35: then there were three.

 hansol flung the door open as soon as seungcheol stopped the car, having cut the meeting short and driven him straight to the hospital. he ran through the building.

"my husband is giving birth," he stammered when he got to the reception desk. "where's chwe seungkwan?"

the receptionist quickly told him where to go, and hansol took off a breakneck speed in search of his husband.

"i need to go where he went, my wife is there," seungcheol said, and was pointed in the same direction. "hansol!"

the younger man was repeatedly hitting the elevator button, getting more and more irate.

"why is this taking so fucking long?" he demanded.

"hey," seungcheol said, laying a hand on his arm. "calm down, hansol. just wait for the elevator, seungkwan is in good hands.'

"i'm taking the stairs-"

"you need to calm down," seungcheol told him, grabbing his arm to stop him from running off. "going in to see seungkwan like that will only stress him out. now, come on."

he pulled him into the elevator and pressed the right button, keeping an arm around hansol's shoulders to try and calm him down a bit.

"i can't believe the baby's coming," hansol muttered, rubbing his eyes. "do you think seungkwan is okay?"

"motherfucker, that fucking- ow!"

"that's seungkwan!" hansol exclaimed as they left the elevator.

"stop, you can't go running in there," seungcheol stopped him, "let's ask someone how he's doing."

"what do you mean, push! do you even know what the fuck you're doing?" seungkwan shrieked.

seungcheol stopped outside the window where he could see jeonghan sitting next to seungkwan, holding his hand. nurses bustled around, meaning seungkwan was hidden from view.

"hey, did hansol arrive yet? oh my god!"

jeonghan almost felt the bones in his hand crack as seungkwan squeezed it tightly.

"he's right outside, sweetie," jeonghan said, spotting the two men and giving seungcheol a strained smile.

"don't let him in here," seungkwan whined, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

"they won't, sweetie," jeonghan said. "you have to get ready to push, okay? remember how i taught you to breathe."

"okay, han," seungkwan said breathlessly, fisting the sheets in his other hand.

"he'll be fine," seungcheol told hansol as they heard seungkwan screaming.

"i want to go to him," hansol stammered, squirming in seungcheol's arms.

"just wait," seungcheol said.

and it was then that hansol could hear the cries of a newborn.

"oh my god," hansol breathed.

"would the father of the child like to come in?" a nurse asked.

"yes," he uttered, standing up and following her into the room.

"hansol," jisoo said with a big grin, "great to see you. meet your daughter."

"daughter?" he echoed, his voice breaking.

a nurse wrapped up a tiny bundle and handed it to seungkwan, who was rosy cheeked and lost for words.

"she's so beautiful," he sobbed. "oh my god, hansol..."

he sat down next to the bed where jeonghan had been, leaning in to look in wonder at the miniscule baby in seungkwan's arms.

"she is," he whispered, carefully reaching out his hand to stroke her head.

the red-faced baby grabbed hansol's ring-finger, holding on tight.

"she's strong like her daddy," seungkwan giggled.

"what's her name?" hansol asked. "i can't believe we have a daughter."

"i know," seungkwan said, his eyes glistening with fresh tears as he held their new daughter gently in his arms. "her name is jasmine. chwe seunghee jasmine."

"that's so pretty," hansol said, wrapping his other arm around seungkwan's shoulders. "you gave her an english name, too?"

"like her daddy," seungkwan mumbled.

"ugh, you're making me cry," hansol laughed, resting his head on seungkwan's shoulder.

"at least she's quietened down," seungkwan said softly, gazing down at the baby. "she's so peaceful."

"in her mother's arms," he replied, kissing seungkwan's cheek.

"i love you so much, chwe hansol vernon."

"i love you, too, chwe boo seungkwan."


"hey," wonwoo said, his voice croaky from having fallen asleep on seungkwan's sofa. he carefully put the sleeping jeonghwa back in her carseat.

"wonwoo, sweetie," jeonghan said, rushing in before the new parents to hug the pregnant male.

"mom!" seungwon yelled, standing up on the sofa.

"seungwon," seungcheol said, picking up the five year old.

"dad, i'm not a baby," he whined.

"your my baby," seungcheol said. "where are your brothers?"

"they are still at uncle seokmin's house," he told him. "uncle gyu picked me up from school and brought me to uncle wonnie. uncle gyu is uncle wonnie's husband, daddy."

"i know, baby," seungcheol said.

"i'm not a baby!"

"no, that's a baby," wonwoo said quietly as hansol walked through the door with tiny jasmine in his arms followed by seungkwan.

"uncle kwannie?" seungwon said, squirming until he was let down by his dad. he ran over to seungkwan who was taking off hansol's huge coat.

"let me sit down, kid," he said, heading over to the sofa where jeonghan helped him sit down. as his birth partner, jeonghan had taken good care of seungkwan afterwards, helping him get cleaned up and in fresh clothes, bringing him food and pampering him. it made the whole experience much better, and seungkwan had profusely thanked his friend many times. "hello, seungwon," he said.

"you had the baby? it's a girl, right?" the small boy asked in a serious tone.

"how come you thought it was a girl?" jeonghan tutted. "i was certain it would be a boy."

"well, you were wrong," hansol sang quietly, approaching seungkwan and passing jasmine over.

"woah, she's tiny! even tinier than my sister!" seungwon whisper-shouted.

"isn't she cute?" seungkwan giggled.

seungwon studied jasmine for a moment before replying, "yes."

"let's go now, baby," said seungcheol trying to pick up his son again.


"seungkwan and hansol are very tired," jeonghan added, "it's time for us to go."

"okay," seungwon said reluctantly, trying to pick up jeonghwa's carseat with her in it.

"i'll take that, son," seungcheol said, picking up his little daughter with ease.

"what's her name?" seungwon asked as he trailed after his parents and sister.

"jasmine," seungkwan replied.

seungwon grinned as jeonghan pulled him out of the door.

"i will visit jasmine soon! she can be friends with jeonghwa!"

"he's adorable," wonwoo chuckled, rubbing his stomach.

"i wonder whether you'll have a boy or a girl," seungkwan said softly.

"i'm just happy we're having a baby," wonwoo mumbled. "mingyu's here. i'll drop by soon with some food," he added. he leaned down to kiss seungkwan's cheek in an uncharacteristic display of affection before leaving the apartment.

"time for bed, i think," hansol said with a yawn.

"put her to sleep in her cot," seungkwan agreed. "she'll be up soon for a feed but i could really use five minutes..." he was yawning as hansol took the baby from him and put her in her little cot in he bedroom.

he then went back for seungkwan and carried him bridal style to bed, tucking him in.

"goodnight, my loves," hansol murmured before turning off the light.

the end.


it's finally over. it feels strange to say that lol

thank you so much for all the love and support on this book

i will thank you all properly after writing some bonus chapters for you  (i'll be picking some from the suggestions you guys gave me) but honestly you guys are amazing i love you so much

until the bonus chapters,

taellipses out x
