I wake up again to a soft giggle. I open my eyes quickly because I only remember Jadon sitting next to me. And I don't think he's the one sitting next to me right now, giggling.

The first thing that comes into my view is the green glowing television on which football is still playing. So I can't have been asleep that long. The next thing I see is Jadon. And the twins.

They are standing to the right and left of Jadon, holding on to his hair. The three of them laugh and I too have to smile at the sight.

I never thought he would be so good with children.

"Did we wake you up?" he asks me when he notices that I am no longer asleep.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter," I say, smiling briefly at him.

"I was going to take them to a playground. Do you want to come?", he asks me after it had become quiet.

"Yeah sure why not," I reply and stand up.

"But I'll just change quickly first. I'll be back in 5 minutes," I say, quickly getting up from the couch and running to my room.

Did I even pack anything suitable for this?

I still have two dresses, one pair of jeans, two pairs of sweatpants and three jumpers here.

I really should revise my packing skills.

It looks like I'm holding a fashion show here or changing at least 4 times a day.

"Jadon?", I call from my room, hoping he hears me.

When he doesn't answer after a few seconds, I decide to go to him.

So I open the door, but at exactly the same moment, someone else opens the door too, only from the other side.

I jump back in shock and then look into the confused face of Jadon.

"My God, you scared the shit out of me," I say, holding my hand to my heart.

"Why did you call me?" he asks and then looks me up and down once.

Then he looks back into my eyes. His look tells me: Why aren't you ready yet? I thought you only wanted to take five minutes.

"Yes I was, but I don't have anything to wear," I say and shrug.

He looks past me once, straight at the suitcase, which is packed to the top.

"Uh... I see," he says and laughs.

"You don't understand. You're a man and you're probably carrying a T-shirt and pants," I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Let's look then," he says, walking over to my suitcase and starting to take out individual items.

"Hey, didn't anyone ever tell you never to go into other people's stuff? Especially not a woman's," I say and look at him.

He looks back, stopping to clear out my things, then raises his eyebrow.

"Are you done?" he asks.

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

Then he looks away from me and picks up right where he left off.

"Asshole," I say, just seeing him grin out of the corner of my eye.

"I understand that you don't want to wear a dress but I don't understand why you don't just put on a pair of jeans," he finally says, tossing me a pair of dark blue jeans.

I laugh briefly. "You're kidding me, right? No way am I going to wear jeans to a playground. I can barely walk in these fucking things as it is, how am I supposed to do that in a playground?", I say and turn the pants back to him.

"Okay, okay," he laughs and throws me a pair of sweatpants instead.

"Then put them on," he says again.

"I've come that far, too. But what kind of top? I only have jumpers and it's far too warm for a jumper today, but I don't have any T-shirts either," I say again and throw my arms in the air.

He just looks at me in shock. "Is this all you ever have?" he asks and my smile suddenly disappears from my face.

He doesn't know anything. Reiss hasn't told him anything about me the last few years. Neither that I took drugs nor that I sold them.

I know he doesn't know, otherwise he would never have said something like that.

"Among all the problems I have at the moment, a little one like this does me good," I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

He has noticed my change of mood immediately and suddenly disappears from my room.

That was now? No apology from him or anything?

After a few minutes he comes back and throws me a black T-shirt.

"Put this on," he says and smiles kindly.

"Whose is this?" I ask, unfolding it.

"Mine," he says again and disappears.

So I put it on, but tie it a little tighter.

The size and length actually fit, but I tie it anyway.

"I'm ready," I say as I come out of my room.

And Jadon is already standing in front of the entrance door, having put both of them in a pram.

To be on the safe side, he has packed food, drink and blankets for the two of them downstairs in case they get cold or hungry.

"Let's go then," he says and we start walking.

The path takes us a little way out of town across some fields.

"It's really nice here," I say, looking around.

"Yeah. I like it here too," he says.

"What's it actually like living in Manchester?", I then ask him.

"I have to admit that I've seen nicer cities. But I don't mind, because as long as I feel comfortable there, it's all good," he says.

"And how does it feel to be so famous? I mean, to experience such a full football stadium alone," I continue.

he laughs briefly.

I love his laugh.

"I wouldn't say I'm famous now," he says.

"Oh come on man. What are you then? The nice neighbour next door certainly not"

"Cristiano Ronaldo, for example, is famous," he says again.

"And you play in a team with him. I bet that if you asked someone to name 5 players from ManU, they would name you"

"If you say so," he says, smiling.

"But a full Sadion like that must be beautiful, right?", I ask further, having a picture in my mind the whole time.

"It is," he says and we walk on.

After a while we finally arrive at the playground.

