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agisa slumps at one of the boutique's cushion seats in exasperation.

He was tired and hungry.

This had been the hundredth boutique - one of the perks, and probably a disadvantage of having a wealthy childhood friend - they've been, enslaved with the responsibility of carrying the shopping bags you've bought from the last few stores.

But you show no sign of finishing anytime soon and it's killing him.

"Are you done?"

"Wait!" He heard you say behind the stalls of the fitting room.

"I'm getting hungry now."

"Yes I know," You muttered dryly. "You've been telling me that for the past few hours already."

"Well, you dragged me here on a Saturday morning without letting me eat anything so what so you expect?"

You laugh behind the stall. "That's becase I wanted to spend time with my best friend!"

"That's just an excuse to slave me with your shopping bags." He mumbles.

"Ouch." You place your hand over your chest, mocking hurt. "Is that what you really think about me?"

Nagisa laughs. "Maybe."

This always happens - having him as your chaperone everytime you go shopping. He always had the option to refuse you but he didn't and still choose to accompany you today. Not because Nagisa considers you his best friend or anything, it's for another reason entirely.

And that is being in love with you.

Yes, Nagisa Shiota is in love with your rich ass and you have no idea. He's totally simping for you. I mean, how can he refuse that beautiful smile of yours? It's to irresistible and precious. It needs to be protected at all cost.

"Wait, this is the last one."

The pastel-haired boy groans, not believing the words you said. He knew it's a lie and that you're gonna spend another extra minutes trying ot another clothes.

I love you but, this is getting to much. "[Name]-chan, can I just wait for you at the food court instead?"

"HEY WAIT!" You exclaim, stopping him. "I thought we'll be eating together?"

The male was still occupying the same place when your head pokes out the door to check him, who is giving you a blank look. "I'll wait for there. You know I won't eat without you."

"But... But you're the only one I know who can say what clothes suits me!" You whine behind the stalls, once again conflicting the blunette.

Everything suits you, thought Nagisa. "You have female friends to ask that."

"But there's just you."

Of course. "Why does it have to me anyway? I mean you have dozen fashion guru friends who will enjoy shopping more than I did."

"Why not you?"

There are more than a reason to list, though he chose to state the obvious "I'm not even a woman."

"You aren't?"

"Well I can but- Hey!" Ouch, that sort of hurts.

You let out a laugh. "I'm just kidding!"

"[Name]!" He groans.

"Well, everyone of them is currently unavailable today-"

"All of them?" He raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, and then there's you so I thought why not ask to accompany me to go shopping? I mean, you're more fun to than them so it's much better!"

More fun than them. Nagisa blushes. "Y-You think so?"


"You just wanted me to carry your shopping bags."

"No am not!"

"Yeah, sure."

Pouting, you retreated back in the fitting room, not choosing to say anything else. Nagisa waited once again as you change into another set of clothes. It's twelve o'clock by then and he's now getting hungrier.

"[Name]?" He calls softly.

There was no reply.

When he tried calling you the second time, the door finally threw open and you came out wearing one of the boutique's latest trends; a long-sleeved, champagne sheer top and a turquoise high-waisted shorts. It took Nagisa's breath away, and like a spell, dissipating every ounce of exasperation he have felt.

"So... how do I look?"

The answer is obvious. "It's pretty."

"I know, aren't I always?"


"I'm just kidding but seriously, I want an honest answer, Nagi-kun. How do I really look?"

"Like I said, you're pretty and has always been no matter kinds of clothes you wear."

"So I really am pretty, huh?"

The blunet avoids your gaze, blushing. "Y-Yes."

"Do you really think so?"

Nagisa's face continues to turn a darker shade of red.

"It's not the comment I was looking for but it made my day!" You chuckle. "Thanks Nagi-kun. It makes me want to try out those clothes over there! Do you think I should-"

"NO!" Nagisa exclaims, earning a startled look from you. He recoils, blushing once again. "You're- I, uh... what I mean is... you already look beautiful. The outfit suits you perfectly! W-Why change them?"

"Probably because I still have many other clothes to try out?"

A cloud of frustration fell upon Nagisa. "Please... no..."

"Eh, why?"

"Because-" He was too caught up gazing in your eyes to even remember what he was supposed say.

It's irresistible.

Then he heard you laughing. His blue turns to yours slowly, eyes meeting. They say it's a window of one's soul, and yours were always full of mirth. Perhaps it makes the reason why Nagisa had grown so attracted to you; it's that unique characteristic of yours that draws him to you.

"And I was actually thinking of trying the rompers out but if Nagi-kun says so..." You scamper back to the fitting room with a shrug, earning you a sigh of relief from Nagisa.

"Finally..." He mutters.

Just as he thought the suffering had finally end you chose to remember something. "-Wait!"


