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IT'S 3 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING and you are still awake, finishing a project due on your morning class at seven. You lean on the chair and yawn, wanting to be nowhere but in bed but that won't happen anytime soon because you're still not done.

A groan left your lips. I want to sleep.

The bed is now calling you over, begging to have your deserved rest. Dammit. Leaning back on the seat, your gaze averts on the ceiling, wondering how your classmatess are faring right now. They're most probably done, sleeping soundly in their beds with their projects done and ready for submission.

And here you are, cramming the night away. "I still have no regrets though." You mumble, taking a swig on your already cold coffee.ย 

Choosing to binge watch [favorite series/anime] was still worth it. You pick up the phone from the desk to check for any updates and messages. There aren't any, which is a little disappointing since you have no one to emphatize in this situation.

With a shrug you continue your work. There are still a few more revisions needed for the paper. You type away on your laptop, determined to finish the project as fast as you can.

ctrl + c

ctrl + v


And then repeat. It's a tiring repetition; taking whatever is necessary from the internet and inserting them in the document. The process continues for a whole twenty minutes until the loud ringtone of your phone interrupted it.

Strange. A phone call at 3AM. You peer over your phone to read the caller ID. It came from an unknown number surprisingly. You raise an inquisitive brow, wondering who could be calling at this time.

Curious, you answered. "Helloโ€“"

"Are you an alien?" A masculine voice spoke, interruping you.

That got you silent, not seeming to grasp the very sudden and unforseen question from the caller. "...what?"

Is this person high?

"Are you an alien?" He repeated.

Your forehead scrunch, more confused than ever. "Is this a prank?"

"...because you've stolen my heart."

Wait, was that a pick-up line? because that might just be the corniest one you've heard. It was even used wrongly, causing you to cringe. If this dumbass was trying to flirt with you, then he failed.

"Who is this?"

But he is still not done. "And do you know what'd look good on you?"

"A passing grade." You deadpan, thinking about the project the guy interrupted you from doing.


Okay that does it. You hang up, having none of the caller's cringey pick-up line bullshit. There's a lot you still need to do and the last thing you wanted was to get it interrupted.

You stare on the laptop's screen, somewhat getting a familiar vibe from the caller, like you've heard the voice from somewhere before. Just as you started to become curious - RING! RING! - the phone rang again.

It rang many times before deciding to answer it. A part of you wanted to know who the caller is, because he could be someone you know.

"Who is this?"

"โ€“why did you hang up?"

You sigh. Maybe he didn't hear it so you repeat the question again, louder this time. "Who is this?"

"It's me." No shit. He didn't answer the question. "So why did you hang up?"

"Um, because I don't know you?"

"It's Maehara!" He whines, strangely reminding you a child. Oh, so it's him. "Geez, can't recognize your own boyfriend's voice now?"

Your forehead crinkles in confusion. "I'm not your boyfriend." For some reason, it settles an uncomfortable feeling in your chest. "What brought you to call at this hour anyway?"

"I miss you." He slurs.

That made you feel strange. "You called me at 3AM to tell me that?"

"Of course! I'm your boyfriend!"

You sigh, finally realizing the reason behind his weird behavior. "You're drunk, aren't you?"

He giggles like a child. "No, I'm not!" But his slurred voice says otherwise.

"Yes, yes you are."

"I'm completely sober."


"I really am!" He exclaim.

"Alright, alright." You pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance. "Where are you anyway?"

"Your voice is cute."

"I know. So where are you?"

"And you look pretty."

A vein pops up your head. "Can you at least listen to what I'm saying?"

"Hey, that's your fault for being so damn cute."


"It's distracting."

This guy. You groan in frustration. Even so, his words didn't stop you from blushing. It made you giddy and warm in the chest - which is bad because you're not suppose to. The grip on your phone tightens.


He cuts you off. "I love you."

Then there was silence. You stare into space, comprehending his words. The two of you are not even an item so for him to say that... You inhale.

Maehara is drunk, [Name], you remind yourself. He's just too out of it to actually mean those words. As much as you try to deny it, that didn't stop your heart from beating fast.

"Y-You should go to sleep now."

"But I still want to talk to you!"

"Maehara, please "

"Do you not love me anymore?"

You sigh take a deep breath. "I-I do."

"Then why do you not want to talk?"

"Because it's late and I still have a project to do."

"I don't care about that!"

You care and it's due on seven o'clock in the morning, and you are nowhere near done. Now he had to call in drunk and waste your time. Accepting his call was a bad idea.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Actually, I'm lost."

You blink. "What?"

"...Lost in your eyes."

You made an eyeroll at his corny remark. Maehara is even cornier drunk and that makes you worry. "This is a phone call moron."


"So where are you?"


"You have to sleep nowโ€“"

"โ€“I love you..."


"...and I miss you."

You fell silent, already loss at words.

"I'm glad I met you. I glad I left my past flings. I want to marry you and give you many children. There will be five - no, seven of them and all of then will have our awesome and charming genes. And I will buy us a house overlooking a lake and buy you the nicest things."

You laugh. "D-Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm serious."


If ever he was serious, then his woman would very lucky. You find it very cute that it made you jealous.

"Look, I should go now."

There is a short pause. "I love you."

Your lips quiver into a smile. "I... love you too. You should sleep now."

"I should be the one to say that."

You laugh. "Alright."

"Good night... Hana."

"Good night."

You hang up and stare at the laptop's screen. Tears began to slip at the sides of your face, the heaviness in your chest finally overwhelming you.

After all these years, you're still in love with him.

Maehara broke up with you years ago and is now going steady with the woman he mistook you as. Even if you hope for things to return from the way it was before, it won't happen...

...because you're not Hana.

You're [Name].
