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Simply put, Iโ€™m an introvert. Thereโ€™s no question about it. I'm shy, I like being alone and I avoid confrontation at all cost. Not that I have low self-esteem or anything, I've just always been this way and I'm fine with it. People say it's a waste, spending the rest of my highschool days being withdrawn and not making accomplishments.

"Because you could be in A-Class." They'd say. "You're smart after all so you belong there."ย 

I was missing a lot of opportunities to be acknowledged and noticed by everyone because of this fear from speaking out.

"That was why you're in C-Class. You're not trying hard enough."

Perhaps I am not trying hard enough but does it matter? I sigh, already eager to get home and rest after a stressful day at school. It was now 6pm meaning, rush hour. Newly boarded passangers squeeze themselves in the crowded train, forcing others - including myself - to step back and make room, even if it was already crowded.

It was chaotic for a while until the train departs, settling the train in silence. For a while, it was peaceful.

Until it happened...

I grip onto the handrails, face flushed in discomfort when I suddenly felt gropings coming from behind me. It started off as simple and brief touches on my waist, but with every minutes, it became more bold and violating.

"Shit." I mutter.

My heart pounds erratically in my chest when the hands started making its way inside my skirt. As much as I try to speak out, nothing comes out. I was afraid, too terrified to call the molester off and catch attention to the silent crowd of the train myself.

The PA system rung to life, announcing the passengers to their next destination, halting the gropings.ย  I took a shaky breath, hoping that it would be the molester's stop.

As the train slowly skid to a halt, I took the opportunity to move. The doors creaks open, allowing half of the passengers to emerge out the train running water, leaving me with enough space to scuttle somewhere more safe and molester free.

I squeeze past several passengers, searching for a good spot but the pushing and turnings of the passengers became too much that my bag,got stuck, jerking me back. With little luck, I slam into someone and almost made us fall had it not been for the crowd supporting our balance.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I look up at the stranger I bump into, locking gazes with a mercury-eyed redhead. He's cute, which makes it even more humiliating. Too close, too close! Reacting quickly, I push myself away from him.

"Sorry." I mutter, not making eye-contact.

"You should be careful." He said.

This... is the worst day of my life. I inhale. First, I got molested and made a fool out of myself in front of a guy. To make it worse, my bag is still stuckย ย  in the crowd behind me.

"Excuse me." The redhead spoke, causing me to look up. Our bodies are pressed, forced together by the crowd around us. "Hey."

His mercury eyes gazing past me were enough indication that he is speaking to the person behind me. "Her bag is stuck, could you kindly move? She is having a hard time moving here you see." I was shocked. He noticed?

There is slight movement behind me and no sooner I felt the strap of my bag loosen. "T-Thank you."

"No problem." He smiled.

I nod, too shy to start a conversation. He didn't say anything else so it was a good sign to leave him be - even though I'm curious. The boy wears the same uniform as me, making me wonder why I never saw him before. He's as attractive as our school body president so how?

I stole the redhead a curious glance, watching him tap away on his cellphone with a mischievous look on his face. Was he texting his girlfriendย  shake my head. Why the sudden interest [Name]? Who he's texting was none of my business.

Then his gaze shifted to mine, causing me to look away with a blush dusting on my cheeks. Even if I have my attention diverted to him, I couldn't still forget the molester's touch. It leftย  a disgusting imprint on my skin and it continues to bother me.

No. He's already gone.

Or so I thought. Minutes after, I felt it again - the gropings. I paled, heart springing fast on my ribcage as the molester begun touching me again.

"Excuse me..." I pretended to smile, excusing that I needed space to re-adjust my bag.

The molester did not say anything. My gaze fell to the floor, weighting down my options. It's either (1) I confront him, or (2) change my position again. My gaze fell on the redhead slightly hesitant. Should I? My shoulders drops low, unsure what to say.

Would he find it odd to exchange places with him? And moreover, would it be suspicious?

I bit my lip, feeling the old man's hand squeeze my behind. Beads of sweat rolls down my temples, completely conflicted. No, I need to do something. I have the right to fight back. He's molesting me for God's sake!

Taking a deep breath, I turn towards the molester. "Excuse meโ€“"

"Would you mind letting go of her?"

A wave of intent raidate behind me, causing me to turn towards the redhead. He didn't look pleased at all, glaring daggers at the molester.

"That's right, I am talking to you old fart. Let go of her."

I felt the man's shaking hand loosen. "W-What?"

"Don't play dumb," The redhead said,ย  mercury eyes burning dangerously. "You were groping her."

"W-What kind of accusation is that?" The molester stutter nervously, a wry smile forming on his lips. "I wouldn't do such a thing, boy! There must be some kind of mistake here."

The redhead held back a laugh. "Mistake? Tell that to the girl you molested. Look how scared she was."

"I-I..." I spoke, finally gaining the courage to do so. "What he said is true, you were groping me!"

"Ha, you're imagining things!"

"The girl already said it herself, you lying molester. Why are still denying it?" Said the redhead, smiling. "Ah, and should I need to tell you to return what you stole to her as well?"

