
Blair, Pope, Kiara and JJ had remained in the car and now the night had fallen upon them once again. They had stopped outside the Cameron house in search for Sarah, they needed her help. Blair and Kiara were the first to jump out the car with the boys following after. "Perfectly focused." Pope muttered to himself as he got out the car and followed the girls.

"You sure this is a good idea?" JJ asked ignoring Popes muttering.

"She's the only one who can clear John B." Kiara told him as Blair walked by her side until she fell back behind her as they came to the property wall.

"Last place they'll look because of how stupid it is." JJ told them full of attitude.

"Of course, that being the point." Blair grunted as she climbed over the wall, following Kiara and Pope who made a lot of noise getting over the wall himself. Blair followed them a few steps behind, not really focusing on JJ's whereabouts, as she walked she thought to herself, drowning out the sounds of Kiara and Popes conversation that was until Pope began rapping. Blair shushed him while Kiara grabbed him and muffled his singing by placing a hand over his mouth. Blair went to step forward until she heard four words exit Pope's mouth.

"I love you, kie." He told her. Blair froze.

"Oop, nope, not for me, thank you." She mumbled as she turned on her heel and spun around walking back to the wall. "They can do this without me. Im not getting involved." She said to herself as she walked back to find JJ at the car still.ย  "Im gonna ket them sort this out themselves." She said to JJ as she climbed back over the wall, him catching her on the way down, Pope and Kiara's conversation now distant whispering. JJ leaned against the wall with his back pressed to it ad he pulled Blair into his as he wrapped her arms around her waist and held her tight.

"C'mere Birdie." He whispered. "How you doing?"

"Im tired JJ, im so tired." She whispered back to him, Turing around so she was face to face with him. "And im scared, im scared for John B."

"I know baby, I am too."

"JJ?" She called out.


"Can you promise me something?"


"You'll stay with me, no matter what. Can you be by my side. Dont leave, I cant take loosing someone else." She whispered.

"Yeah, I promise birdie. I love you."

"I love you too."


The night was over once again and Blair and JJ stood awake in the morning light while a hungover Pope came around. Blair sat in JJ's arms finding that the only place that she felt any comfort any more as they heard Pope grunt and groan as he got out of bed. Kiara remained asleep while JJ and Blair conversed quietly and Blair wore JJ's signature red cap as she fiddled with his ring that remained on her finger while he leaned against the wooden door frame glancing out into the world.

"Hes pinched for sure man." JJ said as they listened to the wail of sirens and Pope walked up behind them.

"No they wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." Pope told him.

"Let hope." Blair said looking out.

"You know we were in that car. They're probably looking for us too." Kiara said letting everyone know she was now awake.

"Well then we may as well do everything we can to help John B." Blair said looking for agreement from the rest of the group.

"So find him before they do?" JJ started to ask but stopped when Pope started to leave and Blair interrupted.


"Im gonna get gas for the boat." He said as he stomped out.

"Hey you be careful." Kiara said to him receiving a harsh look in return. Clearly their conversation didn't end well then, Blair thought.

"Meet me at the dock at three. Dont be late." Pope sternly told them, refusing to look in Kiara's direction. After Pope stamped out the building Kiara looked to Blair and Blair made a face as they silently commented but before Pope could get far Kiara stormed out after him with Blair and JJ trailing behind just observing.

"Okay, what is your problem?"

"No problem officer. Im just doing my job." Pope said as he mounted the bike.

"Look, im sorry that I hurt your feelings." Kiara tried to say but pope revved the engine of the bike to purposefully drown her out.

"What was that?"

"Look I didnt mean to."

"Sorry I cant hear you, what was that?"

"Pope im being serious-... im trying to talk to you." Kira tried to say as Pope kept revving the engine. Pope cut her off as he sped away and they all watched his retreating figure. Kiara began walking back to them when Blair spoke up from beside JJ.

"Give him time, kie." She said softly. "Hes hurt, remember how I was when I told JJ I loved him and he rejected it. He just needs time, okay?"

"How did you-?"

"I was behind you two when you were talking, filled in the missing pieces." She said just as the sound of a helicopter whirring passed by over head.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ asked as they all looked at the helicopter passing. The trio went back inside after watching the chopper pass and began making the food for John B and Sarah for their get away. JJ decided this would be the prime time to ask about the Kiara and Pope situation.

"You sure he just wasn't being weird Pope?"

"It wasn't really the kind of thing that needed interpretation. Is that going to be enough food for them?" Kiara asked looking at the many sandwiches in front of them.

"I mean for a couple of weeks and that's all they need, so..." JJ answered swinging the bag over his shoulder and grabbing Blairs hand.

"Look, I actually think I really hurt his feelings." Kiara fretted.

"Like I said he just needs time, hes hurting, we're stressed, there's a lot going on right now. Give it time and work it out." Blair said as they walked out carrying all the food.

"I hate to say it but I miss the old Pope." Kiara said as they walked out.

"I miss our old lives." Blair said as she walked out, after all everything was better before this stupid gold thing. They all stopped with a fright seeing Kiara's mom stood behind the car.

"Where you been?" She asked Kiara.

"Uh, I'm fine I slept here." Kiara answered as JJ and Blair packed up everything they needed.

"Well we were up half the night scared to death, looking' for you. Were you even going to tell us?"

"Well, im telling you right now."

"Right what the hell are you three up too?"

