~서른 하나~

The rustling of leaves, raindrops, shrieking of car's wheels with the wet road, and the constant ringing of the phone call could be heard by taehyung, but his mind was taken over by rage. He had no idea where he was going. The only thing he felt was anger, jealousy, and the urge to kill someone.

The speed with which raindrops kept falling seemed slow in parallel with taehyung's car. His foot never leaving the gas pedal, his eyes on the road ahead while mind,

Occupied with thoughts,

thoughts of someone who he hated abhorred all his life,

thoughts of someone who threatens people by a stare,

thoughts of someone who made him jealous when he doesn't even have the authorization to her


his thoughts suddenly to come to an end when the road came to an end introducing a deep valley. Taehyung walked out of the car slamming his door shut loudly. Leaning back in his car taehyung closed his eyes trying to calm himself but the frustration was too much.

Whenever he closed his eyes, his mind would replay the scene repeatedly. Taehyung grabbed his hair let out a frustrated sigh.

"What the hell is wrong with me? "

"Why did I get so angry to see her with someone else?"

"The hell is happening to me?"

Taehyung somehow was powerless to find an answer to any of his questions. His mind kept playing with his weak state making him enraged and perplexed as time went by.


The morning was shining bright like a pearl. Jisoo was lying down on her bed enjoying the chirping when the door harshly opened showing none other than her brother and Jennie dressed up and looking ready for a new mission. She couldn't help but sigh as her peacetime was about to get disturbed or it was already disturbed.

"We found the location of that bastard. Get up we're leaving in 10 mins."

"10 mins? You're giving me just 10 minutes to get ready, pick an outfit, and prepare myself?"

After 15 mins of jisoo and hanbin bickering like kids, Dara came through shouting because of their blaring sounds. This made jisoo run towards her bathroom while hanbin shrouded himself behind Jennie. After confirming that jisoo and hanbin won't fight again Dara left the room while hanbin sighed in relief dropping himself on jisoo's soft bed.

After what seemed like an eternity to hanbin and just mere minutes to the girl, the sibling pair was finally ready to leave for the mission along with Jennie.

Jisoo wore a grey satin blazer along with grey satin tapered pants. Underneath it was a white silk tank which was hugging perfect body heavenly. She completed her look with silver sunglasses and Dior's latest white leather low-top sneakers. 

Jennie was wearing a Charcoal Tank along with Black Double-Breasted Blazer, Black Flare Pants, and Black Suede Pumps. She completed the look with a channel Black Quilted Leather Satchel Bag.

Hanbin was wearing a burgundy wool turtleneck, a dark green corduroy suit, and a brown overcoat on top of it. He completed his look with white socks and black leather derby shoes.

The three of them went towards hanbin's black Aston Martin Vanquish. The warehouse at which Suho was locked up was a two-hour road from their mansion. It was located at the far end of Seoul City near the wooded area. After 2 hours of long, enjoying, and loud ride the trio reached the entrance of the warehouse, and Jisoo was surprised to see Taehyung and Jimin waiting there. While Jimin was busily fliting with the ladies present at the entrance of the warehouse waiting for Hanbin and Jisoo, Taehyung was leaning on his Lamborghini Reventon.

Jisoo was quite shocked to see Taehyung and looked over at her brother who was already busy talking with men at the storage. Jennie quickly got busy with Jackson and Jimin and jisoo had no choice but to act interested.

"Should we go in chu?"

Hanbin asked jisoo while keeping his sunglasses in his pocket. Jisoo just nodded but held his hand signaling him to wait. He understood what she meant and told everyone including taehyung and Jimin to move in as well.

Taehyung glanced at jisoo through his side-eye which got noticed by Jimin who smirked while looking at these two quickly.

"what's wrong darling?"

Hanbin asked being worried about jisoo,

was she afraid of that Suho?


It's KIM jisoo we're talking about.

"Why is that Kim here? I think I told you we want this to be alone?"

"Dad told me he wanted to KNOW everything since he was a part of this mission."

"Know my ass. Anyway, try keeping him away I'll deal that Sugo bitch myself."

"Girl it's Suho, at least remember the man's name to who you lost your *cough cough* to also why do you want me to keep taehyung away?"

"First thing, I do not care if he is Suho or Sugo, he's going to be dead in a few hours that's a fact, and the second thing

I do not like this taehyung. Something about him makes me want to kill him."

"And why does my princess not like him?"

"I don't know Oppa, but I hate this guy with every part of my soul. No actually,

The thing I feel is Abhorrence."

"You know me, and Wendy said the same, we hate each other but you know what we're today. I this maybe starting of something--?"

"let's go in before that useless and unused brain of yours not just run but fly his horses."

