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It's one question an introvert like [Name] won't ever answer. She truly wanted to be nowhere but here - in the warm embrace of her blankets inside a dimly-lit room, watching her favorite show and eating junk foods.

To her, that was the perfect definition of paradise.

[Name] sighs and gaze upwards, just in time to see the pedestrian lights turn green. "Home."


"Home." She repeated clearly this time. "If there's somewhere I wanna go right now, it's home."

Karma yawns, falling in step beside her as they cross the pedestrian lane. "Boriiiing."

"Well, I do wanna go home." [Name] glances at the redhead, giving him an offended glare. "What's the problem with that?"

"I'm asking where you want to travel." He emphasizes. "Somewhere that is an ideal place for adventure. Somewhere... 'ya know, fun?"

Travelling may sound fun but the thought of actually doing it never once crosses [Name]'s mind. In the first place, it's expensive; her family didn't have enough budget to actually squeeze that into their already tight schedule. They don't have enough time to go somewhere and spend money to where it least matters.

Besides that, being physically active is not her thing unlike this adventurous and extroverted guy whose family can afford a whole round-trip across different countries.

"I don't have time for that."

Karma rolls his eyes. "If you have time then, where will you go?"

That sets her gears turning. If she truly had the time and money, where will it take her? To somewhere fun and productive - to something that can change her perspective.

Where do I wanna go?

If she really wanted to go somewhere, that'll be under the shade of a tree at a nature park, reading her favorite book. It can also be in a famous cafe over a cup of coffee and scrumptious desserts. Those were the kind of activities [Name] wants to spend her free time to.

"Hmm, maybe in a cafรฉ?" [Name] mutters. "It's quiet and relaxing to read there. There's also coffee so..."

Karma hums in thought. "Spending time in a cafรฉ didn't sound bad but..."

"But what?"

"It's still boring."

[Name] scoffs. "I have my own idea of fun and you have yours so drop it."

"I know, I know." Karma chuckles. "But damn, we've known each other for years now and all I ever saw you do is read and read."

"I like reading."

Karma sighs. "I know you like reading but at least make time to have fun with everyone once in a while."

"But I do spend time with them."

"Yeah, in school." He scoffs. "But outside that, you're a shut-in. You're almost unreachable."

"I don't like going out."

"And that's exactly my point."

[Name] blinks in confusion, not exactly understanding what he is trying to pinpoint. "What point?"

"That you're missing out a lot in life."

Questions floats around [Name]'s head. What was there to miss out? She just knew what exactly is going on outside and it is just her who refused to partake in them. [Name] is contented enough to be at the confines of her own home and nothing could ever change her mind.

"I'm quite happy with what I do so I don't care if I 'miss out' those places you consider fun."

He stares at her quizzically.

"W-What are you looking at?"

He shrugs. "Nothing." [Name] is very sure he wants to say something but Karma walks ahead of her before she could ever ask him.

[Name] frowns at him. "Karma-" she stops herself when she notice him walk past the train station where they're suppose to head. "Oi, the station is this way." But he wasn't listening. "Karma!"She quickens her gait and fall in step with the redhead. "Where the hell are you going?"

"Hm?" He hums. "All this talking got me urging to skip class."


Karma gave her a sideway glance and smiles - the sort kind of smile [Name] knew that is up to no good. By then she knew that he has to be stopped.

"No." [Name] said. "No way in hell you're gonna skip class, Karma."

"Too bad. I'm taking you with me."

"Wha- No!" [Name] exclaims.

He brought an arm over [Name]'s shoulder. "Oh come on, where's your sense of adventure?"

"It's at Kunugigaoka, calling for me to attend my classes." [Name] deadpans. "Now would you please let me go-"


"Excuse me?"

"No." He repeated with clarity. "Forget about school. Today, we'll be going on an adventure."

"But we have assignments due today!"

Karma groans. He couldn't care less about those things. "We only have one assignment. What's the big deal? That won't make much of a difference in our grades. Besides, this will only be a one time thing. It's not like we're gonna drop out or anything."

Even so, Karma's words still doesn't convince [Name]. Cutting class is still wrong no matter what he says. She held onto the sleeves of his uniform. "I-It's still bad to cut class."

He glance at your scared look and laugh. "Are you really serious?"

"O-Of course I am!" [Name] exclaims. "Can you stop laughing?"

"It's cute that you care about your grades but I'm still not changing my mind though."

"But-But Koro-sensei will find out!"

Karma grins confidently. "He won't."

"How can you be so sure?!"

