29: say yes.

"what do you mean he's acting funny?" seungkwan huffed as he attempted to balance his phone between his shoulder and ear as he carried some dishes to the sink.

"i'm telling you, it's suspicious," jeonghan insisted. "seungwon, yes you're such a strong boy but put your brother down- seunghyun! give the lipstick to mommy..."

seungkwan chuckled as he could just tell jeonghan was home alone with his four children again. it seemed like every day was a new challenge but some things about the three choi boys just didn't change.

"sweetie, i'm certain."

"jeonghan, he's my boyfriend," seungkwan reasoned. "i would know if he's acting shady. and please, hansol can't keep a secret to save his life."

"seungcheol, clean seunghyun's face, please. seungkwan, i'm never wrong, you know."

seungkwan scoffed. sounded like jeonghan wasn't alone with the kids, after all.

"jeonghan, you still think i'm having a boy," seungkwan deadpanned.

"you are having a boy, sweetie," jeonghan replied.

seungkwan rolled his eyes. "whatever. anyway, i'm telling you - hansol is not acting suspicious."

"alright," jeonghan agreed, though he still thought he was right. "talk soon, sweetie."

"bye, han."

seungkwan hung up and placed his phone on the counter with a sigh. he looked at all the dishes that had piled up and sighed again. he should have washed some last night-

"hey, boo," hansol mumbled sleepily, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"hey, sollie," seungkwan replied, lacing his fingers with hansol's. "hungry for breakfast?"

"hungry for something," he responded, pressing a kiss to seungkwan's neck.

seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"how's our little chwe doing today, hm?" hansol asked, resting his chin on seungkwan's shoulder and rubbing the baby bump. "any kicking?"

"not since last night," seungkwan told him, turning his head to kiss hansol's cheek. "must be sleeping."

"i can't wait to meet her," hansol mumbled into seungkwan's shoulder, hands gently stroking his boyfriend's rounded tummy. "nearly there, now."

seungkwan smiled. "past the six-month mark, now, at least."

"i'm so excited," hansol laughed, turning seungkwan in his arms to face him. "i love you so much," he said, before kissing him.


"i love sundays," seungkwan sighed as he sat comfortably outside a cafe in the sun.

"why?" wonwoo asked with curiosity.

"because i don't have to do anything," seungkwan explained. "sundays are so relaxing."

wonwoo chuckled, rubbing his belly. "if you say so."

"i do say so," seungkwan joked. "this is so nice," he said, looking around at the trees that were covered in green leaves. he pulled his pink sweater sleeves over his hands and rested them on his baby bump.

"you seem happy," wonwoo observed with a slight smile.

"i am," seungkwan said with a grin. "everything is perfect."

wonwoo nodded, running his hand over the knitted material of his sweater. "things are good."

"yeah," seungkwan agreed. "how's mingyu?"

wonwoo grinned. "he's okay. bit tired from working night shifts at the moment. can't seem to schedule his way around that right now."

"annoying," he replied, shaking his head. "how come?"

"lee jihoon already booked the available day shifts because, i quote, he 'wants to spend his nights at home with his boyfriend'," wonwoo scoffed. "i mean, whatever, but he could at least work one night shift. i'm fucking married!"

seungkwan burst out laughing. "god, i should have recorded that and sent it to mingyu."

"god, no," wonwoo huffed. "i know he's already annoyed enough about it, what with me being pregnant and such."

"hey, at least he'll get time off when the baby arrives," seungkwan pointed out. "i'm going to need all the help i can get from hansol, anyway."

wonwoo smiled. "jeonghan will help, i'm sure. and i'll do what i can," he told him, "as long as it doesn't involve walking."

seungkwan grinned. "thanks, wonwoo," he said, "you'll be almost due by the point. ah, i can't wait. i never thought this day would arrive, to be honest."

wonwoo shrugged, absently stroking his tummy. "hansol didn't know he wanted a kid, but what happens, happens."

seungkwan nodded. he impulsively grabbed wonwoo's hand and squeezed it. "you'll be a great mommy," he assured him.

"you will, too," wonwoo responded, squeezing back.


"sollie?" seungkwan called as he unlocked the door and waddled through, careful not to bump his tummy on the doorframe. "i'm back - i'm guessing you're back from seungcheol's?"

the apartment was silent. seungkwan glanced around the hallway with suspicion.



"jesus," seungkwan whispered, feeling wary. he wandered into the living room where a small red candle was lit. "okay, hansol has gotta be here - a fucking burglar wouldn't light a candle."

there was a note beside the candle on the coffee table. it said, in english, i love you, boo seungkwan.


the pregnant male looked up, tears in his eyes.

"why are you crying?" hansol questioned, going to seungkwan's side and rubbing his arm.

"that was just really sweet," seungkwan laughed through his tears. he wiped his eyes and noticed what hansol was wearing. "that's the sweater you wore on our first date..."

"yeah," hansol said sheepishly. "and... i kind of picked out the same sweater you wore on that day."

"oh my god," seungkwan uttered. "what is this?" he asked with a frown.

hansol grinned at him. "our first date was far from perfect, but i'm so glad that i asked you out, boo seungkwan," he told him, holding both of his hands in his own.

"me, too," seungkwan said, flustered and red-faced.

"i... seungkwan," hansol said, taking a deep breath.

"yes?" he almost whispered.

"i love you. and i swear, i will love you forever. these past years have been the highlight of my life, because i've had you by my side," hansol said, his hands shaking a little in seungkwan's. "and i- i want to spend the rest of my life with you, boo seungkwan."

"hansol," seungkwan said, starting to well up again.

moments and memories flashed before his eyes. the first time they met in high school. their first date, first kiss. when hansol had asked seungkwan to move in with him. their first time together.

"boo seungkwan... will you marry me?"

hansol let go of seungkwan's hands to pull out a ring from his jeans pocket.

shaking, tears running down his face, seungkwan clamped his hands over his mouth as hansol went down on one knee.

"yes, oh my god, yes," seungkwan sobbed, letting hansol slide the silver ring onto the fourth finger of his left hand. the tiny diamond sparkled in the candle light.

hansol let out a shaky sigh as he got to his feet, still holding the hand that bore the ring.

"w-when shall we have the wedding?" seungkwan sniffed.

hansol laughed, feeling like a new man whose worries and burdens no longer existed. "next week?" he suggested.

"next week?" seungkwan repeated, staring at the ring on his finger.

"whenever you want, boo," hansol told him.

"hansol, i love you so much," seungkwan uttered, still a bit in shock.

"i love you more," hansol said, before kissing him.


hey, guys! i didn't expect to update today but it happened

also verkwan as an engaged couple finally happened yay

ideas for the wedding? the wedding will be in the next chapter

i'm starting the chapter countdown since this book will be drawing to a close soon (this doesn't include bonus chapters!)

chapters left: 6

thanks so much for all the support on this book it has been unreal, never imagined i would hit 10k reads on a book, let alone 26k (and counting!!)

thank you all ily

taellipses out x
