20: hair shop.

"see? didn't i tell you this was a good idea," jeonghan said brightly as he sat in the stylist's chair.

wonwoo nodded from the waiting area, wearing navy wide leg trousers and a cream rollneck sweater, fiddling with his phone in his hands.

"yeah, my roots needed doing," seungkwan remarked, touching his blond hair that had grown back in black a good few centimeters. "and this is nice and relaxing." he sighed contentedly, leaning back in the stylist's chair next to jeonghan's. he absently stroked his tummy through his pink knitted sweater.

"did you decide on a color?" jeonghan asked. "i finally convinced wonwoo to go blond."

"mingyu has no idea," the bespectacled man drawled.

"neither does seungcheol about what i'm doing today," jeonghan chuckled, fiddling with his dark sweater that hugged his huge baby bump. "although seungwon insisted on coming with me today."

"uncle seokie's house gets boring," the small five year old piped up from where he was sitting next to wonwoo. "but this isn't much better."

wonwoo rummaged through his shoulder bag before producing a gaming tablet, wordlessly handing it to jeonghan's son.

seungwon gave a squeal. "cool! you're my favorite uncle~"

"don't corrupt my son," jeonghan tutted.

"it's literally pokemon," wonwoo scoffed, tapping the game icon on the screen.

"thanks, uncle wonnie," seungwon said cutely, before getting stuck into the game.

"cut and dye, mr choi?" said the stylist, smiling.

"yes, yooa, sweetie," he replied. "i'm just not so sure how short to go."

"well, i can dye it for you first? you can decide after," she suggested. she was a slim girl with doll-like eyes and long dark hair with bangs and a cute smile.

"thank you, sweetie," he said.

"mr boo, seunghee is nearly finished with mr park's hair," said yooa, "had to bleach it five times to get it white. i'm actually scared it might fall out."

"honestly, i bleached my hair three times to get it blonde," seungkwan chuckled. "it's all right, i don't mind waiting a few minutes."

"thank you, sir."

yooa checked the color with jeonghan before mixing the dye and started to apply it to his hair.

"doing anything exciting this weekend, sweetie?" jeonghan asked seungkwan.

"well, my friend invited me and hansol for karaoke with him and his boyfriend," seungkwan said with a grin.

"nice," jeonghan remarked, "karaoke is always fun. even when someone like seungcheol is screeching his favourite song way too loud."

seungkwan snickered.

"ooh, if you guys go again sometime, seokmin would really like to come," jeonghan added. "and you should meet him soon, you'll really like him."

"what's he like?"

"very smiley, practically happy twenty-four-seven," he explained. "that was until his mood swings started," he added with a chuckle. "perfectly suited to his husband josh. seokmin is actually hilarious, you two would get on great."

"he sounds like my coworker," seungkwan grumbled, thinking of the way too happy soonyoung. he smiled. "but yeah, we should have, like, a mom's get-together and do nails or something."

"you are literally my best friend," jeonghan gushed.

they both stole a glance at wonwoo, who was reading a book quietly.

"he'll be okay, sweetie," jeonghan whispered. seungkwan nodded, though he still felt some concern.

"mr boo, hi," another stylist said cheerfully. she was a small girl with an adorable demeanor and wavy brown hair.

"hello, seunghee," he greeted her. she was his usual stylist when he had his hair done every few months.

"did you decide on a color yet?" she asked, rummaging through the tray on the small trolley beside her.

seungkwan sighed. "i'm really not sure. i wanted a change from blond."

seunghee thought about it. "how about pink?"

seungkwan winced at the thought of soonyoung's bright pink hair.

"something subtle! like this," she added, holding up a swatch of pale pink dye.

jeonghan grinned at him. "go for it, sweetie," he said.

"okay," seungkwan agreed. "think hansol will like it?"

"definitely," wonwoo piped up, not taking his eyes off his book.

the blond exhaled. "pink it is," he told seunghee, who beamed and started mixing the bleach to redo his roots.

once jeonghan's hair had finished being dyed and yooa had asked one of her coworkers to wash jeonghan's hair, she beckoned wonwoo to the stylists chair.

"what am i doing for you today?" she asked with a smile.

wonwoo sat down, placing his book in his lap. "jeonghan convinced me to go blond, but i don't want to ruin my hair completely," he told her.

"well, how about an ashy blond?" yooa suggested, showing him a selection of colors. "we might be able to lighten it enough with one round of bleach."

wonwoo's eyes flickered over the swatches, and he chose the darkest one. 

"cool, i'll start with the bleach, then," yooa said.

"thank you," said wonwoo, before removing his specs and resuming his reading.

jeonghan had his hair dried and he was looking mournfully at its length. yooa finished putting foils in wonwoo's hair and went back to jeonghan.

"how much is coming off?" she asked.

"i'm thinking... about this much?" he said, holding his hair between his fingers.

"that's a lot," wonwoo voiced.

"didn't it take you ages to grow it?" seungkwan added.

"it's coming off," jeonghan said decidedly. "take it up to here, please, yooa."

"i have the perfect haircut for you," she told him. "you'll love it."

"yeah, seungcheol better not complain too much," jeonghan chuckled. "he likes my long hair, but it's been like five years, now."

"he's in for a shock," seungkwan murmured.


"woah... seungkwannie?" hansol uttered, taking in seungkwan's new hair.

"do you like it?" seungkwan asked nervously.

"love, it looks so pretty," hansol cooed, running his hands over the pale pink locks. "like cotton candy."

seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"sorry, you just surprised me," he laughed. "hello, love."

"hello, sollie," seungkwan giggled, accepting the kiss from his boyfriend.

"hello, baby," hansol added, crouching to the level of seungkwan's small baby bump. he pressed a kiss to it through seungkwan's sweater.

seungkwan nearly teared up from how sweet hansol was being.

"you know what's tonight, right?" he said, cradling hansol's face and bringing him back up to his level.

"hmm?" hansol mused. "quiet night in for just you and me?" he teased, hugging seungkwan's waist.

"we're going to karaoke with minghao and junhui, remember?"

"i didn't forget, love," hansol chuckled, stealing another kiss. "do you need to get ready?"

"not, really," seungkwan replied, smiling, "you should change out of your work clothes, though."

"true," he sighed. "i won't take long. we can leave soon."

"yeah, hurry up," seungkwan told him, patting hansol's ass as he walked away, earning a pretend glare from his boyfriend.

"i am hurrying!"


finally there's gonna be some junhao action woo

question: what colour hair should minghao and junhui have? i don't remember mentioning what colour hair minghao has

also, these are the new hair colours the characters got:

also this ^ is basically how wonwoo dresses all the time

taellipses out x
