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The group were all required to meet up again, this time with Sarah Cameron. Blair dreaded the meet up, Sarah Cameron would be there, JJ would be there and now Pope too, she wasn't sure why everything was becoming so difficult for her but she walked by herself and spotted John B and Sarah on the porch waiting for them, but her heart plummeted when she saw Pope there swell. She knew she had done nothing wrong but she feared he would now hate her. Her arms wrapped around her own body for comfort she slowly approached the porch with her head down, she smiled and nodded at John B and stood at the furthest end of the porch from JJ and Pope. She looked up and smiled a timid smile to Pope who looked away from her, her heart broke as a soft, barely audible, whimper left her mouth. JJ and John B locked eyes and gave each other a look, confused as to why it seemed Pope and Blair now hated each other. The group stewed in their silence until eventually Kiara arrived and was already furious that Sarah was amongst her group.

"No effing way! You brought her here? What? She's in on this now?" Kiara questioned furiously.

"I dunno." Pope shrugged as Kiara looked to all of the members of the group. Blair just looked down and crossed her arms, not wanting anyone else in the group to hate her.

"Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said pointing to John B.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A pogue thing." Kiara said as Sarah gave the girl a dirty look.

"I gotta say I'm a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope said as the two girls stared each other down, Blair however scoffed at his statement. He was uncomfortable but now wouldn't even look at her because she rejected him.

"Thank you!"

"When are you not uncomfortable?" John B asked incredulously.

"I dunno. I rode on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably."

"Its true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him." JJ added in Pope's defence.

"Thats cute guys."

"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kiara told him.

"Stop talking about me like im not here!" Sarah finally countered in her own defence.

"Then leave." Kiara retorted.

"I told you." Sarah said turning to John B.

"Told him what, exactly?" Kiara yelled back. "That you're a liar?"

"No, that you're a shit talking bitch." Sarah sniped back as the two other boys got all excited but blair was furious, she was done with all this shit and she wasn't going to hold her tongue anymore.

"Enough! Thats it! Ive fucking had it!" Blair screamed at the top of her voice, throwing her arms down by her side as she pushed herself off the railing. "We are supposed to be friends! And with Sarah, I know damn well none of you wanted me in this group to start and look how that turned out. Kiara I love you but you gotta calm down, we wouldn't have got this far without her information, Sarah, you gotta stop talking shit for gods sake. John B stop treating your friends like second class citizens over your new piece of ass! And while im at it. JJ I tried to help you and what you said hurt. And Pope just because I didnt fucking wanna be with you doesn't mean that you get to act like I dont exist, now if this shit doesn't stop... Im done." Blair screamed, fearing she may loose her voice. She looked at the whole group and she noticed JJ glaring holes into Pope's head and Pope looked to Blair apologetically. "Look, I love all you guys and as much as I dont like Sarah all that much, no offence." She said craning her head to look at the girl. "We gotta stop or we are all gonna end up alone okay?" She said in a calm voice. Pope quickly got up and hugged the girl tight.

"Im so sorry Blair." He whispered as she nodded against his shoulder. "And you're right. I do think Kie is the girl I like." He whispered even more quiet as she chuckled a little. They broke apart and Blair sat down in between JJ and Pope as JJ swung an arm around her, she knew this was his way of apologising and it was too painful to stay mad at him, so she simply nodded and him and they turned to John B when he started speaking again.

"Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah you're..."

"Say it."

"You're my girlfriend." John B finished.

"Oh no." Blair muttered as she sunk into the seat.

"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk that you were just using her for information? Get a map, out her loose." Kiara asked as Blair and JJ cringed.

"You said you were just using me?" Sarah asked, Turning her head to look at John B.


"Yeah you did." Pope, JJ and Kiara said.

"Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B defended. Blair went to oppose but she couldn't, she though of JJ. And he thought of her too, neither of them wanted to fall for each other but they did. Blair looked to him and saw he was already staring back. She gulped as she quickly looked away, it was all too real for her.

"Oh vomit." Kiara cringed.

"I didnt expect it. It just kinda happened. and I'm not gonna deny it. Right?"

"Oh that was corny." Pope observed as Blair smiled and pope pretended to gag. She elbowed him with a smile as he looked to her with a grin.

"Look cut the bullshit John B. If she's in then I'm out." Kiara said defiantly as she looked to Blair.

"Kie come on, please dont do this." Blair begged.

"Im not doing this. I can't!" John B yelled at her.

"You are gonna decide. Im very interested actually. Me or her?"

"Both." John B shrugged as the three on the couch made remarks and whistled. Kiara stormed off wiping her face.

"Well that went well." Blair muttered as she stood up. "Good work John B." She said sarcastically as she ran after Kiara. "Kiara wait! Please." She ran up to kiara and Kiara turned and pulled blair into a bone crushing hug as she cried. Blair soothed the sobbing girl and they walked to the pier and sat in silence. Blair sat with an arm around Kiara as they watched the sunset.

"Hey." They heard a timid voice from behind them. Blair turned to see Pope stood there and she stood up and let Pope take her place as she nodded at him.

"Ill be back soon." Blair whispered to Kiara as she kissed the top of her head and grabbed popes hand , letting it go as she walked away. Blair walked away full of ambition, she knew what she was going to do and she knew JJ was going to hate her for it, but she didnt care. Even if JJ hated her she knew this way he'd be safe from his father. She stormed to JJ's house with the cheque for thirty grand firmly in her pocket. She approached the run down home and pounded on the door. She waited by the door, tapping her foot.

Hearing no answer or any movement in the house for a few minutes she knocked on the door harder this time. She heard a clattering inside so she took this as a sign that Luke Maybank was inside. She knocked on the door relentlessly until a hungover Luke opened the door, with dark circles under his eyes and an overwhelming stench of weed and alcohol hitting her.

