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The group were waiting on the arrival of John B and Sarah by the phantom ready for its departure and to give John B the chance to escape. But there was a problem, John B was late and the group's worry continued to rise. "Dude, where is he?" Kiara panicked as Blair held out her arms for her and held her in her embrace as they fretted over John B.

"Give him a second. He'll be here." Pope tried to assure the two girls.

"He's coming. He'll be fine." JJ said as he continued to make sure the phantom was ready. They all turned in panic and fright as a cop car approached them with its sirens wailing.

"shit." Blair huffed as Kiara pulled away and stood up tall.ย  "JJ?" Blair called out to him.

"Yeah get back on the boat." He said rushing for everyone to get on and flee before they could get arrested and mess it all up for John B. They all collectively sighed in relief when the man of the hour, John B, exited the car. The group all make their relief that John B was okay known, but Blair ran at him full speed and crashed into him as he held her close and they swayed back and forth.

"You're okay." She said against his chest.

"Yeah." He said softly pulling apart, knowing this could be the last time they saw each other for a while. He looked to her before making a face seeing the bruising around her neck and face from her fight with Rafe which he didn't know about. "What the hell happened?" He asked, still being the protective brother he was.

"Nothing, it's okay... more important things." She said in a rush.

"It wasn't easy bro, but I got the phantom for ya." JJ called out to him, waving the keys in the air. "And she runs like she was made yesterday. You ready to go?"

"Where's Sarah?" John B asked as he stared at the floor.

"She's not with you?" Blair asked him, stepping closer.

"No, we got separated in the swamp. She said she'd meet me here."

"No, we haven't seen her." Pope told the boy in front of them.

"Okay, well im not leaving without her." John B argued back.

"John B look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving but there's not time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point its straight across the sound to Dismall Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville." JJ explained to him, hitting his head to make sure he was listening.

"JJ I have to wait for Sarah." John B tried to say as JJ shook his head furiously. "Would you leave if it was Blair?" John B asked finally turning to look JJ in the eyes. JJ went silent for a moment and looked down in sorrow at the mere thought of it but Blair spoke up.

"Thats not the point John B, okay. You have to leave and then Brownsville. You got that? I can't have you rotting in jail, I need to know you're alive and safe John B, I won't loose my brother too." Blair told him, her voice raising.

"Yeah, yeah. Brownsville." John B nodded looking at his sister.

"All right, saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Lets do this. Yeah." JJ said and John B climbed into the boat.

"Hey, hey." John B started from on the boat. "Im sorry for basically throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing." John B said holding in the tears that threatened to spill.

"Hey John B, yo... we were bound to run off a cliff at some point right?" JJ said, grabbing onto Blair's hand as he also held in tears, he was loosing his child hood best friend and it was hard for all of them.

"Yeah." They all laughed a breathy laugh.

"At least we did it together though." JJ said as they all wrapped their arms around each other.

"Pogue style." Blair said.

"Pogue style." John B echoed back.

"Get out of here! Please." Kiara said, growing increasingly worried with each second John B was still here.

"We'll see you in two months, down in Mexico." Pope told him, waving his hand. John B turned to get into the boat but before he did Blair called out.

"I love you, big bro." She said as tears finally fell. John B turned back around and kneeled to the ground of the boat and wrapped his arms around his sister and kissed her forehead lightly.

"I love you, I couldn't have asked for a better sister, even if I didnt know you were until a month ago." He said as he cried as well.

"God all I do is cry." Blair laughed slightly, pulling away and wiping her eyes. "Now go." She whispered pushing him back sightly. "And don't forget me in these two months." She said, trying to sound threatening but her voice breaking and tears made her unsuccessful. John B smiled and nodded at her but paused before going in.

"Hey, tell Sarah I said goodbye okay?" He said, his voice breaking again and the rest of the group nodded, Blair going back in between Kiara and JJ holding them tight trying to with hold her sobs.

"Dont forget. Cross the border at Brownsville, okay?" JJ said saluting him.

"Got it."

They all pushed the boat away and waved John B off with tears in their eyes and down their faces as Blair nuzzled in tight to JJ.

"I'm Really gonna miss him." Blair sobbed.

"Yeah, me too." JJ said softly to her, holding her tight. They all stood on the dock. Pope and Kiara talking while JJ and Blair held each other tight. Blair turned around and nudged JJ when she saw Pope and Kiara kissing, she smiled brightly and let out a small giggle and as Blair looked at Pope and Kiara, JJ looked at her in admiration as he saw her smile and eyes light up for the first time all day. He knew she would be broken but only she could find joy in what she was going through, he quickly turned her around and placed a loving kiss on her lips until the broke apart at the sound of approaching sirens.

