
jeongin has entered the group chat

jeongin: i want candies
jeongin: someone buy for me

felix, bang chan and seungmin have entered the group chat

bang chan: surprise... surprise.
bang chan: diabetes is opening its door.
bang chan: it's welcoming you.

jeongin: >:(

seungmin: dear child,
seungmin: you ain't getting your candies
seungmin: im already broke while raising myself
seungmin: where's the money for candies

jisung, minho and hyunjin have entered the group chat

jisung: aye
jisung: i'm applying moisturizer!
jisung: smooth smooth skin,
jisung: come to me!

seungmin: i just said im broke
seungmin: you're not making the situation better, jisung.

minho: go and work to earn some money then

felix: what is work?
felix: don't you know money grows on tree?

minho: i wish..

seungmin: ^ .. sigh.

minho: so that i can buy unlimited love and happiness for myself

bang chan: rofl
bang chan: love and happiness can't be bought.
bang chan: it can only be earned.
bang chan: #coldtruth #sadtruth

jisung: preach

jeongin: and then after you get your pay, buy for me some candies! @ seungmin
jeongin: yum yum 😋

seungmin: 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸
seungmin: do you want me to go bakrupt

jeongin: sure thing.
jeongin: buy me a terrace and a maserati
jeongin: thank you oppar

seungmin: /shoot self/
seungmin: im not your bank gtfo
seungmin: and don't be a koreaboo

woojin: pfft
woojin: he's probably lazy to work
woojin: or procrastinating. @ minho
woojin: he'll need a wife to nurse him

felix: n-nurse
felix: grow up

seungmin: i don't need nursing bij
seungmin: and fyi, im not lazy.
seungmin: i've been converting oxygen into carbon dioxide all day..

hyunjin: stop breathing then

seungmin: nah
seungmin: the ecosystems need me

hyunjin: they probably don't even know you're alive and have been giving out carbon dioxide since 2000

woojin and changbin have entered the group chat

changbin: baby shark do doo do do da doo do doo
changbin: mama shark do doo do do da doo do doo

woojin: i hate that song
woojin: it's annoying

minho: daddy shark do doo do do da doo do doo
minho: daddy shark do doo do do da doo do doo

jeongin: i went swimming do doo do do da doo do doo
jeongin: i went swimming do doo do do da doo do doo

felix: im the daddy shark
felix: grrrrr
felix: nasty humans..

bang chan: ooo
bang chan: im so scared!

felix: grrr

woojin: so many do's.
woojin: go do your homework instead

hyunjin: hyunjin is cool do doo do do da doo do doo
hyunjin: yey! swag.

seungmin: /drinks bleach/

jisung: not cool man, not cool.

hyunjin: shh

jisung: but what's cool is- my skin!
jisung: i love my moisturizer
jisung: so smooth..
jisung: and my skin smells so flowery and fruity too

minho: go be an advertiser already

seungmin: right (; ̄д ̄)

jisung: someone sponsor me!

woojin: no,
woojin: you're cringy.
woojin: you'll give everyone cancer

jisung: why are you so blunt
jisung: i hate you

woojin: i did not confess to you that i like you as well, love.

felix: homework update: burning in progess

jeongin: so much lost for the work
jeongin: rest in peace..

woojin: i swear..
woojin: by burning you mean not doing it

felix: ish
felix: nutrition class is not my style
felix: it's not my cup of tea.
felix: im going to save my time for something useful

minho: you mean by breathing- oh, that's very useful.
minho: do something today that your future self will thank you for

felix: talking to changbin is what my future self will thank me for

jisung: i dont even need to say the word 'cringy' anymore
jisung: it'll just appear in everyone's mind now

hyunjin: who wouldn't lmao

changbin: exactly, who wouldn't.
changbin: especially me, im the victim yo.