The molester paled.

That shocked me, not expecting it at all. "What?" I immediately turn towards the molester.

"You could have almost robbed the poor girl if I had not excused you to move so she can get it," The redhead explained coolly, a smirk curving his lips. "Of course I can't just go accusing you like that but then you decide to go as far as to molest her while you take your second attempt to steal again. It had proved my suspicions."

"I-Is this true?" I ask.

"Now why would I lie?"

The passengers started to murmur with disbelief and disgust flashing on their facesย  - mostly women - as they scuttle away from the now stunned and mortified molester.

"I suggest you turn in her belongings." The redhead smirks in triumph. "You're in a crowded train after all."

Without fail, the molester returned my belongings which, much to my surprise, are my cellphone and wallet. I clutch them on my chest.

"S-Sorryโ€“" The molester's apology were cut short when my fist slams across his face.

Gasps and bellows resounded among the audiences. "Sorry doesn't cut it."

The redhead whistles in amusement.ย  I glance at my clenched fists, knuckles slightly red and stinging. It felt liberating. Who knew I could punch this hard? I grin, this is awesome!

"You should call the authorities." Passengers had told me.

"Yes, and you have enough right to file him a case. That's sexual harassment!"

"You should've spoken sooner, girl."

All I could do is smile at them, shaking my head in refusal. Having to call the authorities were extreme and the humiliation the molester had to go through were enough punishment, a karma; I ascertain that it was enough lesson for him to not do it again.

I emerge out of the train, thoughts still whirring back to the incident. Then I remember the redhead. I hadn't thanked him yet. I wander around the station, squeezing on and about between crowds like a slab of rock cutting through a running water as I scan the crowd for a familiar redhead.


I turn around. There he was, waiting at the stairway. "H-Hey!"

The redhead grins. "You did great back there."

A laugh left my lips. Did I? "And it was all thanks to you. I wouldn't have gotten the courage to speak out for myself if it wasn't for you."

"I may have helped you for that but I wasn't the one who punched him."

The comment made me flush in embarrassment. "Who wouldn't punch a bastard like him?"

"Fair enough... but, why didn't you spoke out sooner?"

This made me freeze. "P-Pardon?"

The redhead has his hands on his pockets, eyes gazing at me in wonder. "You would've done fine without me but you just stood there, allowing yourself to be harassed. Unless, of course, you enjoyed it... did you?"

I blink, not expecting his words ar all. "E-Enjoy?" Needless to say, I was offended. "Why would I enjoy being groped with a face like him?"

"So you will if it was me?"

The audacity of this man. "W-What?" I stuttered, flushing a deep shade of red. "That's not what Iโ€“!"

The redhead gasps, pretending to look shocked. "Heh, so you admit it? Tsk, tsk. How naughty of you."

"NO!" I exclaimed.

He smirks. "Oh? Is that denial I hear?"

"I was scared okay?" I blurted out. "I'm scared." The last sentence were almost a whisper.

He stares at me. "Why?"

"Do you have to ask many questions?"

He chuckles. "Why, we're schoolmates."

"What does that have to do with it?" I ask, my eyes twitching in annoyance.

"Like it or not, we'll be seeing each other from now on." He said. "After all, you still owe me."


"Owe you?" I ask, voicing his confusion. "Aren't you a prick?"

"Ouch, is that how you treat your knight in shining uniform?" He place his hand on his chest, mocking hurt. "That's just cruel."

"I believe you said you barely did anything." You told him, arms crossing. "So I owe you nothing."

"And I take it back. You're right anyway, you wouldn't have done anything if I hadn't spoken first."

"I don't even know you!"

The redhead laughs. "It's Karma."

"Excuse me?"

"My name. It's Akabane Karma."

Who names their child Karma? It's weird. Or maybe he's karma himself? After all, he's the one who brought karma to that bastard molester. I snicker, how fitting.

"I'm [Full Name]."

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."


"Now that we know each other..." He mutter. "How about you treat me on a nearby ice cream parlor? You owe me after all!"

This brought me by surprise. That son of a- "Who are you to decide that?! I'm completely broke!"

"Your wallet looks full when the molester returned them sooo."

Was he serious?

"Yes I am." I flinch internally, not realizing I've said that aloud.

My gaze locked with his mischievous ones, easily hypnotizing me. They're too beautiful to resist.



I sigh in defeat. He's too persistent. "Come to think of it, I hadn't eaten anything since lunch."

He smiles in triumph. "Then what are we waiting for?"

"How about a ramen instead?"

"I'd like that."

Unbeknownst to myself, I just made friends with a trouble seeking schoolmate from End Class.

...and maybe more than just a friend.


๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ย  ๐๐Ž๐“๐„:

๐จ๐ฅ๐ ๐ญ๐ข๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž:

s u p e r
c r i n g e

this is written way back in
2016 so it's full of sh*t xD
imma go edit this book while
there's time coz why not? Sooo til
then, bear with me for a while.

Much love and hugs โ™ฅ
(ใฅ๏ฟฃ ยณ๏ฟฃ)ใฅ

