~ 이십육~

{even though I'm super super late which I deeply apologize for thank you so much for waiting. waiting for your lovely comments.}


While the meeting about the issue went successfully in Kim's mansion; all the bangtan members were in their conference room on the round table all confused, stressed, and disturbed. This was the first time the great bangtan who were known for their skills power and intelligence were feeling powerless because of recent conditions.

The makane line was depressed more than anyone. Each of them lost their parents in one or another fight so they always saw Krystal as someone they can rely on, but this was like a huge wall coming on them.

While all members were silent and trying to get a hold of the situation two of the members were in their own world. Both were deep in thoughts but somehow they both had eye contact and things went clear. They both were in the same thoughts and probably were planning the same thing too.

Soon taehyung entered the meeting room and sat on his seat. It was clear from his eyes and messy look that he had not slept the entire night. Each of them had seen him in this state many times but that was normal after a wild night

In bed.

"What I am going say will not be liked by some of you but if we think practically and carefully, it'll be the best plan," Yoongi spoke breaking the silence. Soon after seokjin declared "this is something we will be best benefited in." making each person conceive whether this two already had something planned.

"Yoongi hyung just speak already. We're not in any Kdrama nor a Wattpad story that you're being potboiler." Taehyung spoke in his deep raspy voice sending shivers through everyone's rachis. He was sure stressed and tired even more than all the businesses they carried out.

"We should work together with GD and his men to take down Krystal." Yoongi finally broke the news making Jimin and Jungkook antagonized. Before Jimin and Jungkook could continue saying anything they were met by death and angry gaze from tae, and they went reticent. "Taehyung even though I know you're pissed on them, but GD is the biggest and strongest person in Korea. also, since he has dated her maybe he might know things which we don't."


That was the only thing that was perceptible in the conference room. While hobi, jin, yoongi, and namjoon were quite satisfied with the idea, the young ones though still reluctant agreed with their hyungs. Now the only person left to approve was taehyung who seemed enormously in deep thoughts. As Yoongi was about to communicate taehyung spoke out making everyone think again. 

"How are we going to contact GD; he won't let any man stand near him or his family. Not to forget his little miss feisty princess."

Yoongi cleared out all the abashment detectable on everyone's face "I'll contact him. That is up to me. I want you all to think about conditions we'll keep in front of him."

"Fine. I am ready to bargain. But we leave Korea as soon as we slaughter Krystal and her syndicates. We all will take over Italy."

Taehyung went out of the meeting hall leaving everyone bewildered. This was the first time he mentioned liberating Korea. Though taehyung and his gang were an Italian-based mafia, his heart was in Korea or maybe because his father and mother were always here or to vindicate his father's death. This time he looked sure to leave this country and for good.

While yoongi was trying to hack into any of the IT devices of Kim's with his team mark came in with a letter in his hands. Handing over it to yoongi he said that it has his and taehyung's name on it. Without thinking twice yoongi decided to open and read it up without causing more trouble for already belabored taehyung. Till the time he was done reading he authorized the IT team to stop their work.

Letting out a big groan yoongi made his way to taehyung's room to discourse about the letter mailed by Kim but one thing unconsciously crossed his mind.

'we're no competition to GD.'

Taehyung was lying on the luxurious bed of his chamber when yoongi came in. he automatically turned to him making yoongi confident that he could not sleep. "Tae you should have rest, or you'll be exhausted," Yoongi spoke with concern visible in his every word.

"Hyung I'm ok. I won't be exhausted this early not until I kill—"

"You need energy for that young boy—"

"Hyung what are you here for?"

Yoongi sighed in failure knowing about the younger one's relentless self. He knew asking or telling him anything right now was useless. He decided to keep the center of discussion as the letter.

"I found a way to contact GD and his family."

Taehyung jumped out of his bed as soon as he heard those words escape the older one's mouth. He knew that his team of IT department was very expert in hacking any man and device in Korea but hacking into the GD's device this fast was sure appalling.

Yoongi sensed the excitement and shock on the face of taehyung. Sometimes he was amazed by how this one kid would get excited over things that were cute. But the fact that his entire childhood was totally ruined by a bitch just because of her revenge mind totally boiled his blood with antagonism. He made sure that he will for sure kill each one. 

He quickly told taehyung that their team was not able to hack anything but he and taehyung both got an invitation to meet GD and one person close to him at a café he decided. Of course, at first, both had their doubts about his intentions but choosing a public café meant that he was pure with his thoughts. After deep communication both decided to visit him at the mentioned and venue and at a given time.

The night went notably fast and first time in the last few days taehyung felt that he got proper sleep. He was not annoyed or angry as he woke up. The incident about the letter was discussed at the breakfast table with everyone and later the bangtan boy's mansion became busy with yoongi and taehyung getting ready to meet GD.

Taehyung wore a simple white plain shirt and matched it with grey pants and a blazer.

Yoongi wore a designer shirt and matched it with black pants and a blazer. Both handsome men now ready drove in their Porsche to the destination.

At the most expensive yet busiest café was sitting the most powerful daughter and father duo of Korea casually sipping on some coffee while having strawberry cake. They were sitting in one of the VIP sections of the café while busy with their chit-chat. GD was wearing a white turtleneck t-shirt while paired with a shining black vest, pants, and blazer. 

(ignore the mic)

The café having VIP sections might sound a little weird, but it was not any normal café, it was just one of the white businesses of GD's friend T.O.P. these VIP sections were mostly used by the mafias or close friends for their meeting. When you have money and power anything is possible.

Jisoo soon felt the cool and peaceful atmosphere beside her stiffen as her dad was staring at something rather someone. She was wearing a black sexy yet professional dress which had a low cut from the front showing little of her chest and round golden buttons making it look like a suit.

When she shifted her gaze from her dad to the front, she saw two men rather handsome men entering their VIP room. She quickly recognized the cat guy from the mall incident but what rather caught her attention was the other heavenly guy with him. He looked like a creature created by all Greek gods and a Greek god himself at the same time. Without knowing jisoo's eyes totally checked him out from his eyes, his nose, his sexy lips to his long legs. She quickly realized that this was the guy entire her family and especially she wanted to know;

The one and only V.

As soon as tae and yoongi stepped out of their new sexy Porsche they caught interest from all the ladies sitting in the café. It was not very unexpected though; if you see two handsome men coming out of a brand-new luxurious car any eyes will turn. But right now, taehyung and yoongi's mind was focused on the meeting ahead. They soon entered the café where they were taken over by one of T.O.P's men who helped them to GD's VIP room. As soon as they both entered the room it felt colder than usual. 

Undeniably, when the ruler of the Korean mafia GD is sitting you can expect it. But what caught taehyung's sight at the first sight was the person rather she sitting next to him. her perfect figure which was visible even when she was sitting, her beautiful features, her Lucious lips. She must have sensed the atmosphere and the moment their eyes met, taehyung forgot everything. The quick second in which jisoo's eyes checked him out did not go unobserved by him and he really wanted to smirk at her but soon his playboy behavior went down the sink when he realized that the girl sitting so proudly and fearlessly next to GD was none other than his one and only daughter;

Sooyaa the girl entire Korea especially he wanted to know about. 


let me know your thoughts 🥰🥰🥰🥰
