
⚠(mature content ahead, which some people may find offensive. so please skip it if you're uncomfortable. I'll put one more warning before the part)⚠


also, I'm so so sooooo sorry for being this late, 

I was just confused and worried about some parts. I hope you will like it.


The sound of heels clicking on the floor echoed through the dark basement. All jisoo wanted for the night was a good sleep after her little adventure today but what she was doing right now was the total opposite.

It has been 20 minutes, but the sulking so-called mafia was nowhere to find. Jisoo groaned in frustration and was about to return when a deep voice echoed through the basement like a lion's roar echoes around his cave. Jisoo's voice was not the way people have stereotyped a female's voice. Her voice has a deepness and a raspy sound to it.

"Are you looking for me?"

But this voice of this man was deep than her and would send shivers through the spine of a person standing even in the hottest desert.

Jisoo turned around and soon came face to face with the sulking devil himself. A half-lit cigarette in his hand, the blazer from earlier removed and on his right shoulder while three buttons of his white shirt undone showing his well-toned, muscular chest. His bangtan tattoo playing hides &seek.

"Fucking hell."

Jisoo silently cursed praying all the deities that the egoistic man did not hear it in front of her. She could not help but admire the heavenly man in front of her. The way he was standing with his 6 ft height, his dreamy yet deep eyes, his lips everything was pulling jisoo towards him.

"Princess, were you looking for me?"

There stood taehyung with his breathtaking dangerous yet sexy aura. Jisoo had many businessmen and mafia in her life. Being GD's daughter, everyone tried to get her on their bed for what, not different reasons.

Some for money,

Some for power,

Some to tame GD,


Some for their own lust.

But during all this meeting taehyung and his gang were the people who always seemed to be absent. But even in their absence the way most of the people talked about the wealth, power, and terror of the group.

Therefore, every time jisoo attended any meeting or parties like this, she got frustrated to the max. but looking at the past few day's experiences about bangtan jisoo was somewhat impressed. She knew that everything she heard about bangtan at parties and meetings was true

and just truth.

During her, all messed up thoughts jisoo didn't realize when taehyung moved forward towards her that a mere step of jisoo

and they might end up in 

a beautiful kiss.

"Are you done with your thoughts or need more time?"

Taehyung whispered every word seductively looking down at jisoo's face more like her faint pink


Among all the girls taehyung have spent his nights or maybe days with were all plastic beauty. Of course, some were truly beautiful like

Mr. chou's youngest daughter Tzuyu

Her beauty would make Aphrodite gave up her position

But when came to her nature

A totally spoiled brat.


Mr. Bae's daughter Irene

Probably the most beautiful woman among her age in Korea

But again

She was with taehyung for his

Money and power.

Jisoo was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even realize when taehyung was in front of her more like towering her with his height. His warm breath was touching her lips lightly teasing every part of her physique. His breath smelt like a mix of a tint of strawberries and cigarettes.


As if her inner self slapped her across her face jisoo flinched out moving back. Everything about the guy standing in front of her yelled a threat to her.

"I'm sorry for zoning out.

And for your information, I wasn't looking for you

I was going upstairs towards my home. So, I'll be going now."

Jisoo turned around and was about to run for her life when

taehyung grabbed her wrist, turning her around and

trapping her between the adjacent wall and his muscular body. This all happened so fast that jisoo was now more than confused and closer to the so-called 


Jisoo looked at taehyung with her huge, surprised eyes and was about to kick him hard when he blocked her mouth with his big hand silencing her. He slightly pointed towards a dark alley of the basement from where some voices could be heard.

Jisoo looked towards the direction and tried to concentrate her complete attention on the voices but the proximity with the guy made it impossible for her every possible sense to go disoriented. 

His cologne was the best jisoo ever sniffed. 

He wasn't very muscular probably less than the bunny guy of his group, but his physique would make her girl or even guy's drivel. 

His whole body was pressed against her chest to the point where one step by him and his robust chest would be enough to squeeze her boobs making her moan. 

His long legs kept jisoo in place while his one knee was dangerously close to her pubis, slightly brushing it and making it damp slowly. 

This was the first time jisoo felt vulnerable in front of a man. His complete aura shrieked


It's not like taehyung wasn't aware of how shocked jisoo was after his sudden little stunt but he had no other option. If jisoo would have turned around and walked back, the sound of heels would have echoed making the owner of voices aware. So, he did what came up in his mind.

After all murmurs in a basement where

King of Korea GD was present.

Seem questionable right?

Taehyung pressed himself almost completely on jisoo in the process that left him also shocked. But still, he kept focusing his mind on the voices. He was about to turn towards the trapped girl to ask if she was aware of any of them but found her staring at him

more like checking him out.

