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Blair sat on the edge of the hot tub in silence. It had been a few hours and both Pope and Kiara had decided to head home, Blair opting to stay with JJ and crash at the chateau until John B came back. She sat with her shoes now removed and a pair of shorts from inside as she swung her legs gently in the water as JJ sat in the hot tub also in silence. Blair was afraid to break the silence, she wasn't sure what she should say or what would be appropriate so she stayed quiet holding a bottle of water that she had brought out for JJ but he had refused to drink. She sat thinking about nothing and everything but she looked up when she felt JJ's eyes on her. She looked up and made eye contact with him and smiled slightly.

"You okay?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah." He answered in a breathy voice. She didn't fully believe him but she knew she had to tread carefully.

"JJ dont lie to me." She said with a pained expression. "I just want to help you, please let me know what's going on." She whispered as she sunk down in the water and lowered herself, coming closer to JJ and placing a gentle hand on his cheek, her thumb rubbing gently across his cheek bone.

"I am okay, you're my family Blair and I love you." He said gently grabbing her hand on his cheek and turning his head slightly to kiss the palm of her hand. "Im okay if I've got you with me." He said looking into her eyes, her stomach flipped and her heart raced. She leaned in timidly to place a lingering kiss on the corner of his mouth and as she pulled away she put her other hand on the back of his neck and ran her fingers through the ends of his hair. They both stared into each others eyes unable to look away. He looked into her eyes and saw the spark of joy that never seemed to dull and placed his hand at the back of her neck, his hands splaying out through her hair and over her scalp. He pulled her in and placed a kiss on her lips, their lips moulding together feeling those same sparks and happiness, her hands going through his hair and down to his chest as they pulled away for a breath.

"I love you too JJ." She whispered back, their foreheads pressed together. JJ looked down and saw her hand and noticed the ring he had placed on it still there as she saw him looking at it she watched his eyes as he twisted it gently and held her hand. "You can have it back." She said rather reluctantly.

"No, you keep it." He said pausing for a moment. Carefully this time he pulled her back in for another kiss, pulling her closer, his hands venturing under the water and to her thighs, gripping onto them. He placed his hands under her thighs and pulled her up onto his lap, her straddling his legs under the water. His hands roamed her body from her hair to her chest to her thighs occasionally grabbing onto her tighter. Blair heart went crazy and was surprised he couldn't feel it thundering in her chest, her hands squeezing his arms and roaming his body as he explored hers. The kiss only got more heated and soon his tongue swiped her bottom lip and entered her own mouth, deepening the kiss, Blair letting out a startled moan in surprise which only seemed to edge JJ on more. His mouth then left hers and ventured down to her neck making goosebumps rise on her arms and no doubt leaving hickeys on her neck and collar bones. She moved her head to give him more access and ran her hands through his hair and his mouth soon returned to her as she grind on top of his lap, driving him crazy this time making him grunt and moan in surprise which resulted in a small giggle leaving her lips. As they only grew more heated and passionate JJ pulled away, his lips just grazing hers. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, his breath fanning her face and hands gripping her upper thighs tight, holding restraint.

"Yeah." She breathed unable to trust her voice as she went to pull her shirt off leaving her in just a bralette. "I wanna do this JJ, with you." She panted, their lips grazing and chests touching. JJ nodded before pulling her back in. Soon their clothes were abandoned and their bodies intertwined.


It was now daylight and Blair, JJ, Kiara and Pope were all waiting on the arrival of John B. JJ and Blair sat on the edge of the hot tub with their feet in the water while Kiara and Pope were actually being productive. Blair sat watching them as JJ had his arm around her tracing patterns on her exposed shoulder with his finger, feeling much closer to each other.l after their night together.

"Hows it feeling?" Pope asked Kiara who was sat on the tin.

"Feels good."

"Taking you down." Pope told her as Blair placed her head on JJ's shoulder.

"John B pulling a Houdini." JJ said.

"Yeah, where is he? I got my scholarship interview tomorrow. We gotta get this done." Pope said, Blair went to remark but paused when she saw a stomping John B approach.

"Speak of the devil. Hey!" She smiled at John B but he ignored her and continued walking as she furrowed her eyebrows and JJ began to talk.

"Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything." JJ said.

"No he did not. I did that!" Pope cut in, Blair would've laughed but something about John B was worrying her.

"Hey." Blair called after him as he ran into the house. "Whats that all about?" She asked walking forward and out of the hot tub.

"I was gonna ask you the same question." he said following her to see John B rummaging int the cabinets.

"Bro whats going on?"

"What are you looking for?"

"Whats up?" Everyone asked until John B finally pulled out the gun from under the cushion on the sofa.

"John B what do you need the gun for?" JJ asked walking up to him.

"Justโ€” no."

"Talk to us." JJ demanded but John B snaked and grabbed him throwing him onto the sofa.

"John B chill!" Blair yelled at him as she looked to JJ.

"Im fine." He said quickly and singled for Blair to follow him.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you JJ now?" Pope asked but John B threw him into the wall as well.

"John B what the hell are you doing?" Blair and Kiara screamed as the chased him to find him on the dirt bike revving the engine.

