Abbacchio Takes You on Your First Mission

I mean...if they had a baby...

Polnareff cuddled up on the turtle couch with a small blanket and turned his head away from you. His hand slid down to his stomach, a small groan escaping his spectral lips. The memory replayed in his mind. Nothing, then pain. Pain and death. You reached a comforting hand out to him, but it was quickly retracted. Mixed feelings infested your heart and mind as you thought about both sides. 

Diavolo, a god before the world. He took what he wanted, got what he wanted, and killed to make sure everything went his way. Truly a heart dipped into darkness, but befallen into a world of hell. His mind was twisted already and the constant deaths only broke his mind more. Saved by you, and pledged his loyalty to the man who sent him to his hell. 

Polnareff, a man on a mission to find the mysterious stand arrow. Ran into a man of shadows and paid a dear price. Incapable of walking, trapped in a wheelchair, the sinking feeling of helplessness grasped him and he felt no purpose. He made an attempt to help a man named Bucciarati and his gang. All those years later, that mysterious man punched a gruesome hole through his chest. Though, his own stand betrayed him and trapped his soul inside a tortoise. A damn tortoise. Stayed there, did nothing, watched everyone grow. The worst part, the man who killed him got to thrive where he himself roamed in sorrow. 

"I...can't believe you trust him, (Y/n)," Polnareff mumbled with tears forming in his blue eyes. 

"He's different, Pol Pol! He isn't going to hurt any of us! I'll make him come here and apologize if you want." You cuddled up next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Something was off. His skin felt dead and alive like it usually did, but it was different. The energy you could feel from him. It resembled something like fading...

"Don't. I don't need it. I don't want to see his face and I don't want him here." Polnareff quickly rose to his feet and stumbled away from you. He was a lost cause at this point. Change his mind? Impossible. 

"I..uhm, dad's taking me out for my first mission today...I have to go now," a burnt out heart wasn't easy to bear. Polnareff remained silent and clearly wished for you to leave. You exited the turtle and put a tough facade over your desolation tainted face. Everything was going to fine. That's what you told yourself. 

"Hey (Y/n)! You excited for the mission?" Narancia's beaming smile warmed up your icy insides.

"Yup! You patted his black curly-haired head and strolled with him to meet the others. 

"I know Giorno briefed us on the mission already, but just to clarify, we're going after some rouge newbies who got a hold of some important information about Giorno, right?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it! Just you, Abbacchio, and I! It's gonna be a blast!" You couldn't help but feel something pushing at your cardiac sphincter, something vulgar. That's the moment you realized butterflies were flying around in your stomach. Vomit was pressing to escape, and you debated wether to let it go or not. 

What if I mess up? What if they get away cause of me? Will Creed be strong enough? What if I get someone killed? 

"H-hey Narancia?" You saw Abbacchio in the distance, waiting rather impatiently for you guys to hurry up.

"Yeah, (Y/n)?" Narancia kept his sparkling violet eyes ahead, clearly not paying too much attention. 

"I-I don't think I can do this...we all know I'm gonna mess this up." You mumbled and clenched your sweating fists. Narancia stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to you and immediately laid two hands on your shoulders. His smile was gone and replaced by a stern line of a mouth. 

"Hey, you're not gonna mess anything up. You're gonna do great! I remember when Bucciarati took me out for my first mission. He was so patient with me and helped me every step of the way. Fugo also helped me out quite a bit too!" Narancia stared into your pretty (e/c) eyes. "Guess what? You have Abbacchio and I to help you out! You're going to be amazing, (Y/n). Wanna know how I know?"

"H-how?" A small smile was starting to form on your face. 

"Because you're strong and so so so smart! I believe in you, m'kay? Don't get so down on yourself, cause I'm right here for you!" Narancia grinned and tittered. You couldn't do it anymore. His heart was made of sugar coated in honey. You gave him the biggest hug of his life.

"Thank you..." He chuckled and grabbed your hand, leading you the rest of the way to Abbacchio and (M/p/n). Abbacchio smirked and patted your head, proud eyes gazing down on you.

"You're going to be great," you grinned and hugged your daddio. You pulled out the purple hat thingy that resembled Abbacchio's and placed it like a crown on your head. 

"FOR GIORNO!!!" You gave your best war cry and ran forward into the face of danger. 

"FOR GIORNO!!!" Narancia chuckled and raised a fist, running after you.

"Not for Giorno..." Abbacchio raised a lazy fist and rushed to catch up to the two of you. 

