Abbacchio Finds Out About Your Crush

You're thirteen hahahahaha

(M/f/n)- male friend's name 

Libeccio was a fantastic restaurant. You would spend lots of time collecting enough money to go eat there. It was a big treat when Bucciarati or Abbacchio would take you. Their strawberry was your favorite and nobody could get their hands on the recipe for it. Not even Bucciarati could recreate the wonderful delicacy. 

You didn't have many friends, but you at least one good friend. He had invited you to the restaurant to eat lunch, and here's the best part, they were paying! The place was really expensive, so you didn't order a whole bunch.

To be honest, your friend, (m/f/n) made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He was so sweet and caring, he was always excited to hang out with you. You knew what this feeling was, and you tried to deny it at first. After learning that there was nothing you could do about it, you accepted the fact that you had a crush on (f/n).

After you were done eating, he walked you home and you had an interesting conversation on the way home. If you get scared half to death twice, do you die? Why did the kamikaze pilots wear helmets? The two of you were the masters of shower thoughts.

You reached the entrance of your house and (m/f/n) hugged you goodbye for the first time. Suddenly, your heart shot a feeling of warmth and fuzziness that exploded like a small firework in your chest. You hugged him  back, and he ran off. He turned back and waved goodbye with a huge smile painted across his face.

You were so happy you wanted to squeal, but once you turned the corner and opened the gate to the garden, your smile disappeared. Time to return to your tough act of ultimate toughness. Shutting the gate behind you, you walked to your room in Abbacchio's quarters, shut the door, belly flopped on your bed with your face buried in your soft pillow, and squealed with happiness. A knock on the door caused embarrassment to flood your body. 

"Come in." You flipped over on your back and got into a relaxed position that made you look cool. You put on the purple hat thingy Abbacchio had gotten you and put on your shades, Abbacchio opened the door and stared at you, not even phased. Yup, that was pretty normal.

"Who was that kid?" Abbacchio asked with a curious look on his face. Clearly he had seen everything and your secret was screwed. Time was ticking and he was waiting for your answer.

"GET SALT WATERED SON!" You took the glass of salt water to had mixed up a long time ago and splashed it in his eyes. You ran out of your room and went to hide in Bucciarati's closet. You had saved that glass of saltwater for a situation such as the one that had just occurred.

Hiding in Bucciarati's closet was a dangerous thing to do. You felt something...lacy, touching your arm. You slightly opened the closet to let in a tiny crack of light, and saw the many lacy things next to you. Was...was that a thong? DAMMIT IT WAS A THONG! you fell over in the closet and got yourself in a sticky situation. You were stuck with your arms pushed close together and you couldn't move no matter how hard you tried. The worst part was that Bucciarati's thong was right on top of your head. You were disgusted at the thought of where it had been.

"Welp, I guess I'll just think about life until dad or Mama Bruno find me and kill me." You mumbled to yourself. You thought about life and (m/f/n) and how he had hugged you after the delightful lunch the two of you had eaten.

Eventually, Mama Bruno opened the closet and you fell out with a thump! He was shocked and jumped back at the sight of you. You got up and rubbed your elbow which you had hit on the ground.

"Mama Mia! What are you doing in my closet?" 

"I'm..Uhm...I'm hiding from dad. He knows too much, will you help me dispose of him?"

"What? No, what happened?"

"You're skating on thin ice." Bucciarati backed away after seeing the fiery glare in your eyes. It was actually pretty scary. Scarier then the time Narancia stalked him from the window to see if he could see Bucciarati with the braids clipped down on his head undone.

You left the room and ran into Abbacchio who had his eyes shut. He couldn't see, but somehow he had managed to find you. He put his hands on your shoulders and held you there.

"Why the hell did you do that!? Do you wish for pain?"

"Oi dad, stop being salty." Abbacchio took a deep breath and asked you once more who the kid was. Oh yeah, it was go time.

"I didn't want to tell you, but they're a stand user who tried to kill me four months ago. Eventually, another stand user joined our epic battle and killed my original enemy's friend. We used the last of our strength fighting him off, and after that we teamed up to get revenge on that bastard murderer. They've become my best friend since, and we went out today to search for more clues of where the stand user could be."

Abbacchio was shocked and gullible. His daughter was finally tracking down murderers, he was so proud! He needed to meet this friend of yours. He also suspected something else however. Abbacchio might have been gullible, but he wasn't stupid. He could tell from the look on your eyes and the color in your cheeks that there was something else.

"You two seem to be good friends. That hug you got from them was an adorable sight, especially  the part when you hesitated the hug back." Abbacchio was just teasing you now, it wasn't even funny. He knew, deep down you knew that he knew. Your cheeks were blushing bright red and you felt his stare upon you. It was like hand was crawling up your back that sent shivers down your spine. Abbacchio's eyes were opened by now, and he could see your flustered expression.

Bucciarati was by Abbacchio's side at this point and pretty much knew what was going on. He patted your head with a chuckle. Abbacchio felt pretty smart at the time for figuring it out.

"It's okay if you like him, that's just a natural part of being human. We're never going to be angry or unsupportive because you like someone." You hugged Bucciarati and buried your face against his shoulder. Abbacchio patted your head and kissed your forehead. You were thankful for understanding parents. 

"What's his name?" Mama Bruno asked.

"(F/n), (f/n) (f/l/n)."

Later on that day something very exciting happened. Something that made you very happy and it made your heart sing. A family matter that would spark joy within you forever.