"Hey, guys, im sorry to ruin the party, but, uh, we gotta go right now. Come on!" JJ said as they tried to run but the cops surrounded them before they could even think of it. They all stopped and raised their arms in surrender as the police came out with their guns raised.

"Too late, he's gone! God damn it!" One of the cops yelled as he went around the group, making sure they didnt have a weapon.

"Bratcher, have your Guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids. All right where the hell is he?" Deputy Shoupe said walking up to them. "Where the hell is he? JJ I see your living up to your name. Blair how about you? This isn't a fucking game! You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go?" Shoupe screamed in Blairs face as she stared at him, anger and determination in her eyes.

Shoupe grabbed Blair first, instructing the other men to take in the others. "How would Peterkin feel about you protecting the man who shot her?" Shoupe growled in her ear.

"I dunno, I was about to ask you the same question." She growled back as he held her arm tighter. "How is Ward by the way? Have you spoke to his son about what happened or are you just believing every thing he says?" She looked at him , her eyes slits and he ignored her, shoving her in the back of his car. "Fuck 12." She growled under her breath as the rest of the were loaded in.


They pulled up outside where all the cops had set up for searching for John B and they were all let out the car and guided into a tent with people with cameras flashing photos of them and yelling. "Sit down. Dont move. We got a lot to talk about." Shoupe said to them as they say on some plastic chairs. Blair sat next to JJ and they held each others hands as they watched everyone do everything they could to find John B. Blair looked to JJ and they shared a worried look. 'I love you' Blair mouthed to him, afraid to say anything out loud. JJ parroted what she said and squeezed her hand gently as she fidgeted and bounced her knee in worry and anxiousness.


Time went on and sirens wailing and people talking and shouting could be heard but the four remained silent after finding out Sarah had made it onto the boat with John B. Blair and Kiara shared a look, both with tears silently streaming down their faces with worry. They all stood up at the sight of three deptuys walking in, including Shoupe.

"Did you find him?" Pope asked looking down at Shoupe with an attitude.

"No." Shoupe said with a slight shake of his head.

"So they got away?" Blair asked hopeful. Looking between JJ and Kiara and Shoupe, her worry building when Shoupe didnt answer straight away.

"We, uh.. we lost them. Im sorry." Blair stood frozen, he couldn't be, they couldn't be. She needed confirmation, she needed them to be forward with what he was saying. She grabbed JJ's hand incredibly tight as they both worried.

"You lost them?" Pope questioned. "What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? What are you talking about?"

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope."

"So they're dead?" Kiara asked.

"We dont know."

"You drove them straight through a storm man! Are you kidding me? Come here!" JJ screamed at him as Blair began to sob. She grabbed his hand and Pulled him back off Shoupe.

"JJ stop! Please!"

"Im gonna kill you!" JJ screamed as another cop pulled him off and away from Blair.

"He didnt kill anyone and you know it! Peterkin fought tooth and nail to save him!" Blair screamed at Shoupe. Her heart breaking as she screamed and cried.

"We're still looking for him, alright?"

"No!" Blair screamed, her voice breaking as she sobbed and she fell to her knees. She watched as Kiara and Popes parents walked in and comforted their children and she screamed harder and to the point her screamed were silent knowing her mom or Peterkin couldn't be there to comfort her, she'd lost so much and couldn't keep fighting. JJ stood beside her and placed his hand on her back as she leaned forward and cried. Her throat burning. JJ cried, he had lost his best friend and had no one. Just as Blair looked up she saw her dad walk in, his expensive suit drenched him not bothering with a coat, just making his way to see his little girl after he got the call. "Dad?" She said in a broken voice as she got up and ran to him, crashing in to him as she sobbed. "Hes gone dad. They're all gone!" She sobbed. As she did Paul looked over to JJ seeing he was by himself as he held onto his broken daughter he pulled the boy over and he wrapped his arms around him as well as his daughter.

"Come here son." He whispered to him as JJ latched his arms around his girlfriend and her father.

"They didn't make it dad." Blair continued to sob. She had lost everyone. And now her brother na done of her closest friends. "He promised, JJ! He promised me he wouldn't leave!" She screamed as JJ and her dad held onto her tighter.


She knew her life would get harder. After the funeral for Peterkin she moved back into her house on figure 8 with her dad and JJ moved in with her after her dad insisted he stay with them, to give him a real home and make sure he was fed every day. She felt like she couldn't keep fighting anymore, she had lost so much. But JJ helped her. They weren't entirely alone and every night he would watch her sleep, so in love and wanting nothing more than to make sure she was okay.

"I love you Blair and every night I'll watch you sleep, as long as you're in my arms, I promise we'll be okay, we'll get better. I promise."

That's us! Until season two possibly. But a huge thanks to all those who read, commented and voted. Hope you enjoyed and can't believe I've finished my first ff! But now onto the next!