Just then taehyung realized how close he was to jisoo. One idea popped up in his mind making a slight smirk appeared on his pretty lips. He moved a little further and the worst happened. His chest squeezed her boobs that even he felt it.

Just then taehyung realized how close he was to jisoo. One idea popped up in his mind making a slight smirk appeared on his pretty lips. He moved a little further and the worst happened. His chest squeezed her boobs that even he felt it.

"Shit." "Bad idea."

Taehyung thought to himself. He was supposed to tease jisoo but the moment her boobs got pressed against his chest he started feeling hot. Still hovering over jisoo he looked down at her closing her eyes and biting her lips probably holding back a


Just when jisoo was about to look at taehyung to push him she accidentally kicked a broken alcohol bottle lying there making a loud sound.

"Who the hell is there?"

One of the men shouted trying to look towards the source of the sound.

"Leave it. Must be some cat."

"No way. Kim's wife Dara is allergic to cats. You'll not find a single cat around this whole fucking mansion."

Jisoo heard what the man spoke. It indeed was true. Her mom was highly allergic to cats. Once when Dara was pregnant with hanbin a cat accidentally walked on the lawn while Dara was having her tea. It made her instantly faint on the spot. 

Luckily GD came to call her and found her lied on the grass fainted. He quickly called their family doctor Mrs. Park.

Doctor Park told him that his wife had a very severe cat fur allergy which can affect even from a long distance. Luckily her brother hanbin was completely fine.

After the incident, GD ordered his men to take away all the cats to a circle of 10 miles from his mansion away to any Vet or something and leave them there. 

Many people who lived near his mansion were against it when GD himself talked with them


note the sarcasm

They agreed.

Upon hearing the guy talk about her mother's allergy jisoo knew that guy speaking was someone from their gang. Footsteps started coming towards taehyung and jisoo

Making them panic in place.

Loading of the gun was followed along with the steps coming closer. 

Within few seconds they both were about to expose.

The two men with loaded guns came out and held their guns in front

when they both were shocked.

There stood a couple kissing each other, their moves increasing the temperature of the room. The man had completely trapped the girl between him and the wall that she completely disappeared. Looking at them the men smirked at each other.

"Guys get a room. Boss and his daughter are here only."

"Get it, dude."

They both went away laughing as the couple broke out from their kiss gasping for breath while their foreheads connected.

As soon as jisoo heard gun loading she did what her guts told her. She pulled taehyung by his neck almost crushing herself by his body in a sudden


Taehyung was shocked beyond level. He was not responding to the kiss, but the strawberry taste of her lips made taehyung lost all control. His grip around her waist tightened pulling her closer

if that was even possible.

Jisoo was shocked by the kiss when she felt being pulled more towards his body. Taehyung took this chance and entered her mouth exploring like how a traveler explores earth. Of course, it wasn't jisoo's first time kissing someone but the way taehyung was exploring her mouth made her feel butterflies in her stomach. Her knees were going weak but thanks to taehyung's tight grip she didn't fall.

Taehyung slightly slid his hand from her waist to her hips lightly above her ass. His other hand was holding her neck so tightly that she was sure it was going to leave marks. Taehyung slightly gripped jisoo's right ass cheek because she opened her eyes, their kiss still not breaking. Taehyung also opened his eyes looking into jisoo's eyes, he gave her a quick wink before deepening the kiss more.

After a few times, their tongues started fighting which taehyung won again. He bit her lower lip slightly making

Jisoo moan,


taehyung squeeze her ass harder.

They heard the men's voices, but it wasn't the least of their concern. Their slow, burning and lazy make-out session came to an end when jisoo pulled out gasping for breath. Taehyung connected their forehead looking at jisoo who was avoiding eye contact by looking at her feet.

Taehyung's hand was still on her ass which he used this time to give a slight spank making her look into his eyes. Taehyung smirked before letting jisoo go and move two steps back.

Jisoo cleared her throat and ran away to her room. Taehyung watched the gorgeous red hair go away more like ran away. His eyes still on her


He raised his hand which was holding jisoo's butt a few minutes ago and was staring at it with a smirk plastered all over his lips

more like wet lips.

His hand went towards his pant pocket taking out a cigar. Lighting it taehyung left the basement going towards the parking where he parked their cars. Getting close to the parking area taehyung could hear Jimin and Jungkook's laughs,

jin and namjoon's murmurs


hobi and yoongi's old married couple bickering.

But even with all this chaos taehyung's mind was occupied by his and jisoo's little moment.

As soon as Jimin saw taehyung he and Jungkook came towards him.

"So did little miss feisty console you?"

"Little who?"

"You weren't with jisoo?"