"Im sorry miss Anna, we gotta go." Blair tried to say as polite as she could, given the circumstances. Kiaras mom started shouting and begging for her to stay while kiara yelled back. Blair sat in the front seat and desperately held on to JJ's hand over her chest as she looked down and felt sorrow for mrs Carrera, she thought she could loose her daughter, she had every right to be terrified but the drove off hearing her cries for her daughter get quieter as they got further away. The drove until they came to a stop outside JJ's house and he paused taking up the course he need to go into the house he hated so much.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Blair asked him grabbing his hand before he could leave.

"No, this will just take a second." He said climbing out and looked to her as he walked up the stairs. As he walked through the door Blair looked to the window, waiting for JJ to come back out the building when Kiara spoke up.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Im doing as well as I can." She nodded with a tight lipped smile before turning to face her. "How about you?"

"Same." She said as they locked eyes. Both knowing that neither one of them were fine, but they couldn't do anything about it. JJ suddenly burst through the door and towards the car as Kiara started the car up again, ready to move. JJ climbed into the car, tears on his face and in his eyes and Blair turned to look at him as he came close to her.

"How'd it go?" She asked cautiously. Instead of answering he held ip the keys and she offered him a small smile. She leaned back and gave his cheek a soft kiss, knowing he needed it, he quickly pulled her back and placed a loving kiss on her lips as Kiara moved the vehicle.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked looking into her eyes and holding her face in his hands.

"I know, I love you too."


JJ pulled back the large door at the garage where his dads boat was kept, revealing the old boat in all her glory.

"There she be. Hey girl. A 1983 formula 402 SR1. The Phantom. The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours. Forty yers old! Forty!and still the fastest thing Kildare's ever seen." He said proudly.

"Its kind of a junker." Kiara said with a face.

"Really? She's right there, Kie." JJ said, offended. Blair laughed a little and smiled at his enthusiasm. "She can hear you. Lets just put it this way. You would not be smoking' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"Its sad that I think you may actually love this boat more than me." Blair grinned and JJ made a face at her. "kidding." She laughed putting her hands in the air as a surrender.

"I juts hope it still runs." Kiaraย  said skeptically.

"Oh, no, she'll run alright. She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got." JJ said as the sound of a motorbike approached.

"Pope finally!" Blair called out as she and Kiara went to get him inside. They both froze at the sight of Rafe and Barry. Blair's breathing stopped as she looked into the eyes of her mothers killer.

"Hey there. Whats going on?" Rafe said to them in a threatening tone. "JJ?" He called out and JJ's head lifted and immediately he saw how close Blair was to them and his heart sunk.

"Well, well.." Barry said as he approached closer to JJ. He then cocked the gun and aimed as JJ's chest, Blair whimpered as he raised his arms and fear filled her body, she couldn't loose him too, she couldn't, she couldn't loose anyone else. "See, dont think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. Im here because I want my mother fucking money." He said as he smacked JJ to the ground and went after Barry. She screamed and yelled and kicked as Rafe picked her up and pulled her back and Kiara screamed over Barry trying to get him off.

"Let me go you asshole!" She screamed at rafe, desperate to break free, with biting, clawing, kicking and punching.

"Its not you we want, where's John B?" Safe questioned the two girls.

"I dont know!" Blair screamed at Rafe, punching him in the jaw, he looked away as Barry still tormented JJ but as he did he knocked Kiara onto the ground and she writhed in pain. "Kie!" Blair yelled after her but Rafe grabbed her face harshly, holding her still.

"I really wish you didnt do that." Rafe sneered in her face. Blair stood up in anger and spat in his face.

"And I wish that you didnt murder Peterkin! I wish that you didnt fucking murder my mom, so I guess we're both disappointed." She yelled in his face, he looked furious. He wiped her spit of his face and grabbed her neck and pulled her up by her neck. Blair clawed at his hands and let out strangled noises as he stopped her breathing.

"Dont you ever say those fucking words again." He threatened.

"I do what I fucking please." She growled as she saw Kiara get up behind Rafe as he continued to cut off her oxygen.

"Kie! Help JJ." She begged as she could hear Barry continuously punch him. Kiara did as she was told and Blair focused on Rafe.

"Where's John B!" He kept screaming in her face.

"I dont know! Why you gonna fucking shoot him too?" She growled at him, still fighting hard for her breath but she wasn't going to back down. Blair was dropped and could breathe again a she rubbed her throat and Pope hit Rafe over and over again with a crow bar. Blair quickly got up and ran to JJ who was still getting beaten up by Barry. She punched Barry to the ground and he dropped his gun. Kiara quickly running over to it and kicking it away. JJ then got the upper hand and knocked Barry against the boat as Pope continued to beat Rafe.


"Pope thats enough!"

"He's had enough dude!" They all screamed at him until he let go. Thinking it was over the all sighed but Pope pulled a rope around Rafe's neck and began pulling at it, choking him out, JJ and Kiara yelled at him to stop, but Blair didnt, she watched, he killed her mom and she wanted to watch the life drain from his eyes. Blair watched as the sound around her drowned out and she watched race splutter and Blood come out his mouth until Pope finally stopped after he looked to kiara. The noise around Blair was still muted but she watched as Rafe writhed on the floor and she leaned over his face.

"Stay off the cut." She growled at him and stepping on his chest as she passed and they left the garage with the boat. She was angry that she couldn't kill him , she wanted to, but she couldn't leave JJ.