Jisoo quickly started going towards the entrance while Hanbin followed behind her but the thought of Jisoo and Taehyung crossed his mind. A few days ago, when he was going through security footage of the mansion basement, he came across interesting footage.

He saw taehyung and jisoo making out more like his sister pulling him in, since then he has been observing these two. Hanbin was sure when he saw taehyung clenching his jaw the day at the club when he mentioned Jisoo and Jinyoung. He also saw taehyung side-eyeing jisoo moments before going in.

He even saw taehyung marching out of Jackson's club looking very Angry, but he wasn't sure if the reason was a little brat or not.

He was the one who called taehyung here today. Hanbin was sure taehyung was the perfect match for jisoo and he decided to do everything he can for it to happen.

"Are you coming or not?"

Jisoo turned around when she saw her brother walking slower than a snail while the clouds of thoughts were visible over his head. Hanbin just nodded to her while walking fast and both entered the room.

While Kim's siblings were busy outside, Jackson, Jennie, Taehyung, and Jimin were sitting while a beaten Suho was tied to a chair in the middle of the hall. All eyes were on him, some people who recognized him still were unaware of why he was thrown out, but no one dared to go against Jisoo's orders and sympathize with him.

This was the power of Kim Princess


"His face is fucked up. Who beat him like that Jen?"

Jackson asked while looking towards Suho while enjoying the wounded guy. He knew everything about how he was being a pain in the ass for jisoo and how he betrayed the Kims.

"Who else would do that, of course, Hanbin Oppa and his team."

Jennie answered while looking over at the Suho in victory, she never liked that guy and him in such a state was somehow pleasuring to her.

"Where are jisoo and Oppa ahh?"

After a few minutes, some men came in two iron rods and some guns. They were about to keep it near Jennie when Suho started moving around and shouting.


Before he could utter another word Jennie's bodyguard Luca punched him so hard that three of his teeth flew out. But despite Suho's statement none of the people standing inside the room was terrified or shaken.

Taehyung saw this and was surprised to see the terror and respect everyone had for jiyong and his kids.

Suho was completely dead now after Luca's punch and was shaking and trembling in fear. Soon the door of the warehouse opened revealing Jisoo followed by Hanbin behind her. Jisoo took off her sunglasses and handed them to her bodyguard Ashton. Ashton and Luca were stepbrothers, but both loved each other dearly.

"Good morning, ma'am, good morning, Mr. Kim."

"Good morning ash. Has he spoken anything yet?"

"No, Mr. Kim we have been torturing him since last night, but he hasn't spoken anything yet. do you want us to try again?"

"No ash, let me and taehyung handle him, are you ready Kim?"

On the mention of taehyung's name jisoo's eyes straight went to him. She just glanced over at him with surprised eyes and then at her brother asking what he was even thinking.

Taehyung removed his sunglasses and handed them over to Jimin and took out his gun from the back pocket of his pants. He glanced over at Hanbin and nodded at him completely ignoring jisoo who was standing beside him.

This slightly shocked jisoo and furrowed her eyebrow in wonder. She went and stood beside Jennie after giving Jackson a side hug. Jennie slightly nudged Jisoo and whispered in her ears.

"Why does Kim look like a sulking baby?"

This made Jisoo and Jennie slightly chuckle. Jennie quickly got busy while talking with Jackson but jisoo's eyes never left taehyung. He was wearing a Donegal tweed double-breasted jacket, Donegal tweed pants, pointy collar poplin shirt paired with a classic tie, and Chelsea boots.

Taehyung removed his jacket and handed it over to his bodyguard. He took off his tie and wrapped it around the knuckles of his right hand. He rolled up his sleeves making his hand tattoos visible. He landed such a hard punch towards Suho that he woke up from his sleep with a scream.

"I'm going to ask you three questions and I want just 3 answers not a word more nor less or else you'll feel the pain you never imagined.

Am I clear?"

Hearing taehyung's deep low growls everyone in the room was terrified including jisoo and Jennie. This was the first time they both were hearing this low voice of taehyung and such a deadly look. 

Jisoo couldn't help but remember the night at the basement when she and taehyung shared a passionate moment. Taehyung's voice was the same that night but there was a major difference today.

This taehyung was ready to kill anyone. His voice showed terror, not for himself, but every other human.

All this thinking came to halt when taehyung landed a punch on Suho's face with his brass knuckles this time. The tie was already ripped and was on the floor while Suho's face was disheveled. The brass knuckles on taehyung's fist were not only hurting Suho but were also responsible for his bleeding hand. Taehyung had lost his control somehow and was not in the right mindset. He kept on hitting him harder and harder every passing time.

