Abbacchio tells the gang that he's adopting you

Leone Abbacchio was sitting in a chair right outside of Giorno's quarters, waiting. His heart wasn't racing, but was on edge. He hadn't felt this... feeling... this need for something more than what Bucciarati gave him in years.

Ever since Giorno became the boss, the ol' gang hadn't done much. The crime in the city had reduced, which was nice, but Abbacchio  missed the old days. The days when the gang would do missions for Polpo or the boss. The thrill in it was incredible.

While Abbacchio was still thinking, Mista opened the door. They stared at each other for a moment. Mista could see that what Abbachio had to say was important and stressful.

"Alright, Giorno got the gang together. You can come in now." Mista had a smile on his face and gestured for him to come in.

Abbacchio got up, and walked into the room, trying to keep his cool. Giorno was sitting in his fancy throne-like chair with his donut hair still looking doughnutty as ever. Mista was leaning against the wall, Bucciarati was sitting in a chair to the right of Giorno, and Fugo and Narancia were leaning against the wall right next to Mista. 

Abbacchio stood right in front of Giorno, the whole gang's attention on him. Why was this so stressful? This wasn't even the hardest part. His hands were shaking, his heart was pounding. The only way for him to feel better would be to just...say it!

"I-I would like to inform you all, that I-. I'm adopting a child." Abbacchio was staring at the floor with his purple, yellow, ombré, eyes. The sunlight was beaming into the room. It was like, time had stopped. The air particles danced around in their bright sunbeam, and Abbacchio was waiting for his response.

Bucciarati stood up out of his seat. Mista was shocked and actually stopped leaning on the wall for once. Narancia let out a happy noise of laughter and Fugo didn't know what to say. Abbachio had never liked Giorno, true. He had a feeling that it was mutual though. 

"Abbacchio, this is... wonderful!" Giorno stood up, and held out his hand. Abbacchio at least had the decency to shake his boss's hand. Abbacchio's eyes turned to Bucciarati. 

Bucciarati's hand was placed over his mouth. His face was plain and had no expression. His black beautiful hair drooped to the side of his face. 

Everybody was congratulating Abbacchio, but he took no notice. Bucciarati made a gesture with his hand to follow him into the next room. Abbachio slipped out of the room. 

Bucciarati had his face turned and was silent. The light was beaming right on to him. Abbacchio shut the door behind them.

"Bucciarati, are you alright?" Abbacchio asked, concerned for what seemed to be his only true friend. 


"Than why aren't you speaking? Are you happy with my decision?"

Bucciarati slowly moved his body to face Abbacchio. Tears were surrounding his eyes. A huge smile was painted across his face. He was-He was crying!

Abbacchio's heart sunk and felt pity. Was he sad? Disappointed? Happy? He couldn't tell.

"Oh Abbacchio, I couldn't be more happy!" Bucciarati stretched out his arms towards him. He embraced him, arms drooping over his shoulders. His bare chest on his. Tears of joy flowing freely.

Abbacchio took a moment to process that BUCCIARATI was CRYING. He returned the hug and held on tight. He'd only hugged his friend once before, but he'd never seen him cry.

Bucciarati let go of him and chuckled. "I'm sorry, I lost my composure there. This is just such an exciting thing. You'll make a great father."

"Thank you."

"So, tell me, are you wanting a girl or a boy and what age?"

"I was hoping for a baby girl."

Bucciarati let out another chuckle and looked at the light that was beaming in through the window. He was still happy beyond belief, he would probably keep his composure for now, but who knows how long that'll last.

Abbacchio patted Bucciarati on the shoulder and left the room, only to be swarmed by the rest of the gang. They were all so annoying and they were all asking questions like "what gender?" "What will you name him or her?" "What age?" Abbacchio ignored everybody and went straight home to prepare for his baby girl. His sweet, little, baby, girl. 

Hopefully Bucciarati would help him fix up a room for you and everything. Bucciarati was always really good at decorating things. Oh Bucciarati, too friendly. 

Abbacchio was tired and stressed out. He thought a lot about how he was going to parent you and what you might become, but it all stopped when he dozed off to sleep, almost immediately after he arrived at his home. He could wait till tomorrow to think about filling out a heck ton of papers to adopt you. Now that, would be stressful.
