
"What the hell Ethan?!" I shouted. I was staring at the weeks copy of TeenWonder, a magazine,l. The front cover displayed a picture of me and Ethan hugging, Allina and Grayson holding hands and Skyler and Andrea kissing.
"Ethan! How did they get these pictures?" I questioned.
"I-I don't know. They must have cameras everywhere !" He stuttered sadly.
"Wait! Skyler and Andrea kissed? Andrea didn't even tell me!" I exclaimed.

I grabbed my phone and clocked away.

Andrea: 07543...

Jess: why did you not tell me about your kiss with Skyler!?
Andrea: I was going to but it was late at night. But I was amazing!
Jess: ayyyyyy my girl!
Andrea: wait! How do you know we kissed?
Jess: well cameras lead to pictures which leads to social media and magazines etc.
Jess: I only found out today but TeenWonder published a new magazine and on the front cover was me, Ethan, Allina, Grayson and you and Skyler. My insta is blowing up with hate comments. I don't know what to do.
Andrea: wow. Shock. Okay. Umm you have a dad? Go talk to him. I am going round skylers later so I will talk to him.
Jess: ok thanks bestie . See you.

Ethan looks at me concerned. I give him a reassuring look.

"Jess. Are you ok? Yes you and me may be celebrities but that doesn't mean we split up." He said. A shiver went up my spine when he said 'split up' I did not know we were officially going out.

"Ethan. I am fine. Thanks. Can I stay round yours tonight? "

"Of course . I will pick you up at 5pm . Just get ready. I got to go. Somethings happened with Grayson." Ethan says.

"Ok see you soon. Bye. Love you." I say.

"Love you too" he replies back with a smirk.

When k reach home I find Daniel investigating TeenWonders front page.

"Oh friggin hell! " I think to my self. As I make eye contact with him he gives me a happy expression. I am awfully confused.

"Hey sweetie! I saw TeenWonder. Whatever your feeling I will be along side you. Yes you are the front cover. But your getting noticed. You and Ethan look happy together. "

My facial expression dramatically switched from nervous to shocked. I thought he would give me a lecture.

"Wow. Thanks dad. I really appreciate it." I say.

"You ready to go to the town funfair? We will be back around 4."

"Yes all ready! So excited! Oh and dad I was wondering if I could stay round Ethan's tonight?"
He nods in agreement and kisses my forehead.

We went on roller coasters, teacups, bouncy castles and dodgems till we felt sick.

"YAYYYYY!" I shouted!

We git ice cream and sat on a hill. I looked at Daniel and thought to myself "look how far I have come
since the adoption." My life has truly changed. And I am thankful.

Authors notes: hey guys ! Hope you are liking it! Go check out my best mates new story supermayynn ! About a teacher crush! Not spoils! Follow me if you want! And thanks for reading.
