"I'm back", I hear a voice saying and I jump up. God, he scared me. "I'm still here", I say so he knows where he can find me. When he enters the room and looks at me a little smile escapes his lips. I smile back.

"What are you doing?", he then asks. "I don't know. Just watching some random stuff", I answer and change the channel in this moment. There are just some weird series which I don't want to watch. "How was training?", I watch when he sits down next to me, his eyes never leaving mine. "Good", he answers quickly.

We sit a few more moments in silence until he speaks again. "Did you think of anything you want to do?" No, I definitely didn't. "If I'm honest, I didn't. I don't feel like going out at the moment. But maybe we can do something here?" He nods but looks a bit disappointed. I wish I would feel good enough to go out with him because I really want to.

"Does Reiss know that I'm here?", I ask. "I haven't told him", he answers. I haven't either so he obviously doesn't know. "And will you tell him?", I want to know. It's probably not the best idea of Reiss knowing that I'm staying at Jadons house. He definitely won't like that. "No, will you?", he asks back. "Not yet"

The days pass and I'm finally starting to feel a bit better again. Jadon always makes me laugh and when I'm with him I forget all my problems.

"You ready?", he asks as he opens the door. I finally am ready to go out with him after he asked me about 200 more times. "Yes", I say and turn around to him.ย  He looks at me for a few seconds. "Wow, you look beautiful", he finally manages to say.

The car drive went very quickly and we are pulling in the parking lot from a restaurant right now. I think I've never seen so many expensive cars all at once.

"That's my favourite restaurant", Jadon tells me after we sat down at our table. The restaurant is at the top of a high rises building so we can see over the whole city from our table.

"I can understand that. I've never seen something that pretty", I say as I watch around amazed. The sun is about to set that's why the sky is shining in pink, purple and orange.

A few seconds later, a waiter is coming to our table and gives us the menu.

"Do you know what to eat yet?", he asks me after we were looking for a few minutes. I actually am not that hungry but I don't want to tell him that. He's trying so hard for me to get better.

"Uhm not yet", I say and smile at him. Maybe I just go with the truffle pasta.

Oh lord. Only now do I recognise the prizes. How am I supposed to pay that?

"Everything okay?", he asks. He must have noticed the look on my face. "Yes, of course", I answer and try to smile somehow. "Tell me, what's going on?", he sounds way more serious now. "It's nothing really. Everything is fine", I assure him.

I search quickly the cheapest dish on the menu.

It's a basket of bread. I can't order a basket of bread, can I? Would he notice? No I can't do that.

The second cheapest thing is a salad.

"I take the salad", I say and he looks up to me. He just looks at me and then back in his card.

"It's the prize, isn't it?", he asks after a few seconds. "How do you know?", I want to know. How does he know me so well?

"I saw you looking at something else all the time and then you just searched for something cheaper and this salad is the cheapest thing on this card besides a basket of bread. But I know you, you would have never ordered bread because it would have been too obvious", I look at him with wide eyes.

"You're good in this", I say and look away from him.

"I know. And Aaya, order what you want, I'm paying", he says. "That's really not necessary, Jadon"
"It's okay, I'll pay", he tells me again. "But I'm feeling bad then", I admit. He does so much for me and I can't give him back anything. "Why is that?", he asks curious. "Because I'm living at your place, I'm taking all your time and you take care of me. And now you want to pay for me. You're doing all these things for me and I haven't done anything for you", I tell him honestly.

"Listen, if I didn't want all of that, I wouldn't have brought you in my house. And if I didn't want to spend so much time with you I wouldn't. And also, that "you haven't done anythingย  for me". You're here with me right now, aren't you?"

It's quiet. I don't know what to say. I guess he is right, somehow.

"Do you already know what to eat?", the waiter asks as he stands next to our table.

I look at Jadon and say " I'm not ready yet" with my eyes.

"I take the pizza and she takes the truffle pasta", he says and closes his menu. The waiter nods and disappears.

"How did you know that again? It gets a bit scary by now", I tell him.

"I saw you staring at it and you always loved truffle since we were kids"

"You remember that? It was like 15 years ago", I say a bit confused.ย  There is no way he remembers.

It's was on my 7th birthday and we went to dinner with Jadons family because my parents were too busy. We went to that restaurant that looked very expensive and when we got to our table I asked the waitress what is smelling so good. I wanted to try it so bad so Jadons mother ordered myself this truffle pasta. If I had known how expensive this actually was I would never have ordered it.

"Of course I remember. You were the happiest kid in the whole world. You smiled all day and you were talking about this food for at least 2 weeks", he says and laughs.

We talked about our childhood until the food arrived. During the meal no one said a single word. But it's always a good sign when it's quiet.

He ate the whole pizza and the rest of my food. And then we sat there the whole evening and talked about everything in this world. We watched the city lights outside until I almost fell asleep. He then payed and we drove back home.
