Chapter 1


Everyone is 3 years older so:

Romeo: 15

Brooklyn: 18

Cruz: 12

Harper: 6


"We will miss you!" My mom said, giving me and my older sister Sophia a kiss.

"It's only for the summer, mom!" Sophia said, wiping her face from my moms kiss.

Sophia is my older sister. She is beautiful, and hilarious. She has brown hair, and she is 19 years old.

"Have fun okay!" My dad said, hugging me.

"I will, promise." I said smiling.

I was going to London with my older sister Sophia. We were going to live with my aunt Kay. She had just lost her husband to a heart attack, and she was lonely. My mom says she is a little depressed.

I was going to London for the summer so I could model. I did model in New York, but my manager said she wanted me to model in London, for at least the summer.

I grabbed my bags an put them in the back of my parents car. Then Sophia put her bags in the car.

"Ready to go?" My dad asked, getting in the car.

"I was born ready!" I said, being confident.

"No, you were born screaming and crying and it gave my 4 year old self a headache!" Sophia snapped, joking around.

We all laughed.

We then started to drive to the airport in New York. I was so excited to go to London. I have never been there before!

It took about an hour to get to the airport, but I was too excited to sleep. When we got there, me and Sophia got out and grabbed our bags, then we went into the big airport.

We walked to our plane and right before we got on I decided to say my goodbye's again.

"I love you both!" I said as I hugged both of them.

My mom started to cry.

"It's just for 4 months mom!" I said, trying to calm her down.

"4 months without my babies!" She said crying.

"First off I'm not a baby, second, you are really embarrassing me!" Sophia said, she made me laugh.

I waved goodbye, and like that me and Sophia got on our plane. We sat in the middle of the plane, and I sat by the window, which made Sophia very angry because she had to sit by an old guy that snored and ate an unhealthy amount of potato chips.

After reading a bunch of fashion magazines, getting on Instagram and twitter, listening to music, reading my book, and sleeping, we finally made it to London.

"Wake up, Phoebs!" Sophia said shaking me.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I said. She continued to shake me. "You can stop shaking me now!" I said looking at her. She stopped.

We got up and got off the plane.

We then went to grab our bags. There were a bunch of paparazzi. And they were taking pictures of me. I have no idea why.

"Um, Phoebe?" Sophia whispered in my ear. "Why are these people all taking pictures of you?" She asked.

"I have no idea!" I said, it was very weird.

Then they started asking my questions.

"Are you excited to model?"

"We heard you are moving to London, are you?"

"Are you going to model for 'Victoria Beckham'?"

"Who is your body guard?"

I was literally bombarded with questions.

Me and Sophia just kept walking. Until we found my aunt Kay.

"Hi!" I said as I hugged her.

"Hello darlings, welcome to London!" My aunt Kay said, she was actually smiling.

"Thanks!" I said.

"Why don't you go grab your bags?!" She said smiling at me.

"Okay." Sophia said as we turned around and walked to get our bags.

Another group of paparazzi were coming towards us, except they were taking photos of another group of people.

The family that was getting their pictures taken were walking towards us.

"Oh my god that's the Beckham's!" Sophia said to me.

"Okay..." I said looking at her, holding the 'O'.

The family walked up and started to grab their bags. The one boy had a cup of coffee in his hand, he looked about my age.

Sophia grabbed her bags and walked away. I grabbed mine, then the boy with the cup of coffee was hit by his younger brother, and he spilled his coffee all over my jean shorts.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" He said looking at me.

"It's fine." I said, irritated.

"Let me pay for them!" He said pulling out a $100 bill and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I said looking at him. I was going to tell him that these shorts only costed $25 at 'Forever 21' but I decided not to.

I turned and saw Sophia. She started laughing.

"Go ahead, say it!" I said.

"Say what?" She asked.

"Oh my gosh Phoebe did you pee?!" I said mocking what she would have said.

"Oh phoebe sweetie..." She said grabbing my hand. "It doesn't look like you peed, it looks like you had diarrhea!" She said laughing.

I gave her a dirty look.

"C'mon lets go, aunt Kay is waiting!" She said as I held my bag in front of my shorts so nobody could take pictures of my ruined shorts.

Only been in London for about 10 minutes and I'm already in a bad mood... Great.
