01: weird.

"hansollie? hansol~" seungkwan whined, met only by a grunt from his boyfriend. "hansol, you're pretty heavy you know," he groaned, trying to push hansol off him, but the guy was still asleep.

hansol mumbled something, his face buried in seungkwan's neck.

"sollie, please, i don't feel so good," seungkwan said, his breathing becoming rather ragged.

"hmm?" hansol uttered, suddenly awake. he rolled off of seungkwan, sitting up slightly. "what's wrong?" he brushed seungkwan's blond hair back from his forehead, his brow creasing.

"just feel a bit sick," seungkwan answered, wincing as his stomach lurched. he slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"you okay there, love?" hansol asked, trailing after him, his brown hair sticking up and his eyes puffy from sleep.

seungkwan stood with his hands braced on either side of the sink. he exhaled slowly.

"actually, i think i'm okay," he said quietly.

"you sure?" said hansol, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend gently.

seungkwan nodded. "let's get up now, anyway. i'm kinda hungry."

hansol pouted at him in the mirror, prompting seungkwan to roll his eyes.

"but i wanted to cuddle with you longer."

seungkwan scoffed. "that wasn't cuddling, you were practically suffocating me."

"seungkwannie~" hansol pressed kisses to seungkwan's neck, making him blush.

"no," he said, smiling. "it's time for breakfast."

once the two had finished breakfast, seungkwan shooed hansol away to take a shower whilst he washed up the dishes. his stomach felt funny again, and he pressed his palm to his forehead, but he didn't feel hot. could it just be indigestion?

"i'm leaving for work soon, love," said hansol, sneaking up behind seungkwan and kissing his ear, causing him to shriek.

"alright, but will you stop doing that?" seungkwan exclaimed, wanting to wipe that stupid grin off his boyfriend's face.


"oh, you are infuriating."

"and you are beautiful," hansol said, taking seungkwan's face in his hand and kissing him.

seungkwan held onto hansol's white button-down, pulling him closer until the sink was pressing into his back.

"shit, i gotta go," hansol muttered, looking regretful.

"good thing you've got me, then! to keep you on track," seungkwan said, patting hansol on the head.

hansol looked smug. "and you're all i need, baby," he said with a wink.

"god, stop," seungkwan mumbled, hiding his red face in his hands. he peeked out from behind his hands, letting hansol pass him to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"you look really sexy in pyjamas," hansol told him.

"go to work, you ass!"

"i can't really beat yours, though," hansol pointed out, giving seungkwan's butt a quick squeeze before stepping out of his boyfriend's range. "i still wanted to cuddle for longer."

"aigoo, go to work, you big baby," seungkwan told him, bopping him on the nose.

"one more," he murmured, stealing one last kiss before heading towards the door.

hansol looked so good in his work clothes, seungkwan observed.

"have a good day, hansollie."

"you, too, seungkwannie," hansol said cheerfully.

"i'll get groceries before i go to work," seungkwan told him.

"you're so organised, i love it," hansol told him, squeezing his shoulder.

"someone's got to be!"

"must you always find a way to insult me whenever i compliment you?" hansol huffed, one hand on the door handle.

"mm," seungkwan considered, "pretty much. now, go to work, you'll be late!"

"don't stress, my boss loves me anyway."

"okay, i love you, bye!"

"love you, too, seungkwannie!"

seungkwan smiled and shut the door behind his boyfriend, heading to their bedroom to get dressed.

living with hansol was a little hectic, of course. the guy was so messy, seungkwan almost developed an ocd. okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but seungkwan didn't mind tidying up after his boyfriend. there was something rather appealing about being so domestic around the flat. nearly two years of dating, and almost ten months of that spent living together, and seungkwan didn't regret a thing. but sometimes he found himself thinking how weird, yet fitting, it was that he'd ended up with his best friend of fifteen years.

the small blond left the house in blue jeans and a soft pink sweater, phone in hand and wallet in his small rucksack. he took the bus to the nearest supermarket.

"hey, kwan!"

"hao!" seungkwan exclaimed, beaming.

"i got promoted," minghao said proudly, pointing at his badge which read supervisor instead of merely customer assistant.

"that's fab, hao! congratulations!"

"got any news yourself? how's the domestic life treating you?" he joked.

"please, i am not living the 'domestic life'. i still have a life and a job, you know," he replied, crossing his arms.

minghao laughed. "so you're not about to have two kids and a dog?"

"hansol said he's not ready for babies, so don't be silly," seungkwan sniffed. "is junhui still away?"

"yeah," said minghao, looking rather regretful, "but he'll be back from china next month."

"i'm sure the house will be lovely and tidy for when he gets back and has you cooking him dinner," seungkwan teased.

"funny," he drawled. "i should get back to work. but let's hang out soon!"

"we should go to that karaoke place again," the blond suggested.

"and bring our boyfriends," minghao agreed.

"see you soon, hyung," seungkwan said cheerfully.

"you, too!"

seungkwan waved as minghao went back to work, bringing up the shopping list he had made on his phone.

"domestic?" he muttered. "sure."

after a few minutes of walking around the store and loading his basket with food, seungkwan realised he was in an unfamiliar part of the store.

he was surrounded by baby clothes.

"this is strange," he murmured.

he checked his list. he needed to buy some pain patches for hansol, so headed over to the pharmacy section of the store.

"right, that was the last thing," he said, placing it in the basket.

he turned to be faced with rows and rows of pregnancy tests.

"what the fuck?" he uttered.

shaking his head, he walked away from the pharmacy and went to pay for his groceries.

"what a weird day," he said to himself as he got back to the flat and put the groceries away. "i hope someone isn't trying to tell me something."


Y'all this is my new story, hope you like it!

I have no idea where it's going other than "seungkwan is pregnant lol" so please bear with me, I'll try to update regularly!!

Thanks for all the love and support on my other story, "seventeen club" ily all~

taellipses out x
