11: confession time.

over the next few days, as much as seungkwan wanted to ignore the ugly creature entirely, he began to bond with porro.

"yah, porro," he said, as he went into the bathroom one morning, only to find the cat lying in the bath, "get out of here."

the cat squinted her big yellow eyes at him and yawned.

"porro, seriously, do you want a bath or what?" he asked, rubbing his tummy. he was overcome with nausea and quickly kneeled in front of the toilet.

porro hopped out of the bathtub and padded over to seungkwan, giving a sympathetic meow.

seungkwan leaned against the wall, saying, "thanks, porro."

the cat nudged her nose against seungkwan's knee.

"yes, i'll get you your breakfast, you ugly thing," he sighed, getting up and flushing the toilet. he brushed his teeth and washed his hands and face, porro rubbing against his legs. "okay, cat, god."

porro mewled again.

"don't pretend you care, i know you just want your breakfast," he snipped.

the mangy cat followed him into the kitchen and seungkwan got her food. porro ate happily from her bowl.

"why did hansol buy me a fucking cat..." seungkwan muttered for perhaps the fiftieth time in the past few days.

the blond had texted jeonghan because hansol had said, "it was jeonghan's idea!" but the long-haired male had denied everything, saying that he had meant for hansol to think more about kids not cats.

when seungkwan got into work and shrugged out of his fleece lined denim jacket, wonwoo was sitting contentedly at the desk with a cup of tea and a book.

"whatcha reading?" seungkwan asked with a smile.

wonwoo looked up, smiling slightly. he held up the book; all you need to know about male pregnancy.

"informative," seungkwan remarked.

"you can read it after," said wonwoo. "what hours are you working today?"

"i finish at two, and i'm meeting jeonghan," the blond answered. "want to join us? we're getting coffee."

wonwoo shook his head, pushing his glasses up his nose. "mingyu swapped shifts with jihoon so he's doing the night shift and has the afternoon off. he's taking me shopping for new clothes; my shirts and jeans won't fit me before long."

"that's lovely," seungkwan said, "and that's a good point. i'll have to get bigger jeans..."

"you haven't told him yet, have you?"

seungkwan sighed. "i was ready to, but hansol ruined it by getting me that damn cat."


"yes, i know," he hissed. "i'll tell him, alright? i just-" he cut himself off, tugging at his hair. "hansol thinks i'm happy to have a cat whilst he gets ready for children. but i'm already pregnant, he'll be so mad..." seungkwan rubbed his tummy, which seemed to be getting bigger by the day.

"he can't be that mad," wonwoo told him. he sipped his tea. "just promise me that you will tell him?"

"yes, wonwoo, i promise."

"good," said wonwoo.


"sweetie," jeonghan said fondly, squeezing seungkwan's shoulder. "it's great to see you. i'm so sorry about-"

"it's fine, jeonghan, really," seungkwan interrupted as he sat down at their table, "the cat's not too bad, to be honest."

jeonghan sighed heavily. "i'm such an idiot. i should never have mentioned jisoo's cat."

the blond shook his head. "it's not your fault." he placed his hand on jeonghan's and smiled. "the baby's looking bigger."

jeonghan beamed, rubbing his huge bump. "she's gonna be tall," he said. "and strong. she kicks so much these days."

"that must be annoying," said seungkwan.

"only at night," jeonghan mused, rubbing one eye. "ugh, i smudged my fucking eyeliner." he got out a mirror from his handbag to fix it as he continued talking. "or when seungcheol and i are trying to have sex, talk about distracting."

seungkwan laughed awkwardly. "well, not long now, huh? have you thought about names?"

"i have," jeonghan confirmed. "seungcheol is going to agree this time; it's time for a jeong."

seungkwan looked at him questioningly.

"oh, my boys are seungwon, seunghyun and seungmin," he explained. "so this one's jeonghwa." he gently patted his tummy.

"that's a cute name," said seungkwan, smiling as he stirred his straw around his iced coffee.

"have you had any ideas?" jeonghan asked brightly.

seungkwan looked embarrassed. "i really like seunghee for a girl..."

"boy's names?"

"i haven't really thought of any," he admitted. "i think a middle name, since hansol has two names, like jasmine would be pretty."

jeonghan wrinkled his nose. "you'd better start thinking up boy's names. 'cause i reckon it's a boy."

seungkwan scoffed. "how can you just know? you're not his or her mommy."

"i have an intuition," he insisted.


"hey, porro," said seungkwan as he hung up his jacket after he got in.

porro meowed in response.

"not hungry again, are you?"

the cat walked off.

"okay, then," he chuckled.

hansol was back from work not long after, bringing back chinese take out, much to seungkwan's delight. when they had finished eating and seungkwan was cleaning up, hansol called to his boyfriend from the bathroom.

"love? why did you throw the birth control pills away?"

"oh, uh... they're out of date!"

"no, they're not! they're perfectly fine," hansol called back, sounding confused. he came into the kitchen with the packet of pills in his hand. "what's going on?"

"i threw them out because i don't need them any more," seungkwan said, his lower lip starting to tremble.

"i... i don't..."

seungkwan inhaled shakily. "hansol... i'm pregnant."

hansol's eyes bugged. "how- how long?"

"about five weeks," seungkwan said, swallowing.

the brunette's hands went to his hair, his fingers tangling in it. "pregnant?" he repeated.

seungkwan nodded. "hansol - we're having a baby."

"five weeks..." hansol shook his head, turning and walking away from him.


the front door slammed.

seungkwan sank to the floor.


...im sorry

i will update tomorrow! as a christmas present? i can't leave it like this haha

hope everyone has a great christmas, too :)

taellipses out x