It is completely empty. There aren't even any teenagers here doing any shit, like we used to do.

"We always come here. It's always empty here and we have our peace," he says and lifts Ciel and Beau out of the pram. The two of them have slept all the way and now they can really let off steam.

Time flies and we have slid, swung and played in the sandpit.

"Stop eating the sand, Beau," I say and open his hand so that the sand falls out.

From behind me I only hear Jadon laughing.

"I think they're both hungry," I say and walk with Beau to the pram.

"Yes, it's already late. But I took something with me," he says and follows me.

After we have fed them, we put them back in the pram and tuck them in.

They both fall asleep immediately.

"I want to take a swing," I say and run to a swing.

I sit down and start swinging.

The sun is just setting and I look up at the sky.

I wonder how long it has been since I swung. I have almost forgotten how much I loved it. It feels a bit like flying.

"Come swing too," I call out to Jadon, who has only been watching me attentively until now.

He runs to me and sits down next to me. A few seconds later, he is also floating in the air, watching the sunset, which is almost over.

As the sun disappears, it gets darker and colder.

Shit. I should have brought a jumper.

"Are you cold?" he asks me as if he has read my thoughts.

"No," I lie. After all, he doesn't need to know.

"Yes, exactly," he grins.

He goes to the pram and comes back with his hoddie.

"But then you'll be cold too," I say, looking down at the jumper in my hands.

"No, I'm fine. Just put it on," he says again and continues rocking.

As I continue with the jumper on, I remember the conversation from earlier.

I don't know why Reiss didn't tell him about the whole thing. I mean Jadon is his best friend. That can only mean that he was uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"What are you worrying about again?" Jadon asks me from the side.

"How can it be that you always know exactly what's going on with me? It's getting really creepy," I try to explain to him.

"I don't know. I can't tell you either, but I think I have a feeling about it," he says.

I smile.

It's good that it's completely dark now, because that was the absolute worst laugh I've ever had.

"So you want to tell me?" he asks again.

"It was just about what you said earlier," I say again, not looking over at him for a second, even though I can feel his eyes on me.

"I know. I wanted to apologise for that, I realised it hurt you somehow," he says.

"I'll just tell you everything from the beginning now. I know you never asked, but it feels like you're listening to me," I say and he just nods.

I tell him everything from beginning to end. All the details. Things I actually wanted to forget.

And it ends with us hugging in the middle of a playground.

I love that he is not judgmental. He listens and nods. He never once interrupted me or questioned anything.

"Thank you for listening to me," I say.

and slowly detach myself from him again.

I sit down on the swing for a moment and breathe in the cold evening air.

It is quiet for a few moments.

"Come on, let's go home again. We still have an hour to walk," he says from behind me and I nod.

"I think this is my new favourite place in the world," I say with a smile and walk beside him.

The whole way back I say random things or he makes me laugh.

"You once drew on your brother with sharpie when he was asleep. Then he was so angry that he didn't talk to you for three days and then you were offended about it. In the end he apologised to you," he says and laughs.

"Really? I don't even remember that," I say and can see the house from a distance.

As we get closer, I see that Reiss's car is already there.

We ring the bell once and the door opens immediately.

"Where have you been?" Reiss asks a little excitedly and immediately looks into the pram.

"We were at the playground. But why are you back already?" I ask and run into the house.

"It's ten o'clock," is all he says and I quickly look at Jadon.

"That late already?" I ask, and now Celeste comes too.

She just smiles.

"I think we lost track of time a bit," I say.

Now me and Jadon are standing opposite Celeste and Reiss.

The two of them are looking at us in an inviting way. Always alternating, first me then him. And I think they've now both noticed that I'm wearing his T-shirt and waistcoat.

Reiss' eyes widen. Celeste's too, but she just keeps on laughing.

"What happened between you?" he asks, still shocked.

"What?" asks Jadon, looking confused.

"Oh, I'm still wearing your jacket," I say, taking it off.

"Reiss there was nothing. I was just freezing, that's why he gave me the jacket. Don't think so... so strangely," I say and walk past him.

Reiss immediately takes care of the children and then they all come into the living room.

"But I have to say. You two would make a beautiful couple," Celeste says, grinning from ear to ear.

"Has she been drinking?", I ask Reiss.

"Absolutely," Reiss says and laughs.

"Come on let's go to bed," he says and half carries her upstairs.

"I'm going to sleep too. I'm tired," I say. And I really am tired. I don't just want to escape the uncomfortable situation.

"Good night. Sleep well," he says and I disappear into my room.

Just before I am about to sleep I get a notification.

Jadon Sancho mentioned you in a story

I smile and then finally fall asleep.
