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Number four.

Your gaze wanders around the homeroom, catching sight of your classmates holding up a strip of paper in their hand.

You stare at yours. Group 4.

Dread knots in your stomach. It's exactly your introverted and lazy self fears - where their English teacher decided to 'spice' things up by dividing A-Class via lottery. You hated presentations at the bottom of your heart but everyone doesn't seem to share your sentiments. This is, after all, a class of achievers and they would do everything to pass this class within the best of their abilities.

With a defeated sigh, you saunter away to find your group. Finding them wasn't all too difficult when there are others shouting out the number.

"GROUP 1!"

"All group 3, here!"

Others, however, only raise their fingers corresponding their numbers which is exactly the case to your group. You were about to stroll forward but a familiar mop of brown-hair held you back. Ren Sakakibara.

Your ex-boyfriend.

Of all groups, he has to be sorted to the same one as yours. Talk about luck. With slumped shoulders, you approach the huddled group. "Group 4?"

Ren doesn't seem to notice your presence when he is too busy talking to a girl, a female classmate you know so well; his current girlfriend. You scoff. Look at that fuckboy go.

Asano Gakushuu whip his head towards you. "Yes, this is group 4."

With a curt nod, you occupy the empty seat next to the strawberry blond. The rest of their groupmates glance at the new addition with a kind but strained smile. You smile back, a bit awkward from the uncomfortable silence that follows. It became worse when everyone in the classroom started looking at them as well.

Of course it'll be that way. After all... you risk a glance towards the flirting couple, oblivious to the awkwardness they're giving. It wasn't a secret that you and Ren used to be in a relationship, everybody in this school knows it. You were the girl Ren dated the longest so everyone thought it was serious, until a few weeks ago when you found out he's cheating on you.

He cheated and replaced you with an ugly bitch. That same bitch who was in you group. You felt insulted. I'm way more prettier!

"โ€”And that's about it so I'm giving you fifteen minutes to prepare and discuss about it. You can get creative and use whatever is at your group's disposal as long as it sticks to your topics." You snap out of your thoughts, completely missing the teacher's instructions. "Now you may all begin."

You blink at the teacher and then to your group. "What are we gonna do again?"

Ren was the one who answered. "We were assigned to make a preseโ€“"

But he was ignored. "Sorry, I didn't catch on the last part." You directed the question to Gakushuu. "What is our group's gonna do again?"

Ren pouts. "Snob."

"We're tasked to make a five minute presentation." Gakushuu answers. "And our group got 'adultery' as a topic."
Adultery? For some reason, you find yourself staring at Ren. Heh, what are the odds? Well, you're not saying Ren commit adultery, per se, but it is cheating. And that's what Ren is, minus the married part. You scoff. The roles are finally decided; there's already an adulterer and a mistres in this group.

"S-So... how are we gonna do this, Gakushuu-sama?"

Everyone stares the strawberry blond expectantly; because obviously, he's the only qualifying leader in this group. He smiles and leans back on his chair, arms crossing. "I already have something in mind actually."

"What is it?"

Gakushuu stares at you, making your heart pound in nervousness. Why is he staring? "[Name]-san, you'll be our lead actress."

"Huh?" Your eyes widen in shock. Is he serious?

"The next isโ€”"

"Wait!" You exclaim, cutting him off. "Why me?"

"Excuse me?" Gakushuu asks.

You swallow a lump on your throat before speaking. "I-I don't think I'm perfect for that role."

Gakushuu raises an eyebrow. "But I haven't said anything about your role yet."

"But I'm not a great actress!" You reasoned out. "If anything, [Ren's girlfriend] could do it better!"

"I chose you and that's final." Gakushuu said with a tone of finality and you were immediately left without a choice. There's no defying his decisions.

You slump on your seat. "Okay."

"Ren, on the other hand, will be the lead actor."

Cue in another interference. "What?" Your ex-boyfriend's current girl voiced out, not seeming to agree with the leader's decision. "You're seriously pairing them two?"

Gakushuu only gave her a deadpan look. "Yes, now going onโ€”"

Ren's girlfriend interrupted once again. "But!"

"Any complains Ren?" Gakushuu pressed, annoyed that he had been interrupted thrice.

The brown-haired male shake his head. In point of fact, he looks amused. "None."

Really? You groan internally. While still unconvinced, the girl shuts up, fearing the authority that is their leader. Even you, yourself, cannot interfere nor make complaints. It's not like any of you in the group can do better.

"Why I chose them two is because they're perfect for that role." Gakushuu explains, scrutinizing each of them in the group and catching you roll an eye. "While it would still depend on how the two are gonna carry their roles out, they're, nevertheless, the perfect characters."

What is this guy planning?

Judging from the topic their group was assigned to, you got the feeling this entire play would suck ass. Their leader's smile was enough to prove it.

