The Birthday

Dear diary,
ANDREA.BOT has helped me much... I have spoke to Daniel and he said he gets where I am coming from. It's Andrea's birthday today. I have a big surprise! As she loves shoes and by shoes I mean trainers! I am taking her shoe shopping! Daniel gave me £500 pounds spending money for Andrea. I don't have that much money. If I did I would give it to my BFF.  Gtg bye!


I am dropped to Andreas house by my chauffeur and wait for Andrea to come out. Her house is a normal two storey but it looks nice and cosy as t has multi-coloured flowers covering their front garden. Andrea comes out with a massive smile on her face. She is holding something in her hands and I can't quite put my finger on it. My eyes adjust to the object in her hands. It's moving. Furry. White. Big eyes ? I get out of the car and there I saw a tiny kitten. It was so cute. I loved it.
"Woah! You got a cat?"
"Yes I have! I am so happy! I am calling him Potter! I was kind of stuck between Cavill or Potter though."
"Love it! Happy birthday! I have a real treat for you."
We drive to our destination. The worlds biggest brands of shoe shops live here: Nike, Adidas, superstars, All stars etc..
"We are going shoe shopping!"
Authors note: I am gonna leave it there. I am on holiday. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY supermayynn ! Love you lots by BFF! Bae for life! I am gonna write more after holiday! Thankyou for following ! Bye