You poke your head on the stall's door. "Before I forget."

Then a clothing was hurled towards Nagisa's face. He bunch them in his hands and pales as soon as he realize what it is. "[Name]..."

"I bet it would look cute on you!"

He grimace. "No. I refuse."

"Pretty please?"


"With cherries and sprinkles on top?"


"I won't take any picture, promise!"

"Still no."

"Just try it or you'll carry the shopping bags home!"

Nagisa sighs, not the least affected. "Don't I always?"

"But I will make an exception!" You declared. "Wear this and I won't let you touch the shopping bags again, and treat you Sushi for lunch. It's a promise! Sounds good?"

Damn it. Now it's an offer he couldn't refuse. Dignity or sanity?

In the end, Nagisa couldn't still resist your charms and succumb to your request - much to his chagrin. You waited at one of the couches, bubbling in anticipation. The male refused your assistance in wearing the clothing so you waited outside.

"You done?"

The blunet did not reply.


"I look ridiculous in this." Said Nagisa.

You squealed. "Lemme see!"

"No!" Nagisa exclaimed, too embarrassed to show himself. "This is stupid. I'll go change..."

"But Nagisa!" You held the knob of the fitting room, smirking triumphantly. It was unlocked. "I'm coming in~"

Before the blunet could protest, you barge inside the cubicle. And you are in for a great surprise, because in front of you stands the cutest person.

"Oh, you're too cute!"

Nagisa blushed in embarrassment. "[NAME]!"

You roll your eyes. "Nagisa, we've been together since what? Kindergarten? We've been best friends, and known each other for as long as we remember. Heck, we even bathe together-"

"Enough!" He exclaim, cutting you off. "This isn't funny."

"I'm sorry, I was just joking around!"

Nagisa frowns, how can you be so... oblivous? It was frustrating him. "Well, I'm not."

Why can't you see that I'm a male?Why can't you see that I love you?

An awkward silence barriers the two of you. Perhaps you went a little too far this time. "Nagi-kun..."

"What am I to you?"

The question took you by surprise. Nagisa's gaze hardened, the softness in them long gone as it pins over your confused ones. What am I to him?

A nervous laugh rattles on your lips. "What... What do you mean by that?"

"Just answer the question."

His gaze intensified, settling an uncomfortable feeling in you. While the question was completely strange and uncalled for, it alluded something entirely different. What are we?

What am I to him?

"We're..." You drawl out nervously. "We're best friends of course."

"What do you think of me?"

You stare at Nagisa. There was sullenness from the way he asked it. Though the question never really occur to you since none of his appearance matter. You were just too comfortable being in his presence, and his traits are lovable. It made you fall in love.

"Well, there a lot to list..."

"And is looking like a female one of them?" The bluenette interrupted, ensuing yet another silence.

Your mouth parted open. It finally made sense to you. So that's how it is. "That's..."

He looks away, expression still sullen. "Forget I asked that."

Your gaze fell to the ground. "Sorry."

Nagisa forced out a smile. "You don't have to. It's not your fault." It's not your fault that I look like this.

"Yes it is!" You cried, holding his wrist. This brought him by surprise. "I was too insensitive. I never thought about what you felt and always hurted you without realizing it. I'm such a horrible best friend!"

He frown. "[Name], you really don't have to say that."

"Enough with the bullshit Nagisa, I already know what's going on and I'm not gonna let this slide."

"[Name], it's really okay..."

"No it's not-"

You were cut off by his soft lips collided to yours, silencing you. An explosion of feelings bursts inside you as his lips moved. It was very sweet and heart melting.

"Nagisa..." You breathed out as Nagisa parts away. "What was..."

"I-I can't shut you up so..." Nagisa blushed. "I have to."


"Why did you do that?"

"Why did I?" A soft chuckle escape Nagisa's lips. "I love you." Your heart pounded at his confession. "...I've always been since we were kids. But you seem to view me as a female so I guess I have no chance?"

You lift his chin to meet your gaze. "You... love me?"

"I-I always do..." He stutters, blushing. "It never changed even if you made me carry your shopping bags."

You smile, pulling him in an embrace. "I've always felt the same way."

His eyes widened. "R-Really?"

"I just don't have the courage to say it, and dragging you to shopping is the only way I could think of."

"And let me carry all the bags?"

You laugh. "What? It makes me feel special! Besides, I don't want anyone tagging along with us."



"So what are we?"

You blink, arms still wrapped around each other. "What do you think?"

"Then will you be my girlfriend?"

You gave Nagisa a peck in the lips. "Does that give you the answer?"

Then the couple pulls each other for another kiss, even more intimate than the previous. He pushes you into the wall, deepening the kiss.

It could've been perfect. Very special had not been for the dress he still wears and the door that is slightly ajar, revealing themselves making out to a few people present in the boutique.

The End.
