"Leave her the fuck alone," the person repeats again, after Mehmet still hasn't let go of me.

I look at Jadon. I only see him from the side because he is looking very angry at Mehmet.

Is that Jadon at all? He certainly looks like him. But I am not sure. Maybe I'm just imagining the whole thing.

All of a sudden Mehmet lets go of my arm and I look at the red marks he has left there.

The two are still staring at each other.

Now he looks at me for the first time. Yep... that's 100 per cent Jadon. Only he has this intense look that tells you a thousand things on the one hand and absolutely nothing on the other.

"Jadon? What are you doing here?", I mumble incomprehensibly.

"I could ask you the same thing," he answers and turns away from me again.

"What are you doing here?" Mehmet now asks.

"None of your fucking business," he replies.

"Come on Aayana, let's go," Mehmet says again and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"No, she won't come with you. Let her go," Jadon says again.

I wonder how Mehmet hasn't hit him yet.

But he probably knows Jadon and is afraid that he will get into serious trouble if he punches him here in front of hundreds of witnesses.

"Oh, guys, let's all dance together," I shout and throw my arms up in the air again.

I turn around for a moment and run to the bar to get another drink.

The people suddenly become louder and louder. But why? There is no good song playing at the moment.

I look around a bit. It's funny how everything is spinning.

When I'm done, a young woman catches my eye. I go over to her and tap on her shoulder.

She turns to me, a little confused. "Sorry. I just wanted to tell you that you look fucking great," I say and laugh.

"Really? Well, thanks," she smiles back.

"You look really good too," she says, taking one look at me. Then she stands on her tiptoes to see something.

"What's going on there?" I ask, interested, and try to stand on my tiptoes too, but I almost fall over, so I don't do that.

"There are two boys fighting," she says and my eyes immediately widen.

"Oh God," I say and run as fast as I can in these shoes back to where we were before.

When I get there it is indeed Jadon and Mehmet who have been arguing. In the meantime, however, they have been broken up by two security people.

I look at them in turn.

I have to say, Mehmet has more injuries than Jadon. Jadon only has a bleeding lip and something on his eye.

The crowd around the two disperses again as Mehmet is thrown out of the club.

On his way out, he looks at me once and then passes me by. Sofia and the others follow him.

Should I go too?

"Are you going with him?" Jadon suddenly asks me seriously.

When I don't answer him and still look in the direction they just went out, he just nods disappointedly and leaves.

What have I done now?

After a few minutes I finally decide to look for him.

"Jadon? Are you here?", I ask as I walk into the ladies' room.

I take one look in the toilet and ask the girls who are there if Jadon is in there. They just shake their heads and as I run backwards out again, I bump into someone.

I turn around and automatically start smiling.

"There you are. I've been looking for you," I say and pat him once on the shoulders.

"I see. How much have you had to drink?" he asks me with a bright smirk on his lips.

"Not that much. Why?", I ask him back, trying not to lose our little eye contact contest.Β 

"Just because you were looking for me in the ladies' room," he says again.

"What? I wasn't," I say and then finally look away.

I look again at the sign that says "Ladies' room".

"Oh, that really was the girls' toilet. I didn't even notice," I laugh and look back at him.

"I almost thought so. Come on, let's go, I'll take you home," he says and shows me the way.

"But you're not allowed to drive any more. You've had something to drink, haven't you?" I ask again and look at him seriously.

"No, not today," he says again and finally pulls me behind him.

"Wow. I love air. Did you know we can't breathe without air?", I ask him when we get out of the club and he leads me to his car.

"No, really? How did you know?" he asks back. Wow. He really didn't know that.

"I'm really smart," I answer again and smile triumphantly.

"I doubt that," he says and looks at me.

My smile disappears and turns into an offended look.

"So, where do you want me to take you?" he asks as we sit down in the car.

I sit in the passenger seat and try to fasten my seat belt, but I don't succeed.

"I don't know. Somewhere in a hotel," I answer and miss the seatbelt button again.

Then Jadon leans over to me, takes the belt from my hand and buckles me in.

"Heyyy, I could have done that on my own," I complain.

"Yeah, sure. So, which hotel exactly do you have to go to?" he asks again.

