
*sorry I haven't updated in a long time ! This is a chapter where things get even better for Jess*

Dear diary,
That was a long day at the movie set. My face is in excruciating pain due to my self smiling all day. Today Daniel introduced me to Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. They are such a delight! I am the luckiest girl in the world!
I told Daniel about my decision for college. He didn't mind at all and I got accepted straight away. Time goes by fast. In fact my first day at college is tomorrow. I am hoping Daniel has a normal car.. Otherwise I will definitely walk to college myself. I don't want to seem spoilt. Well got to get up early tomorrow. Bye. Wish me luck.

I wake up to the sound of my dreaded alarm. I have no uniform so I just wear my usual t-shirt and jeans. Nervously, I trod downstairs, have some breakfast and hug Daniel.
"Daniel? Do you have any normal cars?" I ask.
"What do you mean by normal?" Daniel chuckles.
"Like something that won't make me look like a spoilt brat! I already have you as my dad, a mansion etc." I exclaim.
"How would a BMW be?" He questions.
I nod appreciatively.
As we drive to college I see crowds of people walking the same way. We arrive and then make our way to the office. We get a few stares of shock and disbelief but as usual I ignore it. The headmaster gave me my timetable and off I went to my first lesson .. Art.
A few wrong turns and I made it. Everyone was already in lesson so I knew this was going to be an embarrassing start. I knock and wait patiently. The door opens and the whole class turn they're heads. My palms are already sweaty. I am greeted by a few smiles and "hi's".
When being introduced I try and look for a seat. Preferably next to a girl as I had not had much experience with boys yet. I take my place next to a girl with long dark brown hair and dark eyes. I smile and she smiles back.
"Hi my name is Andrea. You must be new. What's your name?" She whispers.
"I am Jess. Is there anything I should know about this school?" I question.
"Well, lunch, there are many groups of people: the chavs, fan girls , brainiacs, loners , sporty, populars and my group the 'unpopulars'. We call ourselves that because I have a theory. It's quite complicated but cannot be shared with total newbies! I suggest you stay with us. It's your choice."

The bell rings and me and Andrea go out to break. She tells me about how many people are already talking about me.
"I have been hearing that your adopted? Sorry, is this a personal matter?" She asks
" No it's fine. I just don't want many people knowing . I was put up for adoption when I was little. Just recently I got adopted. Not many people would want to adopt this! I was very fortunate. " I replied.
"Yes you are very lucky! Here is to a start of a new friendship!" She shouts.
