Bruno takes you shopping

Okay so I just really wanted to show you guys the mangas I bought recently 😅😊. I'm so excited to read them!

Your eyes quickly shot open. You knew what day it was, it was a day you had been waiting for for a long time. It was your birthday and Mama Bruno said he had a surprise for you.

You immediately threw off your (f/c) blankets and started to get dressed. You had Creed grab your comb and start to comb your shoulder length (h/c) hair. You put on your favorite outfit, slid on your shoes, and ran out of your room. 

Abbacchio was still asleep, so being the excited child you were, you went straight to his room. You carefully crawled onto his bed. You had a plan, a glorious plan that would probably be the end of you. 

Abbacchio's mouth was slightly open, perfect. You carefully stuffed a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth. A second later, he inhaled the cookie, and started choking. He sat up, groggily in a panic, choking on a soft, delicious, delightful, chocolate chip cookie that was trying to murder him. 

Eventually he managed to chew up the cookie and swallow it, glaring at you with a questioning face. He slowly got out of bed, grabbed his dress thing, and went to the bathroom to get dressed and do his hair.

You prepared to tackle your dear old dad. You planted your back foot behind you, put your front foot steady in front of you, and readied your arms. You were going to use Creed to give you  boost when you pushed off of the ground with your back foot. It would propel you forward, sending a powerful hug to Abbacchio. Hopefully it would be enough to push him to the ground.

You heard, the door creak open, and the bathroom light shined through the crack. You dug your foot into the ground and pushed off, quiet as a mouse because of Creed's foot helping you. Wrapping your arms around Abbacchio, you tackled him to the ground. 

You hugged him tight, he was a good dad..."You're the best, and don't you ever forget it , dad." You said, still squeezing him tight. "Happy birthday?" He responded, not having a clue what was happening. He slowly got up, kissing your cheek on his way up, chuckling.

"Alright hun, let's go..."

The two of you walked over to Bucciarati who was sitting on the park bench. Well, the whole gang was there, but minding their own business and daydreaming. While nobody was looking, except you, Abbacchio gave Bucciarati a quick kiss. 

"Hi Y/n), happy birthday!" Bucciarati leaned down to give you a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, tight. Mama Bruno was the best. 

"So what are we doing today?" You asked, with a cute smile on your face. 

"Well...We're going shopping."


"Yes, shopping."

You felt the adrenaline rush through your body. The excitement was flowing through you. You had to get it out somehow!

You used Creed, and jump kicked Mista on the back of his neck. "WHA-." Mista said on his way down. "I AM HYPED!" you shouted. 

Bucciarati and Abbacchio were looking at you, they looked...scared. You went up to Giorno, who held your hand as the gang started to walk.

"Hey uh-why aren't we driving?" Mista asked.

"Because we need the exercise, Mista," Bucciarati simply said.

Mista was whimpering and complaining quietly by Trish who were at the back of the gang. You didn't mind walking, in fact you liked the sun which was shining on your back. 

Little did the gang know... you had brought Polnareff with you. You had secretly put the turtle in a secret pocket you had. Well, the secret pocket was actually Abbacchio's. When you had tackled him, you put Polnareff in his secret pocket. You were surprised he still hadn't noticed. Usually he put police batons or knives in that pocket, but not today.

Once you got into town, Bucciarati, took the entire gang to a fancy clothes store. You tried to resist the fancy clothes, but Bucciarati told you that you could pick out any outfit of your choice. Of course, you acted to dislike the expensive stuff, so that Bucciarati wouldn't buy it.

Mista was trying on a suit. It was black, and had dark gray stripes going up and down it. He had a velvet red tie that he was adjusting, while Trish tried to take off his hat. 

"Trish, stop it!"

"Mista, you need to take that hat off."


"Because when you wear this suit, you aren't going to be wearing that stupid hat!"

"How do you know? Maybe I'll wear it just to spite you."


Narancia was currently trying to get Fugo to buy a suit that didn't look like green cheese. Fugo kept telling him that he liked his "cheese" suit, and that he wasn't going to buy a suit. Narancia kept pestering him, and he was going to blow a fuse soon. 

Trish was trying on many many dresses and kept asking Mista which one looked the best. Poor Mista had no damn clue what to say. Every once and a while Bucciarati would hold up a random piece of clothing to Abbacchio's body and say "hey, you'd look good in this!". Abbacchio would never try it on.

Eventually, Abbacchio tried on one suit. But only after Bucciarati threatened him by telling him he was going to use Sticky Fingers to unzip all of his clothes unless he tried on one. Bucciarati ended up buying that suit for him.

Mista ended buying that suit, even though he probably would only wear it once, Trish got two fancy black dresses that impressed Mista quite a bit, Fugo and Narancia both got some fine looking suits that weren't too expensive even though Fugo said he wasn't going to buy a suit. Bucciarati didn't buy anything considering he already had many suits, and you got a beautiful (f/c) dress. It was jaw dropping, and you rocked that look. Since all of you were scary looking gangsters, the cashier was very gracious and gave you a discount.

You snuck Polnareff out of Abbacchio's pocket when giving him a hug. You snuck him over to Mista, and told him to hide Polnareff. You and Mista were partners in crime. You guys were always being despicable.

You jumped into Coco Jumbo, unnoticed. You showed Polnareff your dress and he smiled. You got lots of compliments.

"Wow, look at you! You look so grown up." He looked...proud? Well, he had every right to be. You were the best. 

You ended up falling asleep, resting your head on Polnareff's shoulder. Mista set the turtle down, and forgot about you two. Abbacchio and Bucciarati both started to freak out. They spent three hours looking for you. 

Abbacchio was on the verge of shooting himself in the head, while Bucciarati was about to have a heart attack. Mista knew you were in the turtle, but forgot where he set you. After he found you, he explained what had happened. Abbacchio broke his nose. 
