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SATURDAYS ARE THE MOST FAVORITE DAY of every students. Well, every students except for the working ones. You don't like it because it's the day you are suppose to rest after a tiring week at school and as much as you despise it, you have no choice.

Working is part of the contract and you needed money to support your education. An exasperated sigh escape your lips, staring at the now clean and empty diner as you wait for your co-worker to change his clothes

"What's taking him so long?"

It's now 11:02pm, and the urge to sleep was already beginning to take over your mind. Your vision blurs, slowly descending into the pits of subconsciousness.

You lay your head at the table, eyes closing. A minute won't hurt. Besides, you're still waiting for someone.


A voice woke you soon after. Your eyes cracks open to see your co-worker, Isogai, "Let's go home."

You hum, a bit weary. "Go... home?"ย 

"I already got your things, we should get going before the station closes."

"M'kay." You mutter, getting off the seat with a yawn. "Sorry I doze off. What took you long anyway?"

The brunet scratch the back of his head sheepishly. "One of them hid my uniform so I had to look for it."

"Huh, that sucks."

"It was." He laughs. "I found it at one of the crates inside pantry."

You shake your head, chuckling. "Good for you then."

Pranks are a normal occurence within their workplace. It's their way of having fun inside a stressful environmemt. But one of them has to do it on Isogai's overtime, which makes it a little irritating for you who waited for him.

You scoop up the bag Isogai had left up the counter and follows after him, who went straight towards the counter where their manager is, locking up the machines.

"We'll be taking our leave."

Their manager looks up at them with a weary smile. "Be safe, kids."

"We will. Thank you."

"Bring her home safe, alright?"

Isogai just laughs. "I will."

The walk towards the station was a quiet one - as per usual. Isogai is already tired and so are you, leaving no room to make any more conversations. It didn't take a while for the two of to finally board the train - an empty one much to your relief so you took chances to slump at one of the empty seats in exhaustion. Isogai follows after and sat beside you, staying quiet.

All that occupies your mind is sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Thankfully, your day offs are on Sundays so you have enough time to get much rest and do school works.

You took out your earphones to listen to [favorite music/band] and stare outside, watching the Tokyo's city lights flash by. It took you several songs before deciding to pause it to lean against Isogai. Being close friends, you didn't mind the contact and slowly drift to sleep.

It was silent for a moment.


You stirred, never bothering to look up despite hearing him. Isogai must've been checking if you're still awake so you decided to ignore him.

"Um... you awake?"

You heard him sigh after a long silence of ignoring him, pretending to be asleep. "Guess you're asleep."



What was left is the train's noise, and the somewhat cool and peaceful atmosphere it emanates. A gentle smile drifts your lips as you bask in the peacefulness.

"[Name]-san?" or not.

Somehow, his constant callings hinders you from getting the sleep you want. Wasn't he tired?

You heard him chuckle. "Cute." That made your heart flutter. What? There's split second of silence that pass before you hear him sigh. "I wish I could tell you how I feel on person but... will you feel the same way?"

Same way? "I love you." He whispers. "Why is it so hard to tell you that?"



Panic, with the mixture of excitement and happiness flares in your chest. Isogai admitted to loving you, the guy you never thought would reciprocate your feelings, while you pretend to sleep with the earphones off.

Why now? It will be awkward to stop the act now. You suddenly regretted pretending to sleep. Now look what it has brought. You held back a laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, why did I pretend to sleep again?

"โ€”I wasn't supposed to confess like this... but I'm too scared to say it to you awake."

Okay, this is getting more awkward now. Your beating heart continued its pace as he ranted on about his feelings, causing you even more panic. It wouldn't make a perfect time to end the pretense now when he's still speaking while convinced that you're asleep and has music playing on your earphones.

"You're annoying, really."

Oh wait, now he hates me.

"Your laugh. Your smile. Your eyes - God, it was the most adorable thing. Everything about you is just so perfect," Should I wake up now? It would be better to stop this now. "A-And it's very hard to - dammit, do you even know how much I tried to make you notice me?"