"Stop worring will 'ya? We'll be fine. A single absence won't affect our grades. Besides, we can just always ask Nagisa the lessons we'll miss."

[Name] thought hard of another excuse. "I don't have enough money."

"I can take care of that."

"A-Are you serious?"


There's no stopping Karma, [Name] realizes. The guy is really hell-bent on doing this and he's not afraid to drag her into it. Now she actually fears he'll win her over.

"Y-You should do it on your own!"




What. Karma actually walked away from her, just like that. [Name] stares at his retreating figure in bewilderment. That guy-!

"Oi, wait! I'm not letting you leave!"

"Heh, make me."

In the end, [Name] didn't stand a chance against the redheaded devil. Her good will has been won over by this demon and thus before she knew it, she find herself riding on a train - from a different station - going opposite ways from where Kunugigaoka is.

She blinks for a few seconds, comprehending how this all came to be. I was just against this so how?

Karma chuckles deviously from beside her to which she responded to by a nudge on his shoulder. "Shut up."

"Miss Goody Two-shoes is actually skipping class." He remarked.

[Name]'s eyes twitch in irritation. "And it's all your fault."

The mofo even had the audacity to look so shocked, as if the words had actually hurt him. "But I didn't force you to skip with me! It's all on you."

"I tried stopping you!"

"Well, you suck at it."

[Name] looks away from him with arms crossed. "Hmp."

Karma wasn't wrong, but is she to blame for his charming sides? The likes of him is too much to handle for - as Karma dubs her - a goody two-shoes like herself.

"Ugh, what have I done?" She mutters.

"What have you done indeed." Karma cackles.

I skipped class. The words started to sink in her head. I skipped class. [Name] drew in a shaky breath. She, a lawful good student, has broken a school rule... with Karma no less.

As the familiar outlines of the city transitions into greeneries and foreign landmarks. The dread that started to pile up in [Name]'s stomach claws its way to her chest. They're getting farther and farther away from Tokyo - away from Kunugigaoka where they're suppose to be at.

[Name] glance at the digital clock from one side. It's now eight o'clock. Class has already begun.

Should I be worried?

What if they find out?

What if they contacted my parents?

What if-

[Name] felt Karma's hands hold her trembling ones, squeezing them in reassurance. She glance up to see him smile at her. "Relax, we'll be fine."

It wasn't enough to calm [Name]'s nerves down but a part of her wanted to believe in him. She puffs out a breath and squeeze his hands back.

"It's my first time." [Name] admitted.

"I know."

"W-Why take me along anyway?"

"You haven't been going out much."

[Name] withdrew her hands from him, realizing that he's been holding them for a while now. "Then why didn't you schedule it on a weekend?"

"Where would be the fun in that?"

[Name] sees no difference in going out on weekends and weekdays. It's all just the same to her - going there and having fun. Karma laughs as he notice her confused look.

"You'll find out when we get there."

"W-Where are we going anyway?"

He smiles mysteriously. "You'll see."

[Name] pouts, but didn't say anything else as she continues to stare outside. The ride took an entire hour - an entire hour full of anxiety and reassuring words from Karma - until they near their destination.

Soon enough a light blinded her from the window, and then she saw blue. [Name]'s eyes widen. Blue is the color she could see from her side as she took in the glimmering body of water spanning so far it meets the cloudless sky. She leans near the window in awe. It had been a while since she last saw the sea in person again.

Just like that, her anxiety disappeared. She glances at Karma. "We're in Hayama... right?"

"Yes." Karma answers.

If there is one thing she knew about Hayama, it's their beautiful beaches. [Name] has seen this place featured several times on TV and the internet so to say that they're actually here completely shocks her.

"When you said skipping class, I expected an arcade. Not this."

Karma laughs at her reaction. "Skipping classes is more fun like this. Besides, we've been at the arcade several times now. It's getting boring."

"Actually, it's only you who had been going there." [Name] pointed out.

"You've been there a few times too."

"Yeah, but no as much as you do."

"But arcade isn't still a good destination for your first skip." He said. "I have a much better place in mind so sit tight and enjoy the view."

[Name] glowers at him. "You better pay for my lunch."

Again, he laughs. "I will, I will."

She did try doing what Karma advised and enjoy the view for the next few minutes but when they finally left the train, [Name] discoved that their travel didn't end there because Karma took her on a bus ride next.

Karma assures her the ride will only take fifteen minutes but she's now getting nervous as they travelled farther within the prefecture. Though, he wasn't wrong because the next several minutes, they finally arrived.

"A shrine?"

"The most beautiful there is in Kanagawa."

