You try to set up Abbacchio and Bucciarati

The day was a warm one. Probably one of the last warm days before autumn, and then winter. The sky was pretty, the grass was flowing, and the bugs were chittering. The sun was warm, and shined happily on Italy.

You were wearing black leggings with a gorgeous dress. It was cream colored and had a big pink bow wrapped around the waist. Flowers were painted on the cream, and the cream was cut diagonally, and revealed a beautiful cotton candy pink color. 

Currently, you were sitting in the turtle with Mista and Polnareff. Polnareff was babysitting you, but, he had fallen asleep on the couch considering the fact that you two were exhausting him. In the mean time, you two were chatting quietly by the table which was in the middle of the room.

"Hey Mista." You whispered.

"What?" He whispered back.

"How did the chicken cross the road?"

"How?" Mista had a smile on his face."

"He didn't, Benito Mussolini sniped him off the roof."

Mista had to cover his mouth as he fell over laughing on the floor. He looked like he was in pain. He couldn't breath; his face was red. You started to giggle, but you were giggling because Mista was dying. He eventually calmed it to a giggle, and then a smile. He sat up and went back to a crisscross position.

And then a thought came to you. You were embarrassed to ask it, but you wanted to know. Hopefully Mista would have an answer for you. 

"Hey, uhm, Mista?"

"Yeah?" He was probably expecting another joke. Ha, no. That wasn't the case.

"Uhm... Why does my daddy hang out with Bucciarati so much?"

"Uuuhhhhmmm..." Mista face turned a little pink as his mind drifted to the answer of why. He scratched his head and looked over at Polnareff, just to make sure he was asleep. He turned back towards your direction. Signaling with his hand for you to lean in, you did.

"Uhm...well, your dad, he, uh, well, at least I suspect-"

"Get to it already."

"Oi, alright, alright. He uhm, so, your dad probably likes Bucciarati, and that's why he hangs out with him so much.

"Oh, I already know that they're friends-"

"No, they probably, hm, love each other."

"O-oh, that's gay."

"Yeah, but ya know, who cares?"

"Yeah I suppose you're right."

A mischievous grin appeared on your face. You looked over at Mista, and he had the same look. You both nodded to each other, and started plotting out your plan.

"What if we both told them that the other wanted to go to dinner with them at 6:00 p.m.?" You asked.

"Yeah, that's definitely smart, but they are too...They'll know what's up..."

"Hmmmm, yeah you're right."

Mista's face lit up with an idea. He rubbed his hands together, and gave a smirk. "What if we talked to Giorno, and he sent everybody but you and me on a mission? That might give them some time alone if we're out of view..."

"I like it, let's do it." You both turned over to look at Polnareff, who was still sleeping. You both, very carefully and quietly, got out of the turtle. You were inside of Mista's quarters.

"It smells in here!" You gagged, quickly plugged your nose, and ran out of the room.

"It's not that bad..." Mista grumbled. The two of you snuck very carefully over Giorno's quarters. Narancia saw you two sneaking over there and walked up to you guys.

"Oi, Mista why are you sneaking into Giorno's quarters?" Mista was stumped and didn't know what to do. He was searching for something to say.

"Uuuuuuuhhhmmm... drugs."

Mista grabbed you and and freaking ran for your lives. "Mista!!!" You barely slipped into Giorno's quarters. Mista put you down and locked the door.

By this time, Giorno had put the frog he had in his hands on his desk, and was just staring at Mista, wondering what the hell was happening.

"Mista wh-"

"Giorno listen. (Y/n) and I are trying to set up Bucciarati and Abbacchio but we need you to give a mission out to the Narancia, Trish, and Fugo so that we can spy on them and make sure they confess to each other without any interruptions but we need to make it sounds like (y/n) is with Polnareff and I went with the others on the mission when we actually will be with you spying."

"So you're trying to set up Leone and Bruno?"


"Okay, let's make it happen. It's 5:00 currently, I'll go put some pretty flowers in the garden, you go tell the three that I want them, and (y/n) go tell Polnareff the plan."

"Got it, Giorno."

You hugged Giorno's leg real quick and the three of you snuck off to go do your jobs. Polnareff quickly agreed to the plan and laughed. You talked for a minute or two, and then you left. 

Everything was set in place now. The three were on a short mission to take care of a big drug dealer who had recently been discovered. There were gorgeous (f/f) in the garden and you and Mista were hiding in Mr. Polnareff under the bench, waiting.

