10: kitty.

the next day was saturday, and seungkwan had persuaded hansol to help him clean the apartment.

but then hansol's mom had called, and hansol had started arguing with her.

the conversation had, of course, started with, "when are you going to give me some grandchildren?"

seungkwan couldn't understand much since his boyfriend was talking in english, but he took off his rubber gloves and went to sit on the sofa, listening and fidgeting with his fingers. but he could understand enough.

"love, i'm sorry you had to hear that," hansol sighed, sitting down beside seungkwan and taking his hand.

"it's okay," seungkwan said quietly. "i don't know what you were saying, anyway."

"it's nothing to worry about," hansol told him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "just forget about it, boo."

"of course," seungkwan replied with a smile, kissing his boyfriend.


"hey, wonwoo, want to go for lunch?" seungkwan asked, grabbing his coat.

wonwoo rubbed his stomach, looking a little uncomfortable. "okay, but i don't think i'll eat much," he said. "i haven't been feeling so good."

"worse than just the morning sickness?" seungkwan suggested, handing wonwoo his jacket.

"mm," he said, frowning. "where did you want to eat?"

"honestly, i'll eat anything, but i'm really craving ramen," seungkwan answered, momentarily resting a hand on his tummy.

"you need to tell hansol," said wonwoo, shrugging on his long brown coat over his yellow cardigan.

"i know," seungkwan groaned, tugging on his hair. "and i will."

"okay," wonwoo replied with a nod. "let's go; i'll drive."

"okay! let's go!"

"why are you so enthusiastic, honestly."

seungkwan smiled sunnily. "because we're having ramen~"

wonwoo dropped seungkwan off outside the ramen place before going to park the car.

the smell of ramen hit seungkwan as soon as he entered the restaurant, and he sighed happily.

"did you order already?" wonwoo asked as he joined the blond at a small table by the window.

"uh-huh," seungkwan answered, and proceeded to reel off everything he had ordered for them.

wonwoo's eyes widened. "won't that be too much?" he asked.

seungkwan shook his head.

"i'll eat anything you can't finish."

"well, if you're sure," wonwoo said doubtfully.

but when the food came, wonwoo could've have heart eyes by the way he looked at it.

seungkwan chuckled before stuffing his mouth with the steaming noodles.

"i feel as though i might actually burst," wonwoo groaned, leaning back in his seat. there was still enough ramen left to serve a whole other person, but the two couldn't eat another bite. "oh, it's mingyu," he said, checking his messages. "i told him where we are since he said he's on his lunch break."

"hey, honey," the tall man in question said with a smile in his voice as he slid into the booth beside wonwoo, kissing his cheek.

wonwoo waved a hand in response, the other resting on his tummy.

"hello, seungkwan," mingyu added, inclining his head. "how's hansol? i haven't seen him in a while."

"he's doing great," said seungkwan, forcing a smile. "just got promoted."

"that's fantastic," mingyu said warmly. "wow, you two sure ordered a lot of food. you must've been hungry, honey," he added to his husband, looking at all the now empty dishes.

"yeah, something like that," said wonwoo, throwing seungkwan a meaningful look.

"you can finish it, if you want," seungkwan offered, "we're stuffed."

"are you sure?" mingyu asked. "it's your food-"

"just eat it," wonwoo interrupted. "gyu, you look really hungry."

"well, i did have to run after a criminal today," mingyu admitted, flexing his shoulder with a pained expression.

"i'll give you a massage later for catching the bad man," wonwoo said with a slight smile, patting mingyu's arm.

"ooh," mingyu almost squealed, clearly excited by the notion. "i can't wait. thanks, honey."

he then proceeded to inhale the remaining food at the table.

"well, at least none of it went to waste," seungkwan considered.


seungkwan got home, groaning at how bloated and uncomfortable he felt. he really shouldn't have eaten so much, but he really had been hungry. but now his jeans were straining at the waist and making seungkwan feel rather annoyed.

so he changed into a pair of sweats and felt much better.

"right, dinner," he said, shuffling into the kitchen in a pair of fluffy socks, "hansol will be hungry. don't you think, baby?" he glanced down at his tummy and stroked it slightly. then he sighed. "your daddy still doesn't know about you. but i'll tell him today, i promise."

the blond set about putting rice on to cook and made a quick stir fry, setting it on the table with the rice.

"wow, that was tiring," he said to himself. "oh my god, what is it going to be like when i'm nine months pregnant? hansol will have to carry me everywhere..."

"boo, i'm back," hansol called.

"yes!" seungkwan said abruptly. "sorry, how was work?"

"it was good," hansol said with a grin, and seungkwan noticed his boyfriend was carrying a cage in one hand.

"hansol. what is that."

hansol smiled wider. "i got you a present."

"hansol, no."

"hansol, yes."

"oh my god, i swear to god if that's a cat-"

"i got you a cat!" hansol exclaimed, putting down the cage in the living room and opening the little door.

"god help me..." seungkwan murmured as the cat finally showed its face.

and it was the ugliest cat seungkwan had ever seen.

its fur was a dirty brown, almost greenish colour, with lighter patches. it had dark yellow eyes, a corner torn off one pointed ear, and white paws. its nose looked like the cat had run head first into a brick wall. but at least it didn't look like it wanted to kill him.

"seungkwan, meet our new pet," hansol said proudly, reaching down to stroke the cat's head. "she doesn't have a name yet, would you like to name her?"

the blond just stared at him for a moment before storming to their bedroom and slamming the door, starting the cat.

"seungkwan? seungkwan, what's wrong?"

the cat soon forgot about its new owners and began to explore the apartment.

"boo, please, let me in!"

"the cat's name is porro, don't even talk to me!"


hansol is a dumbass

but seungkwan and a cat (even if it is an ugly cat) is the cutest thing

the cat was named by VERYCHEOL thanks for the adorable name ^.^

i'll need baby name suggestions soon so you guys can help me

plus i need to think of names for all three of jeongcheol's sons, as well as their new daughter

next chapter soon!

taellipses out x