"I don't know anymore. I forgot," I say and lean against the window.

"Omg. Everything is moving outside," I say suddenly in panic and look at him from the side.

"That's because I started driving," he says again, shaking his head with a laugh.

Oh. That makes sense.

"Who was that guy back there?" he then asks me after a while.

"You mean Mehmet? Oh, he's just my boss," I answer him relaxed and continue looking out of the window.

Everything is so dark.

"Your boss? From the restaurant?" he asks again.

"No, what makes you think that? I don't work in a restaurant," I reply with a laugh.

Then it's quiet and I can even hear him breathing. Did I say something that upset him?

"Come on, we're here," a voice wakes me up and I open my eyes.

"Where have you taken me?", I ask him as he opens the door on my side, unbuckles me and helps me out.

I rake myself in with him and walk a few steps beside him.

"We're at my house," he says again.

"My feet hurt," I grumble.

"No wonder, when you don't have any shoes on," he says and laughs again.

"What? Where are my shoes?" I ask him again and stop in my tracks.

"You took them off. They're in the car," he says, I nod and we walk on.

Inside, he leads me to a room and puts some clothes on me.

"Would you be so kind as to bring me a glass of water? And maybe a pickle?" I ask and start to open my dress.

Fortunately, I won't be able to remember any of this tomorrow anyway.

He doesn't answer and disappears from the room as quickly as he can.

A few minutes later he comes back with a small plate of noodles as well as the pickles and the water.

"You still cooked noodles?" I ask and sit down cross-legged on the bed.

"No, they're still from this afternoon. I just heated them up again in the microwave," he says, waits until I have sat down properly and then hands me the food.

I start eating immediately.

"Do you want to try some? It tastes really good," I ask him and hold out a fork.

"I know what it tastes like. I made it," he replies again, shaking his head in amusement.

"I don't care. Try it anyway," I say and don't let up.

He then rolls his eyes and tries it anyway.

"So, what do you think?" I ask again excitedly.

"It's okay. It's just normal noodles".

"Oh man. It's not just normal noodles, Jadon. It's the best noodles I've ever eaten," I say and continue eating.

"I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about my cooking," he says and continues to watch me.

"How is your lip? Does it hurt?", I ask him and watch every movement he does.

"It's fine", he says.

"Really? Maybe I should have a closer look...", I start to say but get interrupted by him.

"I don't think you should do that", he laughs.

"I think I would be a very good doctor", I say and take another spoon of my noodles.

"This might be but I don't need a doctor", he says again and smiles.

After I have eaten, he takes the plates from me again and goes back into the kitchen.

I make myself comfortable in bed, cover myself up and close my eyes.

When I wake up, my heart is racing and my face is streaming tears.

I get up and frantically look for the light switch.

Where the fuck am I?

I bump into objects a few times until the door finally opens and the light comes on.

I turn around and Jadon is standing in the doorway.

Jadon?Β  What?

Oh I remember.

"Are you okay?" he asks, coming over to me.

I just nod and stare at the floor.

"Are you sure?Β  Do you need anything?" he asks again and I just shake my head.

He disappears again and comes back with some tissues and water.

I just sit down on the floor with my knees bent and stare into space.

I hate these nightmares.

My heart is still racing

Instead of asking me a thousand questions about, Jadon just sits next to me and is silent.

We sit there for eternity.Β  Well, at least that's how it feels.

"Do you need anything?" he finally asks at some point.

"No," I manage to say.

"I'm sorry for acting like that. I'm really embarrassed. Sorry," I say again, not looking at him.

Unfortunately, I can still remember the entire evening.Β  About the thing with Mehmet, about the fight, about the car ride...

"And thank you for helping me," I say.

"No problem really.Β  I would do that for you all over again," he says and smiles.

"I think you should try to sleep again.Β  It's only 6 o'clock," he suggests, standing up and offering me his hand.

I take his hand and he helps me stand up.

"I don't know if I want to sleep again," I honestly admit.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asks clearly and I just nod.

"Okay.Β  Then let's go to the living room.Β  We can watch something on TV", he suggests and I nod.Β  So I follow him into the living room and make myself comfortable next to him on the couch.Β  We watch some movies all morning until I fall asleep again.
