
The morning came earlier than expected and Kim's mansion was again lively. Jisoo was unable to sleep the entire night because of all the thoughts eating up her mind. But unlike last night jisoo was sure and confident about her decision this morning. As soon as jisoo opened the door of the room to head towards her dad's office she almost was scared to death by her mom standing on the door.

"Mom, have you been here all night? gosh, I was scared to death."

"Chu, are you ok? Gosh, look at those bags under your eyes. You haven't slept all night, didn't you?"

"mom calm down I'm ok. Do you really think your daughter is so weak? Come one I am the daughter of Kim Jiyong, the mafia princess. I'm not that weak come on let us go have breakfast."

As soon as jisoo was about to reach the dining area she was engulfed in a tight rather nearly making her breathless hug by Hanbin. Hanbin was in France handling some works but came back as soon as he heard about the incident happening.

"Oppa--- I might die—you bitch—"

"Are you ok baby?

"Gosh, what's with everyone today---ofc Mr. Kim Hanbin I'm ok. Bro I'm 'your' little sister."

After a few chuckles and fights, the sexy confident sibling pair reach the dining hall. As soon as jisoo saw her dad about to speak something which has been listening to repeatedly since this morning she answered making GD smile at his princess.

"Dad before you ask if I'm ok yes dad I'm great. don't worry---"

"I was going to ask do you have any plan princess—but ok."

"DAD....... Anyway, yes, I have a plan. Since everyone is here let me tell you what I'm planning."


"Jen baby calm down—"

"But dad this doesn't make any sense..."

"Jisoo why are you suddenly thinking about this? Any particular reason, darling?"

Mino asked jisoo trying to calm his wild cat-like daughter. Right now, all the members of the Kim family were in their conference room listening to what jisoo came up with the last night.GD was sitting at his designated main seat in the middle while Mino on his left and his son Hanbin on his right. Beside Mino was sitting jisoo and opposite her, beside her dad, Mino was sitting Jennie. The mothers were seated beside their respective daughters. As soon as jisoo announced her plan Jennie lost her calm. Jisoo was not even surprised, to be honest. She expected this reaction at least from her brother and Jen but surprisingly her Oppa was ready to listen to her plan completely.

"Jisoo please tell me clearly what you are planning?"

"Dad it'll be impossible for us to attack Krystal alone rather if we do it with him it'll be easy as he knows her more. Also, rather than us, I think he deserves this revenge more. Dad yes it was a hard phase for us, but he lost his father and lost everything. Also, after this war, we can easily force him to back to Italy. I'm aiming for 2 birds with one stone."

"that's actually a great plan princess. I'm really proud that you're my daughter chu."

"mom are you ok with this? Aunt CL, Uncle Mino, Oppa what do you people think?"

"Mino where is the little jisoo who was once crying when Dara didn't give her chicken?"

"Ok, my lovely aunt ignoring what you just said I'll take that as a yes. What should we do now dad?"

"Hmm don't you girls worry me, and Mino will first try talking to him and approaching him of course after that all planning will be your only chu. Ok everyone meeting adjourned—"

"Wasn't jisoo the one who was the organizer of the meeting?"

"Was about to say that mom—dad I adjourn the meeting. Bye, everyone."

"Mino does this girl know how much people are afraid of her dad—that little brat...aish."


our couple about to come face to face 
