since it was dark.

I went into my room with my flash light. I sat down at the end of my bed and got on twitter, then I layed down and got on Instagram just because I was bored.

Then I decided to go to sleep, I may not have had anything for dinner, but I was kind of tired.

Right when I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard screaming from down the hall. Screaming for help.