"Here's what we're going to do..."


"I don't think I can do it."

"It's not that difficult, [Name]-san."

"Easy for you to say!"

You were nervous. Completely and utterly nervous of what's to come, and the leader was only making it worse.

The last groupโ€” the group 3โ€” was almost done with their play; it is a comedic presentation with a flair of horror and drama. You would've enjoyed watching, had you not been zoned out fromย  memorizing your lines and staying cool.

[Color]-eyes swept up to your ex's direction. He's playing it cool. Does it bother him at all?

"Group 4."

You freeze, not noticing the applause of the Group 3's play until their group was finally called. Only did it sunk in when you felt the leader's nudge, signaling the entire group to begin their part. You're not even done complaining yet! The nervousness kept you stiff and everyone's stare made it worse. The silence was something to take notice of because they're expecting it.

"You'll do great." Gakushuu whispers as he brush past you to go to his position.

"I doubt that."

Gakushuu counted in a hushed whisper, nodding at you. "3, 2... 1..."

And so the presentation has begun.

You started doing your part without any option. The story, according to Gakushuu, was simple: You, the lead actress, will play the part of a plain housewife with the lead actos as your husband, Sakakibara Ren; a successful business manager at a company which Gakushuu manages.

"Welcome back... dear." You fought back the cringe as you utter those words.

"'Good evening, honey." He smirks, coming forward with both hands extended.

You back away.

He take a step forward.

You back away again.

It went on, going so awkwardly until Gakushuu coughs, breaking the cycle and finally allowing Ren to pull you in an embrace. No. No. NO! At the corner of your eyes you see Ren's girlfriend glaring daggers at you.

I hate this as much as you do for your information!

The play went smoothly. Every scenes went without a hitch - the transitions were perfect and the lines are delivered clearly and concisely, especially Ren and Gakushuu who carried the entire presentation with their stage presence. Because of them, the play is becoming bearable. You had grown used to the audience after the first few minutes of exposure as you act your part as a plain housewife.

It's even funnier that Ren's girlfriend is being overly dramatic and extra in her part like some actress from Hollywood. You scoff at her.

"We can't be seen like this."

You stare at the two from the background, completely disgusted. They seem to be taking their roles for granted because they're awfully close that it made your blood boil.

"Why don't you just leave her? That would've make things easier for us."

"You know I'm working on it."

"Hmp, really? Maybe you're just afraid leaving that woman."

"You know it's not true. It's you that I love after all..."

You couldn't help but wonder if they're like that too when you and Ren are still together. It reminded you of those memories again. Your fist clench in irritation. The scene finally transitions, signalling your turn.

It is the scene when Ren returned home where you, his poor wife is waiting.ย 

Ren acted all affectionate at you in the scene and then would excuse himself to call the mistress behind your back. That was when you finallyย  confront him.

"You know that's not true!" Was his defensive line. "I only love you."

You held back the urge to scoff as you pretend - keyword tried - to look conflicted. "If that was the case, why are you barely at home?"

"It's because I work for us!"

"But you don't talk to me like you used to."

"That's not true!" Says Ren, pulling you - much to your horror - towards him. "Look you're just being delusional. It's only you who I love."


He cups your chin. You panicked at his gaze. The hell, this is a play! "If that is the case, then I wouldn't have chosen to marry you."

Then... he embraced you. Everything... his acting... his words... If you hadn't known any better, you would have fallen for it. Just how you've been when the two of you are still together. Ren would really make a great actor. The impact among the audiences could attest to that.

This is not a soap opera. Stop taking this seriously.

"I love you," He said, loudly this time for the audiences to hear. "Do you feel the same?"

"I-I..." You choke on the words, unable to say anything. It's just a script, how hard can it be to say those three simple words?

Say it. He mouthed encouragingly. This is only a play. Play along.

"I... l-love... you too..."

Skipping forward the play, it finally reached to the climax where you finally caught your so-called husband and his mistress together. And now you had to act as the raging wife.

For grades. The inner you reminded. Gakushuu gave you an encouraging glance and you inhaled deeply.

"Ren..." You began, a betrayed look on your face. "What is the meaning of this?"

They even had the audacity to look so shocked,ย  urging you to punch the daylights out of them. Ren, the worst of all, even dares to mask a guilty look like he's the innocent one.

"How could you?" You said with the most dramatic sotto voce.

You could feel him grip your shoulders. "Wait, I can explainโ€”"

"โ€”Save it, Ren!" You cut him off, pulling of the best, expression of pain. "I don't wanna hear any more excuses. I'm done hearing them."


You laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Somehow, everything was awfully similar to that very day you caught him cheating on you; to the same woman playing the role of a mistress right now, clinging behind him as you lash out.

Just ridiculous.

