
It was light now and John B had finally returned and they sat by the water while they waited for Pope to finish the most important interview of his life. Blair sat leaning over the banister with JJ sitting on it by her side. They sat, miserable, as John B told them the news of Ward and the gold. "You sure he got everything?" Kiara asked, With hope that John B had maybe missed a couple of bars that they could have.

"Every bar." John B groaned from his place of the floor lying down. "The whole enchilada. Look its not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." John B complained as he wiped of his cast on his wrist and threw it away.

"John B."

"What Kie? Its a hairline fracture who cares?"

"You should care. Your arms gonna be messed up for life."

"Its Fine, see?" He said wiggling his fingers. Blair rested her head on JJ and he pulled her closer as they both knew that everything had went to shit.

"I just wanted my mom to be proud." Blair mumbled quietly and JJ kissed her head.

"Im sure she is." He assured her but their heads snapped round when they heard fast approaching footstep and Pope panting and yelling.

"Guys! Guys! Oh! Oh! Oh! God I ran all the way here." He yelled as he came to a stop and put his hands on his knees in an effort to catch his breath.

"You alright?" John B asked turning his head.

"How was the interview Pope?" JJ asked solemnly as Blair pulled him tighter.

"Dont ask." Pope panted. "JB look im sorry dude about everything."

"Its fine."

"But-- but I don't have a lot of time, and- and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off." Pope explained as Blair turned to look at him, having a feeling about where it was going. "So, im sitting there in my interview, thinking to myself, 'hm why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?'"

"Gold." Blair said looking directly at John B.

"Thats right." John B said sitting up while Pope flailed his arms around frantically.

"Exactly! Guys this is out chance, but it leaves tonight and we have to go."

"Guys we cant give up now!"

"Hell no we cant. So whats the plan?" Blair said standing up straight grinning at Kiara.

"We're gonna steal that shit back." John B smirked as Blair happily kissed JJ and caught him by surprise.

"Full Kook." She whispered to him.

"With you." He whispered back giving her another peck as they ran with the others hand in hand.

"Lets do this!"

"Come on, boys.. and girl!" Kiara yelled as they all ran and laughed out of nerves and excitement.


"We go in there, guns a blazing. Make ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vamanos, get the hell out of there." JJ said toying with his gun from th floor of the van as John B drove.

"Send that shit down the intracoastal."

"Wait for weather."

"Exit to cuba."

"Cuba? No, man Xcalak, jewel of Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes and no word for money." JJ said as Blair smiled looking to him.

"Lets do this shit." John B grinned from the drivers seat. As they drove Blair pulled out her old phone she kept in the van for her emergencies which usually meant texting peterkin for emotional advice. She smiled as she pulled it out seeing it still had charge and scrolled to Susans number.

"What you doing?" Pope asked leaning over he shoulder. She looked to him briefly but went back to the phone, knowing cell towers were back up and she could call and text.

"Texting Peterkin, I was supposed to be staying with her tonight and thought I should let her know i'll be busy." She mumbled constructing the text before finally sending it.

'Hey! Just to say I think I might be out late with the gang tonight! Dont wait up and ill come over in the morning to see you. And I was thinking, how would you feel about me moving in? I know you always say you wouldn't mind but I wanted to make sure and I would love to live with you because I love you and I spoke to my dad briefly and I was considering a huge thing well kinda, it's nothing really but get back to me when you can! Love and miss you. X'

She sent the text and held the phone tightly to her chest and grinned, she would peterkin to adopt her when they saw each other next, when she could have a mom again. She smiled and hid the phone back into the box and placed it neatly on top of the adoption papers.


The van had stopped and they all ran out to peer through the mesh fence at the runway where the Cameron plane would be leaving from. Blair climbed out the van pulling out her phone and placing it in her pocket.

"Whats the plan? Broad strokes." Kiara asked as they all ran forward.

"I dont think we got that far." John B admitted as they all stopped at the fence, Pope looking through his binoculars.