"Why are you asking like that Suga hyung?"

"Nothing hyung. So Jimmie my money. I told you didn't I; she'll not care about anything."

"Anyway, let's go, everyone. It's late."

Jin announced while everyone started going towards their cars.

Jimin and Jungkook to their latest matt black Mc Laren 650s which they both bought

More like


from Mr. song one of the bangtan's oldest enemies.

They exited the huge entrance of the bangtan mansion making everyone hear the roars of the engine in the mansion.

Followed by them were jin hobi and namjoon in their classic black-white range rover.

Yoongi and tae went towards there more like tae's one of the favorite cars

Pagani huayra.

the world's rarest and sexiest car.

Taehyung bought this car on his last birthday when he was decided as the next in line to the Italian mafia.

As soon as yoongi was about to start the car he got a call, so he stepped out for few moments.

Taehyung leaned backward on his seat, closing his eyes, and relaxing his muscles.

But the scene from a few minutes ago popped up in his mind. This was the first time taehyung wasn't sexually frustrated after such a heavy make-out session instead he felt




Maybe everything.

He was so deep in thoughts that he never realized when yoongi came back and was now staring at him giving me weird looks. Taehyung was leaning back on his seat with a slight smile on his lips.

Yoongi cleared his throat still looking at taehyung but to his surprise taehyung still didn't budge even a bit.

He sighed and started the car which startled taehyung. He quickly straightened his posture and looked at yoongi.

"When did you came back hyung?"

"When you were smiling weirdly


"What the heck I—I wasn't."

Yoongi slightly looked at taehyung and nodded as an ok. They both exited the gates of Kim'smansion following the rest of their members. 

Yoongi slightly looked at taehyung and nodded as an ok. They both exited the gates of Kim's mansion following the rest of their members.

Jisoo came back to her room and sat on her big soft bed. She admitted that she was the first one who pulled taehyung in for a kiss but that was to hide from those men but the way her body reacted afterward was totally not her. It's like she sacrificed herself to taehyung's inner demon which was ready to rip her apart. She could still feel his lips on hers, the taste of cigarettes was now on her lips, her complete back was shivering when taehyung was touching her. The way he grabbed and squeezed her ass made jisoo go


No, she can't get aroused by a single kiss. She barely even knew taehyung.

But then why was this the best make-out session of her life.

Her thoughts got interrupted when she heard the roar of a car. She made her way to her dimly lighted balcony and sat there enjoying the night breeze. She saw a matt black car exit gates followed by a range rover.

Jisoo knew that the guys were rich but owning the cars which only her brother owned in Korea impressed her. After sometimes she saw taehyung leaving out of the gate in his metallic grey sports car.

Taehyung saw jisoo sitting in her veranda and passed her a quick wink before his car went away from her mansion in speed. This didn't go unnoticed by jisoo. She soon found herself smiling and biting her lower lip rerunning


While jisoo and taehyung both were giddy, in a luxurious area of the city Krystal was throwing everything coming into her sight everywhere across her room. The news of taehyung and GD's daughter getting together to bring her down was already reached to her. From the people, she sent two were brutally dead and were found lying near trash cans of her high-end restaurant in Seoul.

She calms herself down, removing her clothes she walks naked in her glass-covered bathroom. As the hot water from the shower flows down her effortlessly sexy body, her eyes open, and red

Krystal decides to bring everyone down before anyone gets to her.

She comes out of her bath, wrapping a towel around her body she enters her room. Taking her phone in her hand texting someone.

"I have sent you the picture. Track him down,

everywhere he has been,

everyone he met.

Everything. also don't let that foolish brother of mine know"

"Yes, boss."


Just when Krystal was about to go to the closet to wear something her so-called older stepbrother entered the room

Eyeing her.

He shamelessly started checking her out, which got noticed by Krystal. She pushed her ass back on the bed such that her legs were now hanging down the bed. She knowingly moved to get up such that her towel fell exposing everything. she slowly walked more like crawled towards her stepbrother holding his tie in her hand. Without a second Ji Hyun kissed Krystal harshly while throwing her harshly on the bed, his one hand busy with dumping his clothes while the other moved to her vagina and pushing fingers in and out of her pussy harshly making her moan.

After three hours of senseless and emotionless fucking, Ji Hyun was sleeping naked beside his own stepsister in her royal suite room. The blanket covering both of their filthy, sticky body. Krystal woke up, sitting straight as her back rested against the headboard. Her lower area was aching as hell while her legs were totally numb. She tied her hair in a messy bun and stared at the figure sleeping beside her.

"Daddy was wrong when he said that you were a useless son,

at least I can use you to pleasure myself


With that Krystal made her way to the bathroom stumbling to take a bath. 
