03: wrong.

seungkwan was having a great time until he woke up one morning and started puking his guts out.

hansol had let seungkwan sleep in that morning, and left for work early, leaving the blond snuggled in bed for another hour. but seungkwan had woken before his tuesday alarm, rushing to the bathroom as fast as he could.

"what is wrong with me?" he groaned, sinking onto the bathroom floor with his head in his hands. "virus? infection? indigestion?" he tilted his head to one side. "pregnant?"

seungkwan's head shot up.

"no, no, no, no," he uttered, scrambling off the floor and grasping the sides of the sink. "no," he told his reflection, which looked pale and disgruntled. "you are not pregnant. boo seungkwan, you are not pregnant!"

he ran his hands over his stomach searchingly before snatching them away and tugging at his hair.

"don't get hysterical," he whispered, trying to calm himself down. "everything is fine. everything is just fine."

he splashed cold water on his face, watching it drip off his reflection.

"fuck," he muttered, reaching for his toothbrush. "i've finally lost it."

seungkwan wasted time bustling around the kitchen and washing up the few dishes collecting in the sink. he checked all the cupboards, making a shopping list on his phone. then he wasted time cleaning the entire house.

all of that had only taken him an hour and a half.

"oh my god," he complained, lifting up his shirt in front of the mirror. "i am getting fatter. hansol's such a liar. are my hips getting wider...?"

after much deliberating, changing outfits seven times and fixing his makeup until he was satisfied, seungkwan left the house for the grocery store.

he spent time leisurely walking around and fetching all the items he needed, he frowned before heading towards the pharmacy section.

his heart going at a hundred miles an hour, he scanned the rows of pregnancy tests before grabbing a large handful and practically running back towards the tills.

"those for your wife? trying for a baby?" the cashier asked after scanning the items, nodding towards the pregnancy tests.

seungkwan stiffened, straightening up. "that's a bit sexist for nowadays, don't you think? it's very common for men to be carriers, you know. good day." he snatched up all the bags and stalked off.

"i really can't believe myself sometimes," he said to himself as he hurried to his car.

the blond fumbled with his keys, having to put half of the shopping bags on the floor outside the flat. but to his surprise, the door opened itself.

"holy shit!"

"seungkwan!" hansol was standing there, looking somewhat confused. "are you okay? it's only me!"

"hansol!" he shrieked, holding the plastic shopping bag of pregnancy tests behind his back.

"not happy to see me?" hansol asked, mock-disappointed. then he smirked. "did you buy something naughty?" he snickered, glancing at the shopping bags.

"hansol, i was at the grocery store!"

"boo, i'm just teasing," he said, stroking his cheek. "let me help you with these."

"take those, then, i've got these," seungkwan said, putting on a cheerful tone. he followed hansol into the apartment carrying three bags, and as soon as hansol was through to the kitchen, he stuffed the pregnancy test bag up his shirt and ran to the bathroom.

"you okay, kwannie?"

"yeah, just need to pee!"

seungkwan slammed the bathroom door and scanned the room for a place to hide the plastic bag. his stomach lurched as he glanced inside the bag one last time before shoving them behind the sink cabinet.

"hey, kwannie?"

seungkwan huffed out a breath. "yes, hansollie?"

"what do you fancy for lunch?"

"you're cooking?" seungkwan questioned, flushing the toilet for realism purposes and washing his hands. he opened the bathroom door.

"yeah," hansol said sheepishly. "figured it'd be a nice thing to do since i finished work early and wanted to come home. i'm guessing you haven't eaten yet since you just got back from shopping?"

the blond smiled, grabbing the fron of hansol's work shirt and kissing him. "i'd love that, 'sol."

"glad to hear it," he chuckled, running his fingers through seungkwan's hair. "you look really cute today."

seungkwan blushed the same colour as his soft pink shirt.

"thanks, sollie," he said quietly, pecking his boyfriend on the lips. "i'm glad you're home for the afternoon."

"me, too, boo," hansol replied, resting his forehead on seungkwan's. "me, too."


"so you're telling me that your boyfriend came home from work early, cooked you a meal, and then you two sat and watched mean girls and mean girls two instead of having sex?"

"wonwoo, don't judge me."

"i'm not," said the lean man, putting his hands up. "i'm just saying."

"if you didn't have sex last night then your point is invalid."

"i'm still not feeling too great," wonwoo admitted, flapping his sweater paws around. "i've been throwing up for days for literally no reason. i haven't touched any seafood, and it's been years since mingyu fucked up his cooking that badly."

"sure you're not pregnant?" seungkwan joked weakly. "i'll go put the remaining stock on the shelves."

"you do that," wonwoo said distractedly.

when seungkwan got back to the desk, wonwoo was staring at his phone with a blank expression.

"did someone call?"

"my doctor," wonwoo said very quietly.

"did they find out what's wrong with you?" seungkwan questioned.

"there was only one test that came back positive," wonwoo almost whispered.

seungkwan waited, but even he already knew what wonwoo was going to say.

"the pregnancy test. seungkwan, i'm pregnant."

the blond didn't know what to say.


the bespectacled man collapsed onto the floor.

"oh my god, wonwoo!"


y'all i had to make my mans pregnant oOps {also did not proof read as always}

srry i didn't update for ages but i have a clear plot for this book now whoop whoop

also how the hEck did this book get 100 reads already? with only 2 parts? that's crazy!! but thanks for checking out this book!!! ily

i'm so grateful for all the support on this acc, so thanks to all of you who read/vote/comment on my books, you're the best!!

taellipses out x