"They're loading up the gold." Pope observed.

"There's ward." JohnB said as he took the binoculars from Pope and looked through them. They all continued to watch as all the people on the runway moved about following Ward's orders. John B paused and lowered the binoculars and Kiara and Blair both looked to him.



"Its Sarah." He said solemnly. 'No that cant be true' Blair thought.

"She's with him?' Blair asked. John B remained silent and they all went to looking back at the plane. That was until there was signs of a struggle.

"Wait a minute. He's hurting her."



"They're fighting." John B said as he started running back and the other kept watching the scene in front of them.

"Holy shit." Pope muttered as they turned and saw John B climbing into the van and starting it up.

"Wait so sheโ€” what? I had noโ€”" JJ stuttered as they all tried to make sense of what was happening.

"Hey what are you doing?" Pope yelled back at John B.

"John B where are you going?" Kiara yelled back also but he ignored their calls and yells.

"Hey! Hey! John B!" They all desperately called but he didn't stop, not even for a second to think, ignoring their pleas and yells he drove the van straight through the fence and towards the plane. Blair panicked and bile started to rise in her throat in fear for her brother as he drove closer and closer to the plane.

"What is he doing?!" She screamed over the loud rumble of the planes engine. The others gave up on yelling as it was obvious John B could no longer hear them or care about what they were saying. JJ came and stood next to Blair as she frantically chewed her thumb and he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Her heart raced and she fidgeted full of panic and anxiety. Blair frantically jumped and waved her arms and yelled as the plane approached the van that John B had stopped right in its path. A loud yelp and scream left her mouth as it stopped just in time to not kill John B. Her hands through her hair they all paused when they heard a siren approaching.

"Guys I cant get arrested." Pope said immediately turning around to the other four.

"Im on probation." JJ said agreeing with Pope.

"Look, we're no good if we're all in jail." Kiara reasoned as they stepped back.

"Come on." Pope said trying to lead them away but Blair stopped as she saw Peterkin leave the car.

"No, no wait- wait!" She yelled back waving her arm at them as she watched the woman she hoped to adopt her leave the vehicle with her weapon raised high.

"What?" Pope and JJ turned to her as she stared.

"Its Peterkin." She said worriedly as she kept approaching the trio on the runway. She watched anxiously as they all talked and JJ came and stood next to her and they both watched as they talked for a moment, Blair subconsciously taking a few steps forward every moment that passed, she had a bad feeling as she watched them, full of nerves her hands twitched and her stomach churned. She watched as Peterkin grew rigid and at that moment a shot was heard. Blair looked expecting Ward to fall to the ground but her heart felt like it had been ripped out her chest and thrown to the ground watching Rafe Cameron appear form behind the plane with gun raised and peterkin fall to the ground, blood seeping through her shirt as John B and Sarah ran to her. Blair went to scream but JJ had grabbed her and placed a hand over her mouth to silence her as she fell to the ground in pain and a muffled heart wrenching scream full of agony leaving her, burning her throat and tightening her neck as tears streamed from her face and JJ held her close.

Tears built in all of their eyes seeing Blair in so much pain and JJ held her as close as he could, his chin in top of her head as she desperately tried to claw her way closer to her mother and try and help but she couldn't move, paralysed with pain and heart ache. She had lost her mom again. She fell to the ground lying on her stomach and JJ had to pull her up, they had to leave.

Blair kicked and screamed and clawed trying to break free from JJ's tight hold on her waist, her eyes never leaving the dying woman in the distance. All she felt was pain, pain, pain. JJ tried to speak to her but no words came through to her and she cried and balled her fists as she stopped kicking and screaming, whilst Peterkin faded from view, JJ looked into the girls eyes and saw the spark of joy that remained fixated there fizzle out as the girl watched her mother figure drain of life. "Mom." She breathed out full of pain, her voice broken through sobs and tears and she went limp letting JJ take her where they were going and she felt like she couldn't fight anymore, she couldn't keep loosing people she loved.
