The secret is out.

After a long day at college I finally got home. I slumped down onto my bed, my face exhausted from smiling all day.

Dear diary,

I am extremely excited to go see the premiere of Now you see me 2 tomorrow. Just one thing is that I can bring a friend. If I was going to bring a friend it would be Andrea. However I have only known her for a day, she does not know Daniel Radcliffe is my adopted dad and I don't know if she is a complete blabber mouth. She gave me her phone number. Better text her now. Bye!

Messages: Andrea- 07843 679...
Jess: hi Andrea this is Jess from school.
Andrea: hi Jess! How did you like your first day at college then?
Jess: it was much more than I expected. I met you and made a lot of friends. Plus there is a library with a whole section based on Harry Potter!
Andrea: omg! You like Harry Potter?!
Jess: like? You mean love!
Andrea: OMG! Me too! I have just pre-ordered the new book 'Harry Potter and the cursed child'.
Jess: I have pre-ordered as well!
Andrea: we have so much in common!
Jess: Ikr!
Andrea: have you heard about the new movie with Daniel Radcliffe in it?
Jess: you mean 'Now you see me 2'?
Andrea: duhhhh! I just really want to go to the premiere!
Jess: Andrea I have to tell you something..
Andrea: fire away!
Jess: well do you know how I was adopted just recently?
Andrea: yeah?????
Jess: well it came as a complete shock to me that the man who was adopting me was ...
Andrea: just spit it out already!
Jess: It was... Well ... Idk if u will believe me?
Andrea: we are best friends now. I obviously have to trust you!
Jess: ok then! The man who adopted me was Daniel Radcliffe .
Andrea: Blimmin hell Jess! Have you gone nuts! Out of all of the adoption centres in the world Daniel Radcliffe came to yours? He could get any woman he wants but he decides to adopt?!
Jess: see I knew you wouldn't believe me! Fine to prove it I want you to meet me after college tomorrow for what will be the best night ever.
Andrea: deal! Bye!
Jess: bye!
