
at Kim residence

namjoon's pov

"Idk who you are on the call but do tell your boss that sooya is sending all information he has in his head don't worry."  

oh, this sooya doesn't seem what tae has been assuming. her voice gives strong mafia vibes. as expected she's GD's daughter. "how am I going to explain this all to tae?"

"Suga hyung where is tae?" "fucking............ some new girl. why?"  

"We have a problem." 

Taehyung's pov  

"taehyung come out we have a problem." "baby don't stop. Suga can wait-" "get out-" "but tae-" " are you going out or should I send you out from this world?"

I quickly dressed up and got freshen up. These fast few days have been very stressful, Derek has been spying on those bastards as one of their men. I'm sure he'll be succeeded as he is the best at this work for the last 8 years.

"what is it hyung- Woah why is the entire BTS in the meeting room?" "tae Derek got caught." 

"nice joke Joon hyung, but please I'm not in the mood to joke Suga hyung really called me in the middle of sex."

"tae... Joon is telling the truth. he got caught by sooya-"

"the fuck hyung no. how can a girl catch  Derek he's the best. you sure it was her it might be hanbin."

"We have recording tae."

"idk who you are on the call but do tell your boss that sooya is sending all information he has in his head don't worry."

'why is her voice too sweet, deep, and husky for a girl. why is voice giving me----shivers and peace at the same time?'

"what does that bitch mean jin hyung? can't you track the number Suga hyung? there must be some way jimin & jungkook you can enter their premises. Joon hyung are you sure it's her and not GD's wife ----- what was her name again--- yes Dara?" 

Suga:-- "tae she destroyed that number within seconds and even if I try to track that sim card  it's showing in china somehow."

jimin:-- "tae we just know GD, Dara, and hanbin's profile but no one has ever tracked their address."

namjoon:--"Tae I'm sure it was GD's daughter. I have already seen and heard Dara; I can assure you it wasn't her voice."

"then what do you all want me to do? sit and read a novel till she comes and fucking fire a bullet in our head?"

jin:-- "tae honestly we all underrated her. we all thought that she'll be like any other mafia princess who just knows wasting money and throwing themselves on people like you for sex. but the way she talked and destroyed every possible clue in seconds is scary. there must be a reason why GD is hiding her. we all know GD is known for his flex then why is this sooya protected and hide so well?"

"Sorry to disturb sir."

"what is it mark?"

"there's an unknown parcel at the main gates of the mansion."

namjoon:-- "go mark I'll be there."

"ok, sir." 

third person's pov 

at the main gates of Kim's residence was lying a red velvet gift box with a golden ribbon-wrapped beautifully. anyone looking at it would think that it was a lovely gift from a BF to his GF or from a GF to her BF, but it was Kim jisoo's gift. everyone in the mafia world was aware of GD and  Dara, hell many of them even saw what these two were capable of when together. Kim hanbin the eldest son of Kim's was nothing less than his father, cruel, ruthless, heartless were words he learned before ABC. but still, the daughter of GD was a big theory for all. how was she? was she beautiful? was she sexy? was she a dumb mafia princess or 50-50% of CL and Dara? no one knew. her mission name sooya was known just by Kim taehyung and his gang.

as taehyung, namjoon and Suga bring the red gift box into their main living room, all of them couldn't help but get nervous. first, the fact that Derek was caught second sooya herself caught an intelligent person like Derek, and third this mystery gift.

"open it namjoon."  "hyung I?" "Ig there's just one namjoon is the entire gang right?" "yes but-"

"fuck it. hyung. I'll do it."


" that bitch---" 

"tae calm down-" 

"calm down really, Suga hyung. this is what she meant-"

"hyung there is a letter." "read it namjoon."


v and his dumb members.

I must say that the person you sent was really smart but not as smart as me. you really thought Mr. V you can harm me and my family with this dumb trick of yours. my father has always taught me to be a lady with words. I gave my word to some of your dumb member that I'll send all the information this trash of you has collected about us and especially me. so here it is his head. his brain has not been touched by me. don't worry! 

idk who you are but Mr. V  dare try again to do something filthy like this again and I'll cut your head like this.

Miss sooya


someone is angry..........



