Am i dreaming?

I have an extremely embarrassing look of astonishment on my face. I may be dreaming or my imagination has come to life. I focus my eyes and a huge smile spreads across my face.

Daniel Radcliffe.

Taking a deep breath i stutter, "Y-o-u-r D-daniel R-radcliffe".

"Wasn't expecting that weren't you. Jess, i want to adopt you."

The words ring in my ears, "Jess, i want to adopt you." Daniel Radcliffe wants to adopt me?

"Well Mr. Radcliffe has signed the agreements and papers, all we need is your approval and then you will be good to go by tomorrow." says Lucy.

"Yes, yes! Of course! Do you actually want to adopt me? You will not leave me will you?"

Daniel takes my hand, shivers run down my spine, "I promise Jess, i will never leave you."

After a few tears and laughs i sigh joyfully and say 'bye' to Daniel.

Dear Diary,

Well, what an interesting day. Adopted by Daniel Radcliffe. Went so quickly. I was never expecting that. All the other girls are jealous of me. I don't know why because they haven't even read Harry Potter.

My last sleep in my bed. I wonder what life is going to be like.
Cough cough* I would like to thank my loser mum and dad for putting me up for adoption as I now get to spend the rest of my life, not alone, but with my role model, Daniel Radcliffe.
