The time passes way too fast when I'm spending it with Jadon. We spend the whole day together until he goes to training and I go to work. Yes, right. I have another job. After two weeks of living here, I felt somehow bad because I'm just sitting at home doing nothing. I asked Jadon if he knew a place where I could work and here I am, working in one of the best restaurants in the city.

"I'm leaving now", Jadon says as he comes into my room. It's only 9 am and I'm still lying in bed. I worked until 1 in the morning and got home at 2 am. Working as a waitress is very hard and exhausting. And you have to hear a lot of weird comments, especially as a girl. "Fine, I'll be here, as always", I say and turn around to continue sleeping.

I actually really fall asleep again until the doorbell rings. It's probably only Jadon who forgot his key again. Wouldn't be the first time. I make my way to the door when he rings again. "Calm down, Jadon. I'm already here", I say when the door opens. I freeze when it's not him but Sofia.

"Sofia? What are you doing here? How did you find out where I am?", I ask shocked. "I have my ways", she just says and crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Why are you here?", I ask, this time more serious. "I'm here to bring you back. Mehmet needs you", she says honestly. I just laugh at her words. "There's no fucking way I'll come back", I say and try to close the door. "Tell him he's a psychopath and I'd rather die than coming back to him", I say confident. "Oh really? Very interesting", a male voice says and suddenly Mehmet appears from the side. Oh my god. That's just not true, is it? I'd love to disappear in that moment. I don't know where to but just not here. "Did I hear that right?", he asks again and I swallow. What am I supposed to do? I could just shut the door but that is definitely not the solution. "You did", I say and look him in the eyes. It's time for me to get my old strength back. It's gonna be a hard way but I know I can do it.

I still look at him when he starts to talk again. "But I don't understand, we've been perfect partners over the years. I want you back in my life. I need you. Not just for business but for me" I already know his strategy. I left him many times before and then he always told me things like that. We got back together and it started all over again. I lived with that for two years, then I got caught and I ended up in prison. I had a lot time to think in that time and I came back to my senses. I've noticed that he emotionally manipulated me and I did everything I could to avoid him. But obviously I didn't make it.

"Don't try it, Mehmet. It won't work anymore. I have a new life now and I'm very happy at the moment so please accept this. You know I would never ever betray you or the other members but please leave me alone. I can't deal with that shit anymore", I say and I see disappointment in his eyes. I once saw him kill someone who told him he can't deal with that life anymore, so how am I so sure he won't do the same to me? It's simple, I don't. But I know that he loved me once and if I would really love someone with all my heart I could never kill him no matter under what circumstances.

He nods. And then he turns around and starts leaving. My heart stops when he turns around again. He just looks at me. "You can stop that too Mehmet, you know you can. It's never too late", I say and give him a sad last smile. With that I slowly close the door. My god, I think this was the bravest thing I've ever done.

I stand in the same spot for 2 minutes until the doorbell rings. Oh no, is he back? What if he has changed his mind? No. I saw his face. He wouldn't come back. I slowly open the door only for a gap. Just to make sure, of course. "What are you doing? It's just me, Jadon. I forgot my keys ", I hear Jadon say. I think you could hear the weight falling from my heart as I hear his voice. I immediately open the door as wide as possible and fall into his arms. "What's the matter with you?", he asks as he hugs me back. I don't answer him but I know he knows. I can feel it. He just wants me to say everything out loud. "I think I'm ready now", I say and release me from the hug. He just smiles at me knowingly and follows me into the house.
