Abbacchio takes you home

Leone Abbacchio was standing outside, waiting for the nurse to give you to him. He could barely see his reflection in the glass as he stared at the lady tending to you. The room was a blue dark, it was a familiar setting. Bucciarati was standing right next to him staring at you.

"Are you sure you're ready to become a father. It's a very big responsibility." Bucciarati spoke to Abbacchio without turning to look at him. 

"Yes. I'll have you to help me." Abbacchio responded giving a barely visible smile. 

A small chuckle escaped Bucciarati, he looked down at the floor. "That's true, I'll be there for you Leone, always." 

And than something happened. Abbacchio's heart snapped. That really meant something to him. He put his hand on the glass and looked down. Tears were forming in his eyes. Why- what was causing this to happen? Why was he crying? 

I never cry, I don't even feel like crying! Why the hell is this happening..."  Abbacchio thought while a tear rolled down his face. He bit his purple lip to hold back his tears, but it didn't do much. You would have thought his purple hat doohickey would have slid off with how low his head was hanging, but being the reliable hat thingy it is, it didn't.

Abbacchio, why...why are you crying... are you alright?" Bucciarati stayed calm and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. His blue eyes were gentle and caring. They were soft and comforting. There was nobody better than Bucciarati when it came to comforting. 

"Yeah. Yeah I'm okay. I just..."

"You're stressed out and nervous. That's okay, it's normal to be nervous when you're becoming a father."

"Bucciarati, I-," Abbacchio was interrupted by the shutting of doors. The two looked over to see a nurse standing there, with a beautiful baby girl. With you.

Abbacchio quickly stood up and walked over to the nurse. His purple to yellow ombré eyes were sparkling. The nurse smiled, and placed you in his arms. 

Abbacchio stared down at you, in awe. He just couldn't believe that you were his now. You, his beautiful baby girl. You gave a big smile, showing off your pink gums. Your eyes were a vivid (e/c)   and the little hairs that were swirled around flat on your head were (h/c). 

Abbacchio couldn't help but show a smile. Your own smile had penetrated his stone heart, and made it happy. Bucciarati stared down at you from the side, he looked proud, proud that his friend was a father.

"Congratulations on your new baby you two," the nurse said. "You'll make great fathers." Bucciarati and Abbacchio stared at each other, confused. 

They both began to laugh. They chuckled and looked back from the nurse to each other, tickled. "You think we're together?" Abbacchio finally said, catching his breath. 

The nurse's face flushed pink and she apologized many times. Abbacchio would have been insulted, but he did just receive his daughter, so he was in a pretty good mood. He placed you in your carrier, and began the walk back to his quarters where Giorno and the rest of the gang lives. It was a good thing the walk was only about fifteen minutes.

As him and Bucciarati walked, they talked about you. People stared at them, wondering why Bucciarati was walking with an odd looking man holding a baby. They didn't care.

"What will you name her?" 


"I think that's a wonderful name."

The sun was setting. The sunset was gorgeous. The sky was filled with yellow, painted with red streaks and orange stripes. The sun was slowly sinking into the horizon. How much longer could it last, before the sky was taken over by the moon?

Once they arrived at his quarters, Bucciarati offered to stay the night with him. "No, you need your, sleep Bucciarati." Abbacchio was strictly declining his offer.

"Just for tonight? At least so I feel you're both safe and alright?" After some thought, Abbacchio finally said "fine, but only for tonight." The two boob pocket bros worked on getting you settled in. Bucciarati had helped decorate your room and damn, it looked good.

Abbacchio got your crib ready and Bruno unstrapped you from your carrier. He picked you up carefully and did a slow rocking motion as he stood there with you. Apparently, you saw an open spot of skin right around Bucciarati's breast area. You sloppily started sucking in that area.

Bucciarati's face turned pink and he quickly turned to Abbacchio. "Help me Leone." Abbacchio realized what you were doing and rushed over and tried to gently pull you off of Bruno's chest. You were like a little leech, sucking blood from your prey. But you weren't getting any "blood".

After a minute of prying you off of the poor foster mom's chest, Abbacchio held you and sat on a black leather sofa, Bucciarati right beside him. 

"She's gorgeous," Bucciarati complimented your cute little face.

"Yeah, she really is."

"I wonder if she'll have a stand or not," Abbacchio spoke up.

"Well, if she does, you'll be great at teaching her how to use it."

After their talk about you and what you might become, they grabbed some pillows, and headed to your room with you. Abbacchio set up a few pillows in the corner of the room and Bucciarati set his pillows up a few feet away from his because they're not gay.

Abbacchio put you in some comfortable pajamas and laid you gently into your crib. He gazed into your curious (e/c) eyes. You gave him one last smirk, before he placed a kiss on your forehead, leaving a faint purple lip mark on your forehead. He made himself comfortable in his pillow bed, and dozed off to sleep. Bucciarati did the same, but they didn't stay asleep for long. Of course you whined and whined all night long. Bucciarati felt bad for Abbacchio, that he would have to put up with this for months on end. But hey, at least you were getting attention. 
