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Blair wasn't sure how she felt. She sat in the back of Peterkin's car with her hands rested on John B's shoulder slightly playing with the ends of his hair, doing what she could to make him feel better. She was about to say something after a few minutes of silence had built up some tension but Peterkin bet her to it.

"So, how's it working out kid?" She asked turning from the front window to John B, he remained silent and Blair felt sorry for the boy. She knew how much this hurt him, she knew this compass is what he held onto in hopes of finding his dad, Blair was attached to it too but her mom was dead and nothing could change that, no matter how much she wanted it to. "Its a whole lot safer if you give it to me than anybody else." Both teens knew deep down that this was true, after all they had almost been killed for it, twice. Blair felt her face drop, she wanted to keep the compass and maybe find out why her mom did what she did but it wasn't worth her life and John B knew that too. John B gulped and swallowed back any tears that threatened to spill and reached into his pocket and retrieved the compass. With a heavy heart he passed it over to Peterkin and Blair reached up to his face and gently kissed his cheek, knowing how hard that was. "This thing probably saved your life, concentrated the shock. Lucky."

Blair and John B hopped out the car and Blair gave Peterkin a tight lipped smile, feeling down that she now wouldn't know how her mom was associated with the compass. Peterkin drove off passing by John B and Blair as Blair grabbed hold of John B's hand and squeezed it tight and in return he squeezed it back. "It'll be okay, I promise John B." Blair whispered to him as he looked down to her with tears in his eyes. As she saw his tears her heart broke. "Oh John B." She said in a breath as she pulled him close and hugged him as tight as she could. "It'll be okay." She repeated to him and she held his neck and felt her own tears well in her eyes. "I'm with you until the end of the line." She whispered as he hugged her tighter as he let out a quiet sob.


The two began walking back to the chateau in silence. John B walked in first with Blair following behind and as they looked inside they were faced with the mess the two men had left and Blair instantly felt sorrow in seeing the place where she felt most joy in ruin. The two looked at each other and began cleaning out the mess that had been left. Blair handled all the stuff that was lying on the floor in the living room picking up the trash and adding it to the pile they had started outside. She watched as John B picked up an old photo of him and his dad and he placed it proudly to see. She smiled at him and continued to clean the living room until she approached her room to clean up while John B finished the living room. Upon seeing her room her eyes filled with tears, everything was on the floor and in the corner of her eye she noticed her memory box lying open in the corner and noticed her old necklaces sprawled all over the counter. In a rush she ran over to it and searched like a maniac until she found the box, the box that contained her mothers wedding ring, the only thing she had left of her, apart from an old photo she kept hidden under her bed. Her breathing became erratic as she struggled to open the box to check if the ring was still there as she opened it her heart dropped. Empty. "No, no, no." She covered her mouth but that couldn't even muffle the sound of her sob as she collapsed to her knees, dropping the empty box. "They took it." She whispered to herself, she stumbled up and ducked under her bed and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the frame under her bed as she pulled it out she stared at the picture of her mom and a little Blair smiling. "Im so sorry mom." She whispered, her finger gently stroking over her mom's perfectly photographed face. "Im so sorry." She stared at the photo as she continued to cry, quietly as to not disturb John B as she didn't want him to worry about her as he had his own things to deal with. After crying for a few minutes her sadness was replaced with rage as she hurriedly picked up the trash in her room and placed it on the pile she wished for anything that could bring her mother back.

After placing everything on the pile John B arrived with the board of all his family and those who had the compass and stared at it. "Are you sure John B?" Blair asked as John B looked back at her.

"Yeah, I think so." He said as he tossed it onto the pile as he light a match and prepared to set the fire. "You're my sister Blair, we do this together." He said as he held her hand.

"We're family." She nodded in return as he threw the match on the fire and began to spray lighter fluid to further ignite the flame as he let go of Blairs hand. They both stood in silence watching painful memories turn to dust, Blairs eyes fixated on the image of her and her father and watched as her happy face burned away, followed by his frowning face. She felt relieved almost, watching it burn but movement from John B caused her to turn and widen her eyes as he reached in to grab his family tree. She quickly passed him a metal pole to help him get it out as he quickly stomped on it to rid of any flames. "What is it?" She asked looking to John B as he crouched down to look at a specific place on the board, his finger lightly grazing it.