bang chan: a victim who's secretly enjoying all the attention he's having

changbin: dude-

woojin: if it's important to you, you'll find a way.
woojin: if not, you'll find an excuse. @ felix
woojin: wow damn. i'm deep out of the sudden
woojin: i'm surprised @ myself

seungmin: this is why i love woojin
seungmin: very judicious and insightful

woojin: thank you for loving a potato
woojin: much love needed

jeongin: i love potato
jeongin: especially potato chips!
jeongin: does that count as loving you?

woojin: ...
woojin: no
woojin: im not a legit potato m8

jeongin: ow
jeongin: my love is on fire
jeongin: rotting in the fire pit rn

minho: w felix's essays

changbin: + my soul


jisung: omfg
jisung: teletubbies' long last sister

jeongin: IM DEAD

woojin: HEY WTF
woojin: WHY

bang chan: omg they look so alike
bang chan: baby woojin in teletubbies season 10
bang chan:

woojin: omg
woojin: why

felix: my baby woojin
felix: call papa

woojin: ee no.
woojin: stop

changbin: i'm never eating potato chips again
changbin: it'll remind me of woojin
changbin: it'll make me lose my appetite

woojin: i'm so done

hyunjin: HAHAHAHA
hyunjin: btw i'm cooking atm
hyunjin: i can foresee myself burning the whole kitchen down
hyunjin: the oil- it's jumping everywhere!
hyunjin: oil war zone

seungmin: i wonder why he still has the time to text and not take care of his kitchen
seungmin: he's probably frying woojin the chips

woojin: STOP

seungmin: /hides/

minho: it's jumping because it's in contact with water
minho: how could you not know @ hyunjin

felix: this is why felix senpai is here
felix: he knows everything

woojin: ^ cringeworthy101

felix: watch & learn

bang chan: watching- but not learning.

minho: me in class^
minho: everytime

jisung: don't play with fire

jeongin: is he dead
jeongin: why isn't he replying

bang chan: he's probably frying his own phone rn
bang chan: after mistaking that it's a food

seungmin: did he really burn the whole kitchen down?

changbin: plot twist- he's burning himself

hyunjin: you wish.
hyunjin: i survived!
hyunjin: but i gtg
hyunjin: i love my foods more than y'all

hyunjin has left the group chat

jeongin: foods-
jeongin: where's my candy

bang chan: here.
bang chan: in my pocket

jeongin: :D

bang chan: which is basically non existence

jeongin: D:

felix: felix's self-love lesson part 3
felix: self-love, self-respect, self-worth. there's a reason they start with 'self'.
felix: you cannot find them in anyone else.

woojin: damn boi got his job done

jeongin: i'm touched
jeongin: i love you

felix: me too.
felix: i love myself

changbin: i have always love myself
changbin: if im a girl, i'm dating myself

felix: aw
felix: see you distract me
felix: but i'm distracted without you

bang chan: i don't know how to focus

minho: baby, teach me how to

seungmin: cause i'm standing still again.. ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ

felix: cause everywhere you go, i'll follow you  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

changbin: are you a dog
changbin: i did not sign up for this song singing competition
changbin: i'm leaving

changbin has left the group chat

felix: /following/  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jeongin: creeeeep

felix has left the group chat

jeongin: anyways,
jeongin: i'm waking up early tomorrow
jeongin: to help with my mum
jeongin: to do some laundry and grocery shopping
jeongin: have a good sleep amigos

jeongin has left the group chat

minho: this is not spain
minho: speak engrish
minho: oh and a wild maid spotted!

jisung: don't be salty

bang chan: time check: 12am
bang chan: go to sleep

woojin: what is sleep?
woojin: is it edible?

seungmin: yea, it's bitter
seungmin: because time waits for no one
seungmin: ):

jisung: but i'm going to sleep now though

minho: ^

bang chan: ^

seungmin: ^

jisung: have fun alone, woojin

bang chan, jisung, seungmin and minho have left the group chat

woojin: don't leave me :<
woojin: is scared!

woojin has left the group chat
