Messages- Andrea
Jess- so is this Bot done loading?!
Andrea- yes.. All the programs have loaded.. During this program I will ask you a series of questions with a series of answers. You will have to choose one of those answers which will then lead to the next question . In the end your answers would have led me to the perfect solution . My job will be complete. Understand ?
1. Yes
2. No
(Write the number )
Jess- umm yes? 1.
Andrea- brilliant ! First question: mood.
How are you feeling about your situation?
1. Happy
2. Sad
3. Angry
4. Mixed
Jess- I guess I am all over the place .
Andrea - question two- most upsetting.
1. Daniel already has a new woman in his life.. Pushing you out of the spotlight .
2. A horrid creepy woman has suddenly barged into your perfect life.
Jess: your making me upset! 1.
Andrea: nearly finished . Question 3: your most likely thought now.
1. I wish I was never adopted.
2. I want to drive away far far away from this nightmare.
3. Why would he do this to me?
4. I just have to deal with it.
... You can choose up to 2 answers for this one.
Jess- umm 2 and 3.
Andrea- loading solution...
Andrea- your solution is to tell Daniel your thoughts and feelings. Maybe get away for a bit and go to a friends house. Express your emotions freely!
Jess- I guess that could work! Thanks a lot! By the way ... Isn't your birthday coming up?
Andrea- shutting down ANDREABOT 0.1 .
Andrea: yes it is! I am turning 17! Eek!
Jess- OMG! So 13th August right?
Andrea- yes!
Jess- you said get away and go to a friends house. Can I sleep over yours for a few nights tomorrow ?
Andrea- yeah sure my mum and dad won't be home so it will just be us!
Jess- ok gtg bye xxxx
Andrea- bye! Xx

Close chat.

Dear diary,
I barely got sleep last night! Partially from thinking over and over again about a new Mum but also because of the noises and laughs that went on in that room. The shivers. :0 ANDREABOT 0.1 told me to express my feelings.. I won't do that just now but maybe later when Dad shares his secrets.

sorry about the short chapter . It is 1:02am and I am tired! Btw guys please follow and comment if you want to be in the story. And also on August 13th there is a special chapter that I will publish.. Make sure your there to see it! Bye!
