"Aayana please open the door," I hear Jadon say through the apartment door.

He has been standing there for more than 5 minutes and rings the doorbell.

Normally I would have opened the door for him, but I'm afraid what he will think of me.

Four months ago I picked up my mother from the clinic and four months ago I also saw Jadon for the last time. A lot has happened since then.

My mom came back and she was like a new person. There is nothing left of the person she was before. In that clinic she fell in love with a rich doctor who was also a patient there, but because of different circumstances.

So she fell in love with him and he with her. She moved to him in the country, in a big house, in a small village on the other side of the country. She even wanted me to go with her but her boyfriend doesn't like me so he managed to not let me come with them. I have not seen her since she moved away.

"Come on, it's not funny anymore," Jadon says seriously.

"I don't give a shit I'm not going to open the door," I reply and lean my head against the door.

"But why not? You don't have to leave the door open for long, I just want to see you once, so I know you're fine, then you can close the door right away," he suggests and I think about it.

I take a deep breath and then slowly open the door.

His gaze wanders directly to my eyes and he looks at me with an intense look. Only then do his eyes wander over the rest of my body.

When he arrives at my eyes again, he looks at me a bit anxiously. Not fearful in the sense that he is afraid of me, but that he is afraid for me.

I quickly reach for the door handle again and want to throw the door back into the lock when he suddenly puts his foot in between.

"That's not fair, you said I could close the door again," I complain.

"That's different now," he says again and looks at me again, swallowing hard once.

"Are you okay?", he asked me and I just nod quickly.

"Why are you lying?", he asks again and comes into the apartment without me asking him in.

"If you know how I am, why are you asking me?", I ask and watch him go into the kitchen.

He doesn't answer and just goes to my fridge and opens it and then he opens all the other food cupboards.

"You've got to be kidding me. You don't have any food in this apartment," he says and looks at me dead serious.

"I had food until yesterday, I just sorted it out yesterday and I was going to go buy some more before you got here," I lie, hoping he'll buy that.

But he just shakes his head and laughs in disbelief.

"When was the last time you ate something?" he asks me and I look away from him.

"Yesterday," I lie again.

"Aha and what did you eat?", he asks again.

"What's with all the asking? I don't know anymore," I say.

He turns away from me and walks into my room. What is he doing now? A few minutes later he comes back with a suitcase and puts it in front of the front door.

"What are you doing?", I ask him confused, looking back and forth between him and the suitcase.

"You're coming with me, I'm not letting you live alone anymore," he says again.

"What do you mean you won't let me live alone anymore? I'm not going anywhere," I say again, standing in front of my suitcase with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"Listen Aayana. I haven't seen you in four months and I don't know how long you haven't eaten, but I can tell it's not good. I really don't like to say something like this, but since the last time I've seen you you've halved and that's definitely not healthy, because you were already fine before," he says again and I have to be careful not to start crying.

I know he's right but it's too late anyway.

He takes a few steps towards me and then a tear runs down my cheek.

He then takes me in his arms and we stand like that for a few minutes.

"I think you should really come with me okay?" he asks again and I just nod.

I even think that would be the best thing for me.

"Okay, let's go then," he says again.

It's quiet in the car most of the time. He probably doesn't know what to say, just like me.

"So... You know you can always talk to me when you're ready if you even want to tell me," he says, looking at me from the side.

"I wish I could tell you, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet," I say again, looking out the window at the scenery.

"That's okay," he says and then it's quiet again for a few moments.

"Is this guy going to say anything about you not being around anymore?" asks Jadon.

When Mehmet finds out where I am, he goes there personally and gets me back. No matter what it costs.

"I don't know. But I hope he never finds out where I am," I say with desperation in my voice.

"He won't," he assures me with a slight smile on his lips.

When we arrive at his home, he sets up the largest guest room for me and I arrange a few things.

I have no idea how long he plans for me to stay.

"I just made dinner. The pasta you liked so much last time. If you want you can come down and we'll eat together okay?" he suggests.

I hesitate a bit, but then go downstairs with him.

"Do you want to?" he asks me, putting something on his plate.

I don't know.

"Okay but please not so much," I say and he nods.

A little while later we are sitting across from each other and I have managed to eat 2 forks.

"I'm full," I say and leave the still full plate in front of me.

Jadon looks back and forth between me and the plate.

"Okay. No problem," he says and puts the plate away from me.

"Anything else you want to do today?" he then asks me and I smile.

"I don't know. Maybe I just want to go for a walk by myself," I say.

"Okay. I have practice in a bit but I'll be back tonight, maybe you can think of something else you want to do," he says again and then finally puts the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I help him out and clean up the rest before I go to bed for a little nap.