[Name] gazes at the shrine's entrance. It's architecture is quite different - in an appealing kind of way - from what she saw at the usual shrines in Tokyo. She find it nice.

"We should pay our respects first." Karma suggested.

[Name] and Karma lowers their head in a respectful bow at the shrine gate before heading inside. It's much more bigger than it looks outside, she realize. There isn't anyone in this area except them, and the pathway - no, the entire shrine is completely surrounded by greeneries and it took a good minute for them to reach the *temizuya for their purification ritual, and then another minute until they arrive in **haiden to finally pay their respects.

They both rung the bell together and started giving their offerings. [Name], being the broke student she was, threw in a five yen coin and clapped twice before praying.

Kami-sama, please forgive me for my will has been won over by a demon just to skip class. This will be the last.

"...you done?"

"Uh-huh." [Name] answers, secretly giving him the stink eye. "Soooo... what are we gonna do now?"

Karma smiles excitedly. "I want to show you something."

For him to elicit such a reaction made made [Name] curious. "What is it?"

"Follow me."

[Name] follows after Karma as he walks behind the main shrine building. It led into an entirely new pathway that ended into a descending stairway flanked with lanterns. Towering trees surrounds them as they journey down the stairs. [Name] took in the serene atmosphere; the cool breeze, the harmonious song of birds and cicadas floating around, and - she sniffs the air, it smells briny.

"...sea." [Name] mutters. "We're near the sea aren't we?"

Karma could only smile in response.

As they near, [Name] started hearing the roaring noises of what she's sure are waves crashing against the shore. Sands as well began to make itself known at end of the stairway, growing her excitement further as she took in the beach before her eyes.

[Name] glances at Karma excitedly then to the beach before heading to the shore. She could feel the sand crunch underneath her shoes as she trods over the turquoise blue water.

It's much prettier in person and much more bluer than the last beach [Name] have seen. She discards her shoes at one side and rolls off her socks to step into the edge of the shore where small waves crash on her feet.

"How'd you find such an amazing place like this?"

Karma stares at the horizon with a gentle smile. "I used to skip class with several guys in middle school and one of them happens to be a relative with one of the shrine's caretakers so he brought us here."

"Huh, who knew that skipping classes can take many students this far?"

"But it's fun, isn't it?"

She admits that it made her feel liberated. "...yeah."

"I still haven't shown you the rest though." He stated.

"Show me then." [Name] smiles.

Karma smiles back and held her hand to lead her in another part of the beach where a wide, rock outcroppings lie. The waves were stronger in this part but it's prettier than from the shore.

[Name] glances at the rocks where she saw small crabs crawl and starfishes lodging on several corners.

"Look." Karma points from afar.

There is a funky looking jellyfish - or at least that's what she think it is. "That's one strange jellyfish."

"It looks more like an octopus to me." Karma commented.

[Name] eyes narrow at the water. "Hmm, come to think of it, they remind me of Koro-sensei."

"Well, it is sort of yellowish."

"Could it be-"

Plop. It submerge back on the water.

"-Ah, it went away."

"It must've noticed us."

"Whatever." [Name] shrugs and went back admiring the starfishes. "Look at this one, Karma. It has six legs."

At this point, [Name] still haven't realize that Karma's hands is still intertwined with hers. She's having too much fun to ever care. This is her first visit at the beach in years.

The entire day, they walk at the beach, telling stories and eating snacks from a few shacks they come across. With her worries long forgotten, she is able to relax for the first time in a while.

No grades to worry.

No social pressure.

No annoying people to deal with.

Today, it's just her and Karma enjoying nature and each other's company.

"So, did you have fun?" Karma asked on their way home.

[Name] grins at him. "So much." Honestly, he haven't seen her smile this wide before. "Thank you, we should do this again sometimes."

"Sure, but we should plan this on a weekend next time."

"I'd like that." She leans on his shoulder, slowly drifiting to sleep. "...I'd like... that..."

Karma smiles fondly at the girl and pats her head. If there's one thing he wants for [Name], it is for her to know that there's more than the life she settled for. If it means taking her in different places, even countries, he'll do it to make her realize that.

She won't be stuck just in Kunugigaoka or Tokyo, Karma will make sure of that. He refuse to let her be ignorant.

After all, her happiness is one of Karma's top priorities.


*temizuya - A part of a shrine where worshippers stop by to wash their hands and rinse their mouths in an act of ritual purification. It is customary to do that before paying respects.

**haiden (or the hall of worship) - A part of a shrine where visitors pray or pay their respects to the kami, or gods of the shrine.