Suho's groans and screams were getting louder and louder, his right eye was completely damaged while taehyung's hands were red in blood by God knows whose

His own or Suho.

Everyone started whispering about taehyung's wild behavior. Jisoo knew that if he continued his actions, he' 'll not only end up killing Suho but also tearing his arm apart. Jisoo looked over her brother who was already worried because of taehyung. As he felt Jisoo's eye-poking his back he nodded her in assurance and Jisoo understood what her brother meant.

Before taehyung's bloodied fist could hit Suho and make him completely blind, Jisoo stood in front of him looking deep into his eyes.

"Jisoo, move I'm warning you."

For the first time since she met him, his voice didn't comfort him but made her shiver in fear.

"taehyung, you'll end up killing him, please stop I know you want answers, I want them too but please stop."

His eyes shifted slowly from his prey to his new interest or maybe his weakness. Her eyes weren't much unique, they had somehow the same shade as his or very normal in fact but there was something in those pair of eyes that were driving him crazy.

Taehyung took a step back while Jisoo sighed in relief. She understood the thick tension created in the room after their interaction and did what she felt was correct. 

"Everyone leaves the room right this moment."

As per her orders, every person in the room except for Jennie, Jackson, Jimin, Taehyung, and Kim's siblings left the room.

A near to death Suho was sitting in the middle of the room while laughing historically

"Ahh looks like Kim doesn't know how to keep his emotions in control but then again you never had anyone to teach you anything at all."

Just when taehyung was about to move towards Suho Jisoo came and stood in front of him, his big figure towering over Jisoo, but something in her eyes caught his mind.

Jisoo's eyes were controlling taehyung's senses and he wouldn't let that happen. Not because she was someone who was too pure for him or his world but because she was too dangerous for him.

He knew they both together would be treacherous for his gang,

and their own life itself.

Before Jisoo could control him and his mind anymore taehyung turned around abruptly after whispering.

"you're irritating."

To her, his statement came of more like a shock. The man who was burning in his own fire of emotions suddenly turned emotionless and left the room with his bloodied hands.

Suddenly Suho shrieked in pain when Hanbin punched him in his stomach before breaking his one knee with a hammer. The impact was painful that Jisoo and Jennie both looked away from him, while the boys remained unbothered.

"Did you think everything is a joke huh Jun-Myeon? you really thought I wouldn't know your dirty tricks?"

Before Hanbin could utter another word, he turned around and saw Jisoo sitting there while her eyes were fixed on near-death Suho showing no hint of fear or anything.

"Suho, you have the next 1 minute to confess everything or say goodbye to your other leg. Guards keep beating him." 

While the guards were busy beating the hell out of Suho, Hanbin grabbed Jennie's hand while dragging her towards Jisoo's seat.

"what's wrong Oppa?"

Jisoo asked looking over at her brother who seemed quite worried.

"Go out with Jennie, you can even leave I'll handle it here---"

"What? Why? ---"

"This is an order, Kim Jisoo. Go. Out."

The intensity in her brother's voice made Jisoo sigh in defeat and grab her purse while heading out. she couldn't understand why he was sending her and Jen away but the way she was called out using her full name made her accept unwillingly.

"Why do you think he sends us out suddenly we have seen worse things—" "I know, even I don't know why he did that. fuck it. You can leave I'll wait for him in the car."

"Fine. Anyway, I'm going out on a date with this new guy I'm seeing."

Before Jisoo could say anything, Jennie ran off leaving Jisoo dumbfounded. Jisoo just chuckled and went out but something else caught her attention and interest.

Taehyung was trying his best to remove the brass knuckles from his hand but was failing miserably. He knew that he let his emotions take over the control and his bleeding hand was proving it very well.

His own knuckles were completely stuck with those metal ones and it was starting to hurt him more and more as time was passing by. He couldn't handle it anymore and decided to just pull it apart no matter the pain he would sense.

"Stop. Are you dumb?"

That voice.

Taehyung didn't have to turn around or look for the owner of the voice, he knew it too well.

This voice, this person, this aura has been on his mind in his thought for quite a few days. He just removed his hand from the knuckles and leaned on his car while his eyes fixed towards jisoo. Jisoo slightly gulped making sure that taehyung doesn't notice it.

She removed her sunglasses and started going towards him. She was so immersed that they both were now facing to face standing in front of each other. Taehyung was sure surprised but when he saw jisoo coming too close but he smirked when he saw her being distracted.

Taehyung quickly made sure that no one was coming out through the door and quickly pulled jisoo towards him and whispered in her ear

"are you distracted princess?" 


It's been a long time lol. things are getting steamy I think.....

let me know your thoughts as usual. 