You and the others found yourselves deep in the city of Naples. Strolling along the beach with enchanted blue waves splashing against the warm sand. The foam that was left from the turquoise and sapphire waters sunk into the tan. Truly mesmerizing, so what else was in the world that you didn't get to see often? The sudden thought of what life would be like if your real mother had kept you clouded your thoughts. Maybe you would be sitting on a bench at the moment, licking creamy colorful ice cream off of a waffle or or sugar cone. Maybe even a cake cone!

"Keep your eyes up, (Y/n). Look at your surroundings." Abbacchio brought you out of the clouds. You kept your head up and looked around. Narancia got into some small talk with Leone while you scanned the area. Finally, something caught your eye.

"Dad! Narancia! Look! You pointed to a small indent in the floor. "It looks like more than one man passed through here. They tried to cover up their footprints but did a mediocre job."

You could sense the proud smiles on their faces. It felt magnificent to be doing well, but the real battle had yet to come. Abbacchio led you two after the tracks until they disappeared onto the concrete floor of an alleyway. 

"Alright...I should especially know this, but alleyways are bad news. It doesn't matter when or where. These punks are nearby," you hurried into the abandoned house to the side, the other two confused but following. 

"Alright. We should be safe in here. Let's discuss the pla-,"

"You're a sharp cookie for a little girl." Interruptions. You despised them. Especially when you can't find who interrupted you. The shadows of the opened up wooden and battered floors above you consumed whoever was up there. 

Thump! The man hit the ground on his feet. Overall younger. Probably 18 or so. His eyes were a fiery orange red mix and his black hair was combed to the side. A ripped white dress shirt was accompanied by a long, black, and slick button up vest. A rip went through the middle of his chest, of course showing off a bit of man cleavage. His tie was tucked in formerly but also torn. Thick silver chains wrapped around one leg from his ankle to his hip around his dress pants as well. He looked like a battered up bachelor. Those eyes looked like they could murder you even if you were giving him a hug.

"Tch..trying to compete with man cleavage? Please. You're no where close to winning the war," Abbacchio slid his hand down his chest and scowled. The boy guffawed with booming laughter and wiped a new forming tear from his eye.

"I like you, Abbacchio. You're hilarious! Name's Enzo. Nice to meet you." He held out a hand and kept a grin on his face.

"Look, we're not here for the pleasantries. Let's get this over with," Narancia snapped at him. Aerosmith flew in from his side, guns ready to fire.

"Alright alright, if you say so." Enzo put a tight nail digging grip on your wrist. "Ciao." A stand. He certainly had one. Something dark wrapped around the two of you and pulled you up into the shadows. Everything was black and you couldn't see a single thing. Enzo had encased you in some sort of... stand thing. It reeked of fire smoke for some odd unknown reason. As you went up, two more boys came down.

"S-shit!" Narancia screeched as a slashing noise could be heard from below. Panic was welling up inside of you and your brain practically turned off. Deriding voices appeared in your head but you remembered what you were supposed to be. Great. Great like a god and you would live up to that. 

Light began spilling in from the small openings in the top floor roof from small cracks in the wood. Enzo was sitting there, munching on something. You raised a furious fist, prepared to pummel his face in.

"Want some?" He handed you a couple of tootsie rolls with a kind beam plastered on his mouth. 

"...Thank you?" You sat down and munched on your tootsie rolls with screams sounding far below you. This guy was strange...maybe a trickster?

"Ya know, I never really thought I would get this far! I was just a boy dreaming of a bright future once upon a time," he looked down and pulled out another tootsie roll.

"Really? What happened that made you join the mafia?" You leaned in closer with eager ears.

Well, my dad died when I was little, so things were pretty hard for my mom and I. She turned to alcohol and started beating me. It wasn't very fun, so every night I would climb on top of our roof and watch the stars. She never bothered to look for me when I was gone, so it was a nice place to relax and think."

"Wow, sounds like a nice spot!" Calls for both you and Enzo sounded from both teams below. They were utterly ignored however. One does not simply interrupt story time. 

"Yeah! I suppose it was. Remember that earthquake we had three years ago? Yeah...I was on the roof when that happened. I fell off and broke...," Enzo mumbled to himself as he counted on his fingers. "I broke six bones. Four ribs, and both bones in my right arm. I think I went unconscious or something, but when I woke up, I was in the hospital. Some man with black hair...uhm, a white outfit it seemed like brought me there. Can't remember his name, although I know it started with a 'b'. I found out later that day that my mom had fallen and impaled herself with a kitchen knife that was in her hands. I think she was making dinner, but I'm not sure. Anyways, that man who saved me was in the mafia, and I wanted to be in it too. After all, it was my only future."

That description sounds oddly familiar...

"Wow...that's a cool story! But I do have to ask, why are you trying to kill the boss?" 

"I have dreams too, uhhh?"

"(Y/n)." You probably shouldn't have given him that info, but whatever. He seemed nice enough.

