You Kill For The First Time

It was late at night and you were running, running fast to get home to where you could be safe. You had an adult man after you, most likely a kidnapper. You were breathing hard and your lungs felt like they were on fire. You glided through the stone streets that were lit by lampposts. Once the light from a lamppost would fade, there would briefly be darkness, but light would fade back in and out as you ran. This man...he could keep up a little too well, and the problem was that he had a gun. 

You were almost there, to your freedom. Once you reached the mansion, Mama Bruno and Abbacchio would take care of this punk. A little further! You were in view of the place! 

"Shi-!" You tripped, unable to finish your sentence. The man quickly got on top of you and held both hands above your head with one of his own. His hands were calloused and rough feeling as they pulled your hands up painfully high.

"I know who you are and who you belong to, brat." He spoke with a voice that was clearly indicating that he had a problem with your father or someone from your family. He spat on you as you struggled with all of your strength but you couldn't get away from him. He wasn't out to rape or kidnap, he was out to kill.

He cocked his pistol with a single hand and brought it up to your temple, with a devilish look in his eyes. Fear struck you as you realized he was going to blow your brains out unless you did something about it. It was life or death, and you intend to live. 

The man went cold and full of fear as you sent Creed's fist straight through his body. You took the chance to stand up; the man slid off of Creed's fist leaving a bloody trail behind. He was limp, but his eyes were locked on you.

"Y-your damn f-father...took h-him from son." His breathing was hoarse and he was pissed off to the max. The anger and frustration in his eyes was painful to look at as he slowly faded. You wondered how he knew so much about your family in the first place. 

"Well shit amigo, I'm sorry. You're about to have a little family reunion though. Tell your son my father says hi."

He passed not a moment later and you felt something unlike what you had ever felt before. You murdered a man. You murdered him to protect yourself, so maybe it wasn't murder? Killing, that was what you had done. You killed heartbroken man who wanted revenge for his son's murder. 

"Oh no..." you backed away slightly in shock at what you had done. Your breathing was speeding up rapidly and you looked at the blood on your hands.

"C-CRAP! MY SHIRT'S BLOODY! MOM'S GONNA KILL ME!" You quickly pulled off your white, blood-stained shirt leaving you shirtless with only a bra and tucked it into your pants pocket. Sneaking in without being caught would be difficult, but you could manage. Suddenly, you got dizzy, and fell to your knees. It had been a long, long run. You had probably been running for an hour or so at full speed, not to mention when the man got on top of you, he pretty much body slammed you. Exhaustion overwhelmed you and you closed your eyes, just for a little nap.

You awoke with sunlight beaming into your (e/c) eyes. What a long day yesterday had been 

It took thirty minutes, but eventually you were able to hide the man's body in the shadows of some nearby trees. You would have to tell Abbacchio about your first kill later. The more and more you thought about taking his life, the more and more you felt worse about yourself. No matter, it would become normal soon enough.

You went to the back entrance of the mansion in a panic and tried to stay hidden. Peaking around the corner, you saw from across the garden Abbacchio standing by Bruno, who absolutely looked worried. The rest of the gang was lined up with Bucciarati lecturing them. Clearly they were going out to look for you since you hadn't returned yesterday.

Bruno was being rather harsh with them. He went to the extent of grabbing Giorno's collar of his outfit. Ferocity and frustration was in his blue eyes, however Giorno returned the stare with a questionable look that said "Are you sure you want to do that?". Mama Bruno took a deep breath and let go of Giorno, apologizing. Bruno was missing his baby, afraid that you had died which was a big possibility considering your past of getting into trouble. 

You watched everyone rush out of the garden to go search for you, however someone was missing from the group. Who was missing...

"Why are you stalking them without a shirt on?" Narancia was standing right behind you, snacking on some ice cream with a hand in his pocket. You quickly turned around and shrieked slightly, covering your chest with your hands.

"What the hell Narancia?! Don't stare!" He lifted a single hand up and covered his eyes, still licking his ice cream like a baby. You took a knife out of your pocket and cut his shirt straps, causing his shirt to slide down to his feet. You slide it up over your own body and held it there to cover your own bareness.

"OI! That was my favorite shirt!" He pouted with a sad face. When he tilted his head down, his ice cream fell off the cone and onto the grass. At this point he had tears in his eyes and he looked like he was going to fall onto the floor and start crying.

"Wait, nononono don't cry! I'm sorry! I'll get you a new shirt and ice cream!" You grabbed his arm and quickly dragged him to Abbacchio's quarters. You sat him down on the floor and quickly ran to the kitchen and scooped him up some ice cream and put it on a cone. You gently handed it to him and went to your room to put on another shirt and hid your blood-stained one. 

When you came back, you saw a big smile on his face as he sat crisscrossed on the floor. Sitting next to him, he flopped his upper body onto you and you had to grab him with both hands to keep him up. Narancia was just being a big baby at this point. 

Eventually, he dozed off, his head on your lap. You stroked his cheek gently with your hand, sitting there, thinking about what you were going to tell Abbacchio. For being fairly ripped at that point, Narancia really was childish...

Hours passed and you heard the door to the quarters open. You heard sad sniffling and comforting as Abbacchio and Bucciarati walked in. They didn't even notice you as Bucciarati sat down on the couch putting a hand to his forehead, disappointed in himself. You really needed to stop making your parents worry, you were really good at it.

A moment later after Abbacchio reassured Bucciarati that you would be found, the two of them turned the corner into the other room where they saw you gently petting Narancia.


"Shhhh! Narancia is sleeping."

"Where were you?" Abbacchio whispered in a stern manner. 

"Oh, some dude was chasing me down for a good hour or so but then I tripped and he got on top of me. He put a gun to my head so I stabbed him with Creed."

"Did you kill him?"

"Of course, I wouldn't leave a bastard like him alive. Did say you killed his son though." Your father was so proud of you and you could clearly tell from his obvious expression. Abbacchio turned to Bruno who was looking at him with a questioning look.

"You need stop killing people, it's a bad influence for her."

"Bruno, we kill several people every month, and I'm not going to miss out on the fun. Not to mention she's gonna want to join the gang soon and join in on killing bastards."

"That's too dangerous!" 

You took a deep breath. You exhaled, and put your hands together.

"If I have to tell you to be quiet again, I'm going to take away your wine," you pointed to Abbacchio, "and your laced clothes and what not", you pointed to Mama Bruno with a frustrated look. 

The two quieted down and went to their room where they continued the slight disagreement. You were hoping to join the gang in a year or so, to become a made man, a mafioso by the boss himself. Your goal was to become the boss of the mafia just like Giorno had done, but you didn't have the strength to kill Giorno, not that you even could if you tried. Oh the personal were going to go out and buy Narancia a teddy bear.