"I... they warned me about this happening. And I didn't believe them because I..." You restrain the urge to cringe. "I know that you love me but..."

The mistress snorted.

"You told me to not worry, Ren. You told me that you've been working hard for us and I believed you! So why... why?"

"Why? I fell out of love."

Your eyes widened. It was also the same thing he said at the breakup.

"...I grew tired and she made me better."

It was exactly the same lines! Unpleasant memories came rushing into you. On that day when he left saying those words without having the chance to hear yours. Your knuckles were clenched hard that it almost turned white.

"That's why you cheated?" You laughed, unable to contain the tears any longer.

"Yes. You're just too boring for me."

Wow. Just wow. "You're pathetic."

No, I'm pathetic. A part of you convinced that it is just a play but the other didn't. You wanted to say so many things. You wanted to release out your pain and frustrations to him.

"Hah." The mistress scoffs. "You're the pathetic one here if anything! Just face it hun, I'm better."

"Better at spreading your legs?" You quipped. "Yeah, hun. Bitches are majors at that after all. It's no wonder about that."

She gasps. "What did you say?"

"Of course you wouldn't understand. Spreading legs is the only thing you know."

"Che, that just goes to prove how boring you are! It's no wonder he cheated!"

Oh no she didn't. You slap the girl. Hard. The gasp from the audience went unheard as you watch the snake stumble in Ren's arms. Nobody moved an inch. You look at them and then to your trembling hands, still shocked that you went overboard.ย 

"Hey, you are going too far!" Ren says.

His girlfriend recovers herself and screeches. "Lemme at her!"

It was at that moment you knew that this is the real deal as the woman tackles you on the ground. She is angry. For real.

Ren tries pulling both girls apart but it was no use.ย  Neither party was relenting, even if you struggled under the mistress' grasp. You growl and landed a hard kick on her stomach and retaliated by grabbing her hair to drag her across the floor. Theย  class hollers at the intense scene, still under the impression that it was an act.

Your groupmates who knew what was really happening came forward to stop but Gakushuu held them back.

"But they're fighting!"

Gakushuu shake his head. "Let Ren handle it."

True to his words, Ren did manage to restrain his beat up girlfriend. "LET GO OF ME!"

"Calm downโ€“"


You laugh at the mistress' deranged expression. "Heh, you can't even do shit."


Her words did hurt but you finally made a decision. You stand strong and lift your chin up. "I'm glad he did. Now I knew better."

He's not worth it.

Something within Ren changes and takes a step forward to reach out to you. "[Name]-san..."

But you slapped Ren before he could say anything else and smiled. His stunned look is satisfying.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" His mistress shrieked.

"Fuck you both to hell."

"You're just bitterโ€“"

You slapped the noisy bitch next. Ren frowns and stood between the two of you. "[Name], you're being too much."

"And cheating behind my back isn't?"

He sputters. "B-But it doesn't mean you have to resort to violence!"

"Your mistress is the one who started it." You smiled. "And I only defended myself from her and her bullshits."

Ren scoffs. "You're crazy. It's only right that I left."

"No, you're just a cheating bastard." You said. "And yes, it's right for you to leave. You ain't worthย  a dime anyway."

You walk out the scene, too angry and frustrated. Gakushuu was waiting at the side, ready to congratulate you for a job well done but that didn't happen when you pull him towards you and kissed him. Cue in utter chaos. Everyone was screaming, obviously surprised at how the scene turned out. But the teacher wasn't, complaining at the profanities it includes.

Screw them all.

"Still think I'm boring?" You told the gobsmacked Ren. "Well, suck it because I just replaced you with your boss!"

"This isn't part of the script." Gakushuu states, a bit stunned.

"Sorry." You whisper.

Gakushuu could only sigh. It was safe to say that everyone was convinced that it was only a play. Well... except the part that you were under the wrath of Gakushuu's fangirls.

You turn to Ren's direction. He's staring at you, still stunned at everything that's happening. Was that pain and regret you see in his eyes? No, you shake your head in denial. Bastards like him has no heart to begin with.

"[Name]-chan." He approaches you.

"Look, just leave before your girlfriend sees us and cause a scene again."

Ren bit his lips, holding back the words he's supposed to say. "N-Nevermind. Just..." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry."

"It still hurts you know." You admitted. "But... if you're happy with your choice. I can respect that. I hope you become happy with what you did."


"Save it." You cut him off. "You don't deserve a chance. Just... leave me alone..."

He stares at you, hesitating. "...okay."

"Though, I still hope you rot in hell."

He laughs. "I know. I deserve it."

"REN!" His girlfriend appears, linking her arms protectively at him and gave you a hostile glare. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Closure. Don't worry. I won't bother anymore..." You walk away from them with a heavy heart. Deep inside, you still have feelings for Ren but as it stands, he's not the right one.

Who knows, the one might just be around.