What? Your heart sank. He even made an effort to drop hints about his feelings. You frown, wondering when and how he did it because you never really notice his effots.

"Do you feel the same way?"

Yes, I do.

"Can I be your girlfriend?"

YES, dammit.

The train soon halted, followed by the PA system announcing their arrival. This made your heart leap. Shit. Seconds ago, you wanted to open your eyes, but now you wanted the opposite. He'll wake you up and pretend that never happened.

"[Name]-san." Shit. He's waking me up. "We're already here."

Isogai shake your shoulder, completely oblivious to the fact that you're wide awake all these time. "[Name]-san. Wake up."

You rouse, pretending that you had just woken up. And he is deceived. "Hmm?"

"C-Come on."

You follow after the brunet and exit the station. Isogai usually walks you home, especially at this time. Normally, that wouldn't have bothered you but now that you're finally aware of his true feelings, you're starting to see it differently.

He did this, not just out of kindness, but for the fact he loves you.

Now the walk out of the station is even more quiet and awkward than it used to be for you. Isogai, of course, was still completely oblivious. You stare at him, wondering how it'll change the way you'll act around him.

"[N-Name]-chan, are you alright?"

You avoided his gaze with a blushing. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He loves you.

He loves you.

He has feelings for you.

Helovesyouhelovesyouhelovesyou โ€“ you stop on your tracks. He loves you. After all these time, he felt the same. Your heart flutters in elation. Now that you know he felt the same, what must be done

Isogai stop as well, noticing you a few steps behind him. "[Name]-san is?"

Your eyes flickers to him. He is staring back, causing you to blush. "Nothing..." You continue to walk, going ahead of him until reaching your neighborhood and then at the gate of your house. You turn to face Isogai. "So... see you tomorrow?"

He smiled. "Of course."

"T-Take care, alright?"

"I will."

Cue in an awkward silence.

"So... good night?"

You nod and turn hesitantly at the door, still deep in thoughts whilst Isogai stood there, waiting for you to come inside... like a boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to get home safely. Just the thought of it made you warm and giddy on the inside. You like him for a while now and his confession made you really happy.

He deserves to know your feelings as well, you decided.

There is no point in keeping quiet when the feeling is mutual.

"Isogai-kun?" You turn around.

He blinks confusedly at you. "W-What? Did you forget something?"

You swallowed a lump. "I did." and then you walk towards him, mustering up every courage you have.

"What is itโ€“"

Isogai wasn't able to finish his sentence when you plant quick but chaste kiss on his lips.

"Just so you know, I love you too."

He was dumbfounded. "Y-You..."

You giggle, entering the door. "Goodnight."


"Just pick me up tomorrow.".


"Love you!"

You close the front door shut and lean against it, never giving him the chance to say anything else. The frantic beatings in your chest kept you from facing him, especially when you left him hanging there. I can't believe I did that. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Your hands presses on both of your blushing cheeks with an uncontrollable grin breaking out of your lips.

The ringing of your phone brought you out of thoughts. It's came from Isogai. You answered the phone call without hesitation.

"Tell me you're joking."

You laugh. "I'm serious."

The other line was silent for a moment. "Then back at the station...?"

"I heard everything." You admitted. "And yes, I also feel the same way."

"Then," He pauses. You could definitely feel him smiling on the other line. "does... does that makes us a couple now?"

Couple. You sigh at the thought. "Hmm, it depends. Do you... do you want to...?"


You pull the curtains from the window beside the door yo see Isogai still standing to where you last left him with his phone pressed to his ears. The two of you made eye-contact. He smiled.

"Then I'll be your girlfriend."

"So see you tomorrow?"


A few seconds of silence that pass between the two of you, too overwhelmed and astonished to say anything else.ย You don't know what to say, and neither does he. All that made sense right now is their heart beating for one another.

"...I love you."

There is a brief pause.

"I love you too."