Leone Abbacchio was sitting on a the bench reading a book. The sun was setting slowly. Red was streaked across the lovely orange sky. The giant, golden, shining, sphere in the sky burst yellow into the sky, but the red streaks in the sky cut in, and stole the show.

Bucciarati saw Abbacchio sitting alone, and made up his mind that he would go sit with his good friend. He slowly walked over to the bench and sat down. Abbacchio set his book down.

The two looked into each others eyes for a moment. Bucciarati's eyes were lost in Abbacchio's purple to yellow ombré eyes. They were so... mesmerizing, and romantic. Abbacchio's eyes were lost in Bucciarati's deep blue eyes. They were very...seductive looking. They were like portals, leading to a different dimension. Their beauty was immense.

The two realized what happened, and looked down. Abbacchio felt warmth being exerted throughout his body. Bucciarati felt the same.

"What book are you reading," Bucciarati asked, keeping his calm. 

" La Divina Commedia," Abbacchio hesitated a moment, and then answered. 

"That's a good one."


It was awkward for a few moments. Nobody said anything. And then Abbacchio did.

"Hey, uhm, do you wanna take a walk around?"

A grin of relief and happiness spread across Bruno's face. "Sure," he stood up and held out a hand. Abbacchio took it and stood up. They began their stroll. 

After they were out of view of the turtle, you jumped out and picked up the turtle. You ran silently across the garden somehow avoiding Bruno or Abbacchio's notice. You placed the turtle down under the other bench that was in the middle of the large garden, and went back in the turtle.

Abbacchio and Bucciarati were having a good time. They were both laughing and smiling when they talked to each other. They really were adorable for each other. 

As they were walking and basking in the sunlight, Bucciarati saw the gorgeous (f/f) that Giorno had grown for the occasion. He leaned over and picked one. He put it in Abbacchio's hair as a joke. Bucciarati chuckled, but Abbacchio put his hand up and touched the gift he was given from Bruno. He chuckled a bit to, but that flower meant something to him. 

They eventually came to the bench the three of you were hidden under. They sat down. They stared at the sunset together. The sun was getting lower and lower in the sky. It had been a romantic evening. 

Abbacchio took a quiet deep breath, and did it. He moved his hand, and placed it in Bucciarati's. Would he receive rejection, or acceptance? He hesitated because he hadn't been expecting it, but he held it tight in his own hand. 

Bucciarati's hand was warm and soft. It comforted him. Especially since their hands were intertwined.

You were hyped up inside of the turtle. Polnareff looked up, proud of his boys. Mista high-fived you and bit his lip to keep from making happy noises. 

Abbacchio turned to look into Bruno's eyes once more, and Bruno into his. They were both deep in their trances once more. The light was shining perfectly on them. A warm breeze was washing over them. It was perfect, and you, Mista, and Polnareff were all holding your breath.

Bucciarati leaned in, and then Abbacchio. They slowly closed their eyes elegantly. A moment of passion was happening, one so lovely, and romantic. Their lips softly collided as Bucciarati put his hand up and passionately placed it on Abbacchio's cheek. Their kiss was deep, and was filled with ecstasy.

In the turtle... Polnareff was trying not to laugh, he'd never thought this would have actually worked, Mista was running off the walls he was so happy (mainly because he could tease Bucciarati and Abbacchio about it later), and you just did a boo ya with your hand and nodded slowly, for you had won the day. 

The two broke off and placed their foreheads on each other's. Abbacchio grabbed Bucciarati's hands and held them gently. They had both wanted to do that for a while. 


"Yes, Leone?"

"I love you."

A blush spread across Bucciarati's face as he felt warmth and ecstasy flowing through his body. 

"I love you too."

"What are we going to tell the others," Abbacchio asked a question that wouldn't be important considering the fact that Mista knew what had happened. When Mista knows something, usually everyone knows by the end of the day. 

"We don't have to yet, if you don't want to," Bruno replied, hugging Abbacchio sweetly.

"I'd like that." 

The two got up and went somewhere else, holding hands the whole way. The stars were just showing up. The sky was fading from yellow, to black and blue, with shining glimmering stars. 

You got out of the turtle, grabbed him, and ran to Giorno's quarters. You set everyone down, and Mista got out of the turtle. Mista was still surprised, shocked, and excited. 




"What ,Mista?"

"They kissed!"

"W-what? They did?"


"Yeah, it was pretty entertaining," you added. 

"Well... the plan worked I guess," Giorno mumbled, not really knowing what to say. 

Tomorrow would be a day of rejoicing. A day, where Mista could blackmail Abbacchio. And oh boy, Mista was going to take advantage of that.