"I have ambitions, (Y/n)! Dreams! I want to rise to the top and run things my way! Of course, I would never sell drugs to children, so I appreciate the boss for that at least. I...I want to prove my worth!"

"I'm sure you will!" Silence. "Well. We can't do this forever, huh?" You rose to your feet and cracked your knuckles and neck. 

"Yeah...I suppose not. Good luck to you, (Y/n). I hope to see you again one day." He held out a hand and you took it. Firmly shaking hands felt soothing. Enzo released yours with no tricks, and the fight began. Creed immediately leaped from the shadows and put him in an headlock. You heard something crack or pop in his tan skinned neck.

"Arrivederci," you menacingly leered as your intent to snap his neck was being fulfilled.

"Haha, that's good!" Enzo hoarsely mumbled. "Not good enough, though." His hand reached up along with a textured gray hand and wrapped his fingers around Creed's wrist. It turned to scattering gray ashes that sizzled as they fell to the floor. Creed's hand was ashes on the floor. Your hand was ashes on the floor. An agonizing screech leaked from your lips and you instinctively released the lad. 

Enzo grabbed your other wrist and tossed you over the edge of the floor. it was like time had frosted over and everything was in slow motion. You were falling to your inevitable death.

"Arrivederci," he put his two fingers by his head and taunted you. Air pressed against your back as you fell to the splintery wood below.

"C-Creed!" The shadow of the beaten up stairway to the side was your only glimpse of hope. Creed gracefully swam through the shadows. Arms extended to catch you, your life was saved. 

The quick glimpse you got of the situation was horrifying. Narancia was choking with a near purple face. His stand was slowly fading but it looked like he managed to shoot the living hell out of his opponent. Abbacchio was on the floor with a clearly broken leg and missing forearm. A stand with eight arms and a spider like appearance was holding eight bloodied knives, ready to end the battle. 

You and Creed sunk one of its katanas through the stand user from behind. Blood seeped from the wound and you stuck your finger deep into it. The user winced as you wiggled your finger around. Pulling it out, you licked the crimson liquid off of your finger. He fell to the ground, life fading and eventually leaving. You spat on his face and stomped on it, breaking his nose bright as day.

"I don't know how vampires enjoy that taste...I mean, a little bit is okay, but a whole cup of it? Eww." You shuddered with a chill creeping up and down your spine.

"Y-yeah...Narancia is dying...please help him. We can talk about vampires l-later," Abbacchio winced and groaned slightly while he held his broken leg with his available arm. You tore off the dead man's shirt and tore it in half. It wasn't easy considering you were one hand down. You wrapped it tightly around unconscious Narancia's throat to avoid blood loss.

"Giorno's trick, don't fail me now!" You pulled a pen from Narancia's pocket and took it apart. You took the tube and stabbed it into his throat below the the red smile that opened his flesh. What luck! What a smart cookie Giorno was. You sighed in relief as Narancia's chest pushed up and down with air flow. You tied the other part of the cloth around Abbacchio's half arm. You were going to need a bath and seriously scrub your skin to be rid of the staining blood.

"Nicely done, (Y/n)! I'll see you some other time! I have to meet up with my actual friends! Those bozos were pretty dumb, huh?" Enzo called from the top floor.

"Yeah! They were! Bye, Enzo!" You watched as he exited through the roof with the help of his ashy appearing stand. Fire was burning within it it seemed. You wondered what the full extent of his ability was...

"D-don't talk to him! He's the enemy!" Abbacchio grunted and stood up with your help. Creed carefully picked up Narancia's body.

"Yeah...well apparently it's my job to fraternize with people you don't like..." you mumbled under your breath as the thought of Diavolo popped up. You were a shoulder for your father to lean on as you slowly strolled and stumbled home. You stayed in the shadows to avoid people getting frightened from Narancia's floating body in Creed's arms, though it would make for a humorous joke. Silence was king until half way through.

"I'm proud of you, (Y/n)." Abbacchio looked down at you with pride filled eyes. 

"What?" He must have been joking, right? You weren't some marvelous being, you just did your job!

"You saved me back there. I'm...very proud of you. I don't want you to forget that, okay?" He booped your nose like old times. Warmth flooded your heart and you felt...great. Just great. Generally happy. Not a worry in the world.

"Thanks means a lot." You got on your tiptoes and sweetly kissed his cheek.

The three of you returned back to the mansion, Giorno rushing out to help Narancia and scowling, grimacing Abbacchio. Oh yeah, also daydreaming you. Leone told Bruno how you had saved him and word got around fast. It finally seemed like things were in good terms with you again. Though, your mind could only think about what Enzo might be doing at the moment. Enzo...what an interesting fellow.
