
Hello everyone, I am back. I know this update has been delayed way too much and I sincerely apologize for it. Also thank you to all my readers for waiting for me. Anyway, please enjoy the chapter.

Pay attention to the chapter carefully!


"jisoo, can you stop doing that please darling."

"do what dad?"

"moving around the entire dining room while I try to eat—"

"dad Jennie is coming back after a whole 3 weeks. Can you imagine? She and Jack were together for 3 weeks and yet no one wanted to tell me anything on phone. Why?"

"chu she is Jen she loves creating suspense I'm sure it's nothing. Now please woman for hell's sake stop being like your mother and come to eat—"

"Kim jiyong what do you mean by that?"

"oh, dad it's my time to go, I guess. Bye-bye."



"Yoongi hyung where is Jinn hyung—"

"before you lose your shit again, he's coming back today."

"have hyung even found something or did he just sleep around with bitches---"

"he told me that he has something which might change history---"

"omg did this hyung met some cringe cheesy bitch this time. What shit is that? Come on hyung laugh that was a joke!"

"tae, jin hyung seemed really serious. He even told this without saying any dad joke. Are you getting why I'm worried?"

"hyung I'm sure it's nothing don't worry."


Jisoo: --- "Jennie where were you both? Gosh, I missed you so much!"

tae: --"jin hyung I actually thought you have already married some hoe............wherever you were."

Jisoo: -- "what's wrong Jen?"

tae: --" what's wrong hyung?"

Jen: --" everything from the start... unnie everything."

Jin: -- everything taehyung."

{Please note that the sentence in bold after this will be jin and italic will be Jennie. I hope you understand.}

"Krystal Jung or let us consider Krystal Kim is the daughter of Kim ho jin or Sir George; the current mafia head of all Italian mafia (Vincenzo left the chat...... I am sorry lol)."

"Everyone knows that she's not his legitimate daughter then why is she considered a literal princess in Italy or here. That is because Sir has considered her his own daughter. But guess what. Sir does not just have one illegitimate child, but he was known to be the biggest womanizer in his all life. According to some people if we conduct a DNA test of random kids of Italy 7/10 might be his."

"then why do you think only Krystal is living this life of luxury? If a man who can kill a woman just because he made her pregnant can do anything with that little girl or her mother? Because as George has told to people all his life that he does not remember who Krystal's mother is a whole ass lie."

"Krystal's mother Angela Boyd was a sharpshooter in George's gang and was with him throughout his life. Angela's dad was the most trusted man of George's dad. Angela and George both grew up together from the start. Unfortunately, during a scene, Angela's dad sacrificed his life for George. Angela was totally devasted because of this and was about to leave everything but George firmly denied it."

"lastly George's dad and his mom decided to marry him with Angela as they both were together almost half of her life. But everything went downhill when one day when the sole heiress of the French mafia Siena Bates came in pregnant with George's child. Unlike any other child, it might have also been killed but the entire French mafias would have come after George, so his mom and dad had no other option but to marry them."

"Angela couldn't handle this and left and somehow George became the mafia head. Some years later after George's dad's death, Angela came back. One night while George was drunk as hell he accidentally went to Angela's room which led to another. She left for America the very next day but accidentally she became pregnant too."

"a few years later when George went to America for some work and there, he saw Angela with an 8-year-old Krystal."

"your dad and uncle were 15 at that time. Unfortunately, he could not do anything, but he was sure that Krystal was his daughter. He came back and started living his life. Somehow Siena got news about this and she went all furious. She made her men search about Krystal and Angela. Later when she confirmed about Krystal, she appointed some men to kill them both but somehow this news got till George and he went to America to save them both. "

"but till the moment George reached Angela was dead. So, George brought Krystal back with him to Korea. Little Krystal was very happy to see everything new and nice around her. Even though Siena hated her she was happy to finally have a dad."

"but as they say truth can't be hidden for too long; on her 19th birthday, Krystal heard Siena talking to someone about how she got Angela killed. She also heard how she regrets that her men could not kill Krystal. But that was not the only thing she should not have heard. Siena was telling someone that she always wanted to get into your family; so, the day George's father held a party to announce Angela and George's engagement she drugged George's drink so much that he could not even recognize people. She took him with her to the hotel and seduced him saying that she is Angela. Surprisingly, her plan worked, and she got to marry George."

"if it would have been any other girl, she would have devasted, but mafia blood is indeed mafia blood. That is where everything started. She decided she would not live any single soul related to Siena alive. She first killed Siena by drugging her drink. A pretty bold move I would say."

"your dad came to know about this and was about to kill you but before he could do anything he sent Krystal to the states to keep her safe and told your dad that he sent her away to keep your dad and uncle safe. Somehow Krystal met the biggest drug cartel of states and manipulated his son to be his bf. Then one night she killed the head and son together and later became the boss and fiancée of the deceased heir."

"the bar which jiyong uncle talked about was her main place. She handled everything from there. When she met GD there, she knew him as she had information on all mafias of Korea to see who could actually help her for killing French mafia head and have his everything."

"and that's when GD came to her mind. Even if he was not the leader at that time, he was well known in Korea. But soon she realized that he will not be any help to her as gd and his family never fought with anyone if they are not related to them. So, she decided to kill him as he might become someone unbeatable once he takes over."

"but she failed. When she got to know that her brother would attack us, she got confused as to who he was planning to attack. That is when she realized GD is still alive. So, she came back to Korea to settle some deal with V's dad."

"but your dad didn't accept it and............and tried to kill Krystal for killing his mother."

"But Krystal being the bitch she is---- she -she killed V's dad."

"taehyung your dad wasn't killed by GD or his any family or gang member, but he was killed by Krystal."

"jisoo unnie V's dad has never done anything to your parents, you and V both or rather everyone is fooled by Krystal."


So, fam the secret is out.

Now, what do you think is going to change that tae and jisoo both know that none of their family was guilty.

Will their abhorrence affect? 

ik I'm late so sorry guys. but updates might delay coz I'm fucking busy with my exams that I have to pull all-nighters every day. anyway, enjoy.