"Ward knows about the gold!" John B yelled over the noise and looked into Blairs eyes "he killed my dad!" He said as they all went into shock and he turned back around before he left he faced Blair once again. "And Rose Jennings." He said and then sped away. Blair fell to her knees and stared ahead, numb. She was murdered. Sarah camera's father killed her mom. She had to grow up without her best friend because of ward Cameron. Kiara and Pope raced after John B trying to get through to him but they gave up. Blair came to her senses as they all watched after John B as he got further and further away into the wood surrounded road. She sunk down into the dry dirt and a pained scream left her body and she cried, her throat burned and she felt dizzy.

"Blair!" JJ yelled as he grabbed onto her and Kiara and Pope watched. Blair looked to JJ with broken eyes.

"He killed my mom." She said with so much innocence and pain. JJ didn't know what to say so he just grabbed her tightly and she clawed into him wanting to pull him closer, soon Pope joining and holding her swell and Kiara eventually joined as they held the sobbing girl. Her face writhing in pain but her hands balled in anger, she would make ward pay.


The day had passed and it was now dark and John B still hadn't returned so they were at the dock contemplating their next move.ย  As they sat in the dark Blair's sadness had turned itself into anger and she could kill Ward Cameron given the chance. They sat in the dark and JJ held Blair's hand and stroked her knuckles just to let her know he was there, right by her side. "What now? We just go up to the front door and ask, 'hey have you seen John B?'."

"Look, he lives at Tannyhill now. Its plausible. Look, we can play dumb." Kiara said.

"Play dumb?"

"Its pretty late." Pope tried to reason.

"Look, ive never seen John B like that. We should be honestly going to the cops."

"And say what Kie? They aren't gonna believe a bunch of teens with criminal records over a damn Kook, nevermind a Kook with the name Cameron. And we sure as hell cant tell them we're worried about our friend killing someone." Blair seethed in anger, but not at Kiara, rather at the whole situation.

"Hey I see ward." Pope said looking through the binoculars, unaware that he was diffusing the situation.

"Let me see." Kiara said walking over to him.

"Doesnt look dead to me. Lets go home." Pope said in a rush.



"Uh.. okay obviously Mr. Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here her isn't now okay? Plus I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours." Pope said and Blair sympathised with him because he had worked for this moment his whole life and he had a shot to get out of there and have a life, a real life, where his kids went to bed with full stomachs and he could be happily married and feel safe in his own home, that isn't promised on the cut and very few get it.

"Yeah, well our friend is in trouble." Kiara snarked at him.

"Im in trouble. Guys I haven't been home in three days. My dads probably put all my shit on the street by now." Pope said, sadness evident in his voice.

"Okay so thats it? In a time of need you're just gonna bail? You're just gonna walk away?" Kiara tried to argue.

"Okay, yo guys can we not do this right now." Jj tried to tell them as he saw Blair grow visibly more upset.

"Let him go Kiara." Blair said speaking up. "Pope has been working for this hie ENTIRE life and do you know how difficult and selfish it is to ask him to throw all that away? Throw away everything hes worked for? Even if he does go home there's till three of us here and John B is the one who's being reckless not Pope so dont take your anger out on him! Ward killed my mom Kiara and do you know how badly I wanna kill him right now but I cant because I dont want to put any of you in danger over my actions!" Blair snapped at her.

"What about John B?!" She yelled n early ignoring most of what Blair said.

"Why is it always about John B?" Pope asked in retaliation. JJ sighed as he pulled Blair in and kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Its not always about John B." Kiara argued back.

"Oh really?" Pope asked rhetorically back. "Lets just take Blair shall we." He said looking her her as JJ pulled her closer. "You ignored her for days and focused on John B when they found out they were related! You only comforted her this morning when she found out her mom was murdered after I told you to! You're always putting her to the side to focus on John B and what about forensic pathology what about my life? Everything ive ever worked for?"

"This is about friendship!" She yelled back.

"Stop guys."

"Guys bring it down!"

"This is about Pogues for life."

"No stop with the moral high ground bullshit!"

"Pope, come on." JJ sighed.

"No, no. she has no room to talk. Where were you when Big John went missing? You weren't there. You weren't there for John B. You weren't there for any of us. Even Blair was here and she wasn't even a Pogue! You remember your Kook year."

"Dude." JJ sighed as Blair put her head on the metal pole in front an closed her eyes trying to numb the stress and the pain.

"Yeah you forgot about us. Now you feel guilty."

"Give me a break." Kiara yelled at him breaking out in a fight as JJ ran up to stop them.

"Cut it out. If im the one mediating we've hit rock bottom. Bow, now, go." JJ told Pope.

"Pope i'll drop you off." JJ told him as the boat began to move. Once they drove and dropped Pope off Blair couldn't hold it in anymore, she tried to choke back her sobs as she walked to JJ and wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, hey whats wrong birdie?" He whispered to her.

"I wanna go home, I wanna sleep. JJ I want my mom." She sobbed into his chest. "But she's gone and I never even got to say goodbye because Ward Cameron killed her." She hugged into him tighter and he wrapped his free arms around her. "I wanna be happy, truly happy." She cried and JJ could do nothing but try his best to calm her down as Kiara watched on. Blair continued to cry and she inhaled JJ's scent that brought her at least a sense of comfort and belonging. Wrapped in his arms, the only place where she had a glimmer of hope that she could be happy.