The two had quickly got into the van to collect the other Pogues after Blair had got change into some more suitable clothes but John B still had not explained anything to Blair. "Am I gonna find out what's happening?" Blair asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Just wait." He said with a hint of a smile.

"Uh huh okay." Blair nodded facing the front again. Soon the van had stopped and Blair looked out the window to see JJ and Pope, her eyes connected with JJ's as the both smiled and John B beeped the horn.

"Lets ride." JJ said as he and Pope began walking to the van.

"This better be good." Pope remarked. As they both climbed into the back.

"Hey birdie, John B." JJ said climbing in and putting his chin on the shoulder go Blair's seat.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Blair asked turning to him.

"New nickname I'm trying out." He answered as he kissed her cheek quickly as she blushed and felt butterflies in her stomach, she turned to avoid JJ seeing her bright grin, but JJ smirked to himself already seeing it. Once the two boys got into the van the began driving to the wreck to pick up Kiara.

"She says she not coming." Pope shouted down the the trio in the van, notifying them Kiara did not intend on coming with them.

"Why not?" JJ asked from behind Blair. "What did you do to her Blair?" He asked turning to face her.

"Hey! Dont ask me! ask professor kissy lips to the left." She answered, offended they assumed Blair had been the one to piss her off.

"What did you do John B?" JJ asked faking a dramatic gasp and putting his hand on his heart.

"Shit."ย  John B exclaimed hitting his hands down on the steering wheel. "Hang on. I'll deal with it." He said climbing out the van

"Kissy lips huh?" JJ asked Blair.

"Yup." Blair shrugged, looking out the open window watching John b enter the Wreck. After a few minutes John B came out along with Kiara and Blair smiled. "Oh well that didn't take much convincing." Blair said as she got out the van and met Kiara with a hug. Kiara hugged back. "Dont ask okay, I just need a hug." Blair muttered as Kiara held her close. As they pulled away Blair stood and stared at Kiara's face with a thoughtful expression, Kiara looked back at her confused. Before she could say anything to Blair gently kissed her lips and then pulled away.

"What was that for?" Kiara asked looking at Blair with furrowed eyebrows but about to laugh.

"John B did it, I just wanted to see what it was like." Blair shrugged looking at Kiara.

"Well?" Kiara asked expectantly with a smile and her arms slightly raised.

"Meh." Blair shrugged.

"Meh? What do you mean meh?" Kiara asked offended.

"Ive had better." Blair shrugged again.

"Well that's because I wasnt trying." Kiara defended as the boys watched from the van.

"Okay then try." Blair challenged her. As she finished Kiara leaned in and kissed Blair.

"Well then, okay that was good." Blair nodded her head in approval. The two girls burst out laughing, Kiara knew that Blair was also into girls but that made no difference, she knew there was no feelings there and it was all a bit of fun. The two headed to jump back into the van and sat in the back together, when they turned around they noticed Pope with his mouth hanging open and Blair reached over and shut it for him. "Careful you'll catch flies." She warned as John B laughed as he had seen the two do things like that before but as the two girls looked over they saw JJ practically bouncing in his seat with a large grin.

"Yes JJ?" Kiara asked looking at him.

"Do it again, do it again." He said bouncing up ad down in his seat as the two girls looked at each other and pushed his head away laughing.


It was starting to get dark and the group were still driving to good knows where when JJ spoke up.

"You mind if I just relax on this one?" JJย  said now from beside Pope and Blair as he had moved seats. "Its been a long day and a lot of weird stuff's gone down im just gonna lay low. Oh did you want a hit of this?" He asked holding the joint he was smoking up to Pope knowing the last time he offered Blair some she smacked the back of his head, he remembered it distinctively as it only happened ten minutes ago.

"I keep the signal clear." Pope answered JJ.

"Dude, okay. So you understand that your problem is that you dont get creative, then-" JJ argued back as Blair pushed his hand with the joint away as he was waving it in her face.

"Look, I- I know I was wrong about the light house alright?" John B asked stopping an argument breaking out between Pope and JJ as JJ quickly mumbled a 'sorry birdie' to Blair as he pulled his joint away from her face as again butterflies erupted at the sound of her new nickname, which she loved but would never tell JJ that. "And wrong about everything else going on. But I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." John B finished as the van came to a stop at where it was John B had taken them. The cemetery.