"Who are you?" He looked at her with disgust.

"Im with the sheriff. Her daughter to be precise." She said as she looked at him with the same disgust. She didn't dare tell him she was JJ's friends, she knew that could lead to more harm to him. "Here." She said distastefully as she held the cheque in front of him. He looked at it skeptically before he hesitantly took it. "Its thirty grand, for your sons restitution. Not for booze or drugs, you hear me?" She threatened. "You don't deserve that boy and if you touch him again...sheriff peterkin will be in your doorstep before you can even think of running." She hissed through clenched teeth to the abuser in front of her. She turned quickly and stepped off the porch and walked way not giving the man a chance to respond. She walked away with mixed feelings knowing JJ wouldn't be happy with her, but at least he was safe and she would rather that. After all she would love him no matter the cost.

She continued walking through the cut with her arms folded as the sky darkened. She stopped and admired the stars above he and smiled slightly. Her eyes became fixated on the brightest star she could see and she studied it. "Hey mom." She whispered, she believed the souls of lost loved ones became the stars at night and the ones we saw brighter for ourselves were the souls who loved us. So she believed that star was her mother, telling her she was going to be just fine.

Her heart leapt in fright when somebody grabbed her shoulders but when she looked to the face of her 'attacker' she sighed in relief seeing JJ's face staring back at her. "You gotta stop that." Sh told him, but she then feared he had discovered she had given the cheque to his dad but when no shouting followed she assumed she was still in the clear.

"We have a plan." He told her as she nodded and smiled.

"Okay, lets do it."


It was the next morning and JJ, John B and Blair were waiting for Pope to bring Kiara to their boat. With Sarah trapped in the boat the other three stood in the cabin, pretending to work. "What happened?" Kiara asked looking at the three, making her presence known.

"Uh the alternator's not alternating anymore." JJ answered as Blair stood up, not feeling comfortable crouching in her tight shorts.

"Its not charged." John B added as they all looked too Kiara.

"Did you check the plugs?" Kiara asked as she stepped in closer.

"Eh no, you should check them." Blair answered as she moved out the way.


"You guys are useless." Kiara told them as they all moved.

"Go, go ,go." Blair whispered to the two boys as they ran out. The trio all jumped out of the boat and dived into the water and swam to Pope's boat.

"Are you serious?" Kiara shouted to them all as the climbed out of the water and into the boat, JJ laughing uncontrollably. "Get your asses back here!"

"We cant not until youth figure it out!" John B yelled back as JJ tapped his arms around Blair's waist.

"I will kill every single one of you, even you Blair." Kiara yelled at them.

"Sorry Kie, but I cant loose all of my friends." Blair told her. "There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt." She told them in response to their protests.

"Hydroponic." JJ yelled. "Right lets go." JJ said as the boat started to speed away with Sarah desperately swimming to catch up with them.

"I kinda feel bad." Blair said as she looked back at the girls.

"Dont. This way we can all get along." JJ said as he kissed her cheek.

"Im glad we're good again, JJ." She whispered to him sincerely.

"Yeah me too birdie." He said as he pulled her closer. They laughed as they docked the boat and climbed out.

"Okay, so, meet back here tomorrow morning to pick them up." John B instructed the group as the all dispersed and blair and Pope walked home together, laughing and chatting.

"So, do you think this little experiment will work?" Blair asked Pope.

"Yeah, I don't think Kiara will stay mad for too long." Pope answered nodding his head as Blair chuckled.

"Oh, Pope. You are so wise." She laughed as pope laughed with her. They eventually made it back home, Blair greeting mr and mrs Heyward as they got in and she changed into her sleep wear and settled onto her bed with one of Heywards old books. She began to get drowsy but as she went to put the book down there was a soft knock at her door. "Come in." She called out.

"Hey." Heyward said softly poking his head around the door. "There's someone here to see you." He said warmly as Blair got up and smiled at him. She walked passed him and out the front door seeing JJ pace up and down the sidewalk.

"JJ? What are you doing here, its almost midnight." She said walking down the step to meet him.

"You gave my dad the cheque?" He questioned her angrily. Her heart dropped but she wasn't going to back down.

"Yeah I did." She said standing tall, keeping her voice stern.

"I thought I told you I didnt need you charity?" He said stopping a few feet in front of her.

"You did JJ and I don't care what you say, because I care about you and as much as you hate me for it, I had to help and I'm not going to stand here and take your shit for doing the right thing. Because I don't care if you hate me. I dont care if you don't want to speak to me again. Goddamn it JJ I dont care of you never want to fucking see me ever again. I will help you time and time again because I cant stand seeing you hurt." She said to him as she panted for breath, her heart thundering and increasing as the silence continued. JJ started at her with an open mouth and unshed tears in his eyes. She looked over his face and looked at every cut and bruise his father left on his face. "I will not stop fighting for you." She said much more quiet, almost a whisper. JJ watched her and before she knew it he was stood in front on her. "What-" she was cut off when he grabbed her waist and pulled her into him, crashing his lips onto hers. She kissed back almost instantly, her hands reaching up to the back of his neck, she felt his soft lips perfectly mould with hers, his hands moving from her hips to her neck to her cheeks. Her heart felt like it was exploding and electricity sparked wherever he touched. It was euphoric. Too quickly his lips departed from hers and his forehead rested against hers, her heart pounding and butterflies in her stomach that felt like they were trying to break free. Both of them panting for breath.

"Dont leave me, please." JJ almost pleaded in a whisper, his hands resting on her waist,

"I wouldn't dream of it." She replied just as quietly. And she wouldn't because right now, right here, was where she was supposed to be.
